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Boba Fett Model


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i think your gpoin to have to wait for that because ive seen no commercials with him saying anything and i dont think anyone will be releasing any clips till after clones is out but i might be wrong but i looked for awhile and didnt find any

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are they already, or is the visors on the models going to use a glass type shader? Thats probably the only one you would need on boba unless there is a really dull looking metal type one.:D I think thats all the Q3 one used. It looked spiffy with the shiny visor part.:cool:

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I want to thank you all for the name submissions. Ill be honest, some have been great, and some have been, well, not so great. Personally im leaning far away from using a the last name 'Fett' for any of the other warriors, frankly because i feel to do so would further stereotype the mandalorians. I think its naive to believe that just because the only two wearers of mandalorians we know of are father and son, and bear the same surname, that the entire armor consisted of the same family tree =P


fully agreed!


Afterall, Jodo Kast (who even though his costume sucks, would be cool if you guys did)... donned the Mandalorian Armor and did go by a different name.


In the SW universe Kast didn't always impersonate Fett either and such. In one of the Books... "Tales from the Empire", there was a short story by Zahn and Stackpole where he 'sort of' made an appearance.


But all in all etc, a very semi helpful supportive reason not to go by the Fett name. ^.^

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to the fart knockers who recommended the vader model and jango should be released together should retract it and stfu in future matters.. we want it when tis done.. Im sure i can speak for the other 80% of us out there that we want hte modle when its done..nuff said

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well the visor shader is most likely the only one that is going to go on Boba, but i am going to experiment with the shader im using on th others, as i may be able to dull it down a bit. we'll see how it turns out.


as far as the sound clips, i just used a combination of shadowtrooper and stormtrooper sounds for now, since they offer the muffled, intercom-ish sound that you'd expect from the helmet. For Jango's taunt, im currently using "Everything i under control here" but that may not be permanant.


For boba's taunt, i think ill use "i take it you have no love for the empire" from the xmas special, simply because it has the best quality and relatively low background noise.


Ive made a decision about the skins. rather than do red and blue skins for each character (which would make the package approx 60MB, given the ridiculous size of .TGA files) im going to have Jango Fett, Boba Fett, the Crimson, Yellow, Black and Blue warriors selectable in Single player. for the red team, you'll be able to use the crimson warrior, and for the blue team you'll be able to select the blue warrior. Its just the easiest, most efficient way to do it.


My email address is Absath@ignmail.com if anyone wants to contact me, or send me anything.




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Hey Absath, if you get a chance, go to your local comic shop and pic up (Jango Fett: Open Seasons).


They show a plethora of Mandalorian armor as worn by the original Mandalorian Commandos. I really like the color schematic for the "villian". It sports black armor plating. Looks really nice. I like the fact that he doesnt wear his helmet either. The Mandalorians have it going on too. Besides color ideas, it makes a good read.

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ok just a quick update: ive chosen two of the names for the warriors. The crimson one will be named Khyron Jinn, courtesy of Ten Tigers. And the Yellow one will be named Dun Setta, a combination of names provided by PiousAugustus_99. Congrats guys. You'll get a shout-out in the readme, and everyone will be playing mandalorians with your names.


Im still looking for names though...I have to check with Bloodriot and see if he wants to name the Black armored one himself, since its his personal warrior, but there is still the blue one running around nameless...




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Might be able to get a sound byte from the offical web site on Jango. In one of the video's/commercials, he says something to the effect of "Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi".


Not sure if ya can somehow copy that out of there.

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Originally posted by Evan Nash



Sounds like Qui-Gon Jinn...




Maybe a more original last name? =p


And for the blue one, how about "Nave Jatuk"?


That first name wouldn't happen to have any correlation to "Evan," now would it? ;)


I think that "Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi would work well if someone could get the sound off of the Obi-Wan EP2 commercial.

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some thought on the coloring for the black/red red/black and yellow/green mandalorians.


black/red, give his red suit some black like the militay camo cause it seems a bit to red.


red/black, not real sure about it but maybe some scratches on the armor to give him some personality.


yellow/green, make his whole under suit green (in the pics it looks like the top is green and the rest is grey) and darken the yellow to almost a dark mustard color.


an i dea for the blue one you said you might do. give him i light blue/grey under suit with royal blue armor.


and maybe give the unnames mandalorians atleast one holster for there guns.




P.S. Lets call the blue one Royal (no i don't want him named after me at all LOL)

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Shame about the team colours thing, I normaly get a huge compression on the tga files when placed in a pk3 - about 73% :bossk: . If there is still a model to be named again I suggest:








(not all original I know)


Absath, you didn't say - does the force speed effect turn white?

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