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Boba Fett Model


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Dont mind the little kids absath and blood, they are obviously spoiled rotten and are used to having their parents give in to whatever they want, or cry untill they do. Do it your own way (which im sure you are already). You've got alot of support and praise from us who appreciate your efforts in enchancing the JK2 community. Im sure this model/skin will be a hit !

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I've been reading the thread since it began and have all the teasers you have posted.


At the moment all I want is Boba but I'm sure once I've seen EP2 on Sunday I will want them both...


Anyway just wanted to say GREAT WORK!!!!


With guys like you creating models like this and a whole host of mappers creating new levels JK2 is never likely to diminish and die as so many games do!

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just take all the time you need to finish the models and skins. no need to hurry. but i can understand that some people get freaky with ep 2 in cinemas and all this star wars stuff around.

of course i want to have the models too, but what are they worth when you don't like what you have done, so take all the time you need to make them perfect.

well, i was in the midnight-showing of the movie, so one of the first to see that film (sorry, just had to tell that).

anyway, just do the modding as long as you enjoy it, when someone gets on your nerves, let them wait longer:D

good night

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:atat: This models going to be friggen amazing but I think you should take your time as well. what would be the the point of waiting all this time for a crappy model. will you be posting it on jk2ed.jediknightii.net?


Hey if you guys haven't downloaded the dismemberment mod yet you should it's friggen amazing. you can cut guys in half and cut off their heads. I'm working on putting it into multiplayer. anyway's keep up the goo work.

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Originally posted by Absath

chill out before we decide not to release these models at all. we'll release them when they're ready. i don't want to see one more demand for release.


I've enjoyed yours and Bloodriot's work until THIS point. First off, you two did a great job with the model and the skin. HOWEVER! This model is not just the work of you alone. Countless others have participated in your work and have contributed greatly. Many others have helped you in overcoming some obsticles. This is after all a public forum and a public thread. So YOU DO NOT HAVE THE ULTIMATE SAY!


It is true that it is your work and you get to decide what to do with it in the end, and you have every right to hold and make it as perfect as you want, but it is extremely rude and insulting for you to THREATEN US. I personally would love to have the moel and have it in a most perfect form, but for you to threaten us with "NOT TO RELEASE THESE MODELS AT ALL" ??? I know many others like and want this model very much, but with that kind of attitude, I"m sure many others who are not posting agree that your behavior is quite immature and pathetic. You can always try a nice approach and repsond kindly. There is no need to command us to stop "demand for release". These fans are calling for the release because they love your work and are eager to praise it. But if you're going to threaten us, be rude and act as if your a dictator. HOLD THE MODELS, DELETE THEM. See who suffers more. We didn't waste many hours of our life making it, you did! I"m sure you want something good to come out of this instead of anger and frustration.

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Originally posted by MR523432534


I've enjoyed yours and Bloodriot's work until THIS point. First off, you two did a great job with the model and the skin. HOWEVER! This model is not just the work of you alone. Countless others have participated in your work and have contributed greatly. Many others have helped you in overcoming some obsticles. This is after all a public forum and a public thread. So YOU DO NOT HAVE THE ULTIMATE SAY!


It is true that it is your work and you get to decide what to do with it in the end, and you have every right to hold and make it as perfect as you want, but it is extremely rude and insulting for you to THREATEN US. I personally would love to have the moel and have it in a most perfect form, but for you to threaten us with "NOT TO RELEASE THESE MODELS AT ALL" ??? I know many others like and want this model very much, but with that kind of attitude, I"m sure many others who are not posting agree that your behavior is quite immature and pathetic. You can always try a nice approach and repsond kindly. There is no need to command us to stop "demand for release". These fans are calling for the release because they love your work and are eager to praise it. But if you're going to threaten us, be rude and act as if your a dictator. HOLD THE MODELS, DELETE THEM. See who suffers more. We didn't waste many hours of our life making it, you did! I"m sure you want something good to come out of this instead of anger and frustration.



Oh wow, did you just say that? You should rethink everything you just said, people spent max 15 mins with helping them, they have spent probably OVER 3 weeks worth in TOTAL time (yes i know its been in the making longer, i mean time wise all together) Where do you get to say what they do with THEIR model. They delete it then it's because of stupid people like you. So just STFU and sit down!

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Originally posted by omses

Oh wow, did you just say that? You should rethink everything you just said, people spent max 15 mins with helping them, they have spent probably OVER 3 weeks worth in TOTAL time (yes i know its been in the making longer, i mean time wise all together) Where do you get to say what they do with THEIR model. They delete it then it's because of stupid people like you. So just STFU and sit down!


Rethink what I said?, ha, how old are you? Either that or you're just uneducated. Speak intelligently, don't just insult others or try to silence them, we all have our voices. What I said was true. So what if they spent over 3 weeks, if they're going to threaten us with it, then their motives aren't pure anymore. First they were going to make it for the fans, now it's "NOPE, no more release unless my 'demands' are met." That's just wrong. Well if they do really feel so strongly about the eager demands of some people who appreciate their work. That's just sad. Do people have make such demands because they don't care about the model, NO, but they are doing so because THEY DO CARE.

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ROFL. ok. lets start digging into this little gem-of-a-post. Btw, welcome to the JK2 forums MR523432534, or whoever you are but were too scared to use your real posting alias.


"its not just your work, countless others have helped you overcome obstacles." Countless? maybe countless with a kindergarten education. I can count the amount of people who contributed to this model outside of Bloodriot and myself on one hand, and still have enough fingers left over to gesture rudely in your direction.


"you do not have the ultimate say!" Hehehe guess again. We sure do.


"hold the models, delete them, see who suffers!" hehe the community suffers. We certainly won't be in any agony, running around JK2 with our spiffy mandalorian models


"you have no right to threaten and make demands on us!" I do if I show up on this thread daily to give updates, and all i see is "You said i could go see AOTC and come home and DL the model! WTF is it?" and "release the model now!". We don't have to put up with that abuse. We spend time on these models to contribute to the community, and because we love to do it. But neither of us want to be badgered about releasing a model thats still being worked on.


We do have a right to hold our model hostage if thats what it takes to keep this thread in line. If you want to act like children, we must treat you like children.


of course i dont want to hold the model back. I would love to release it to the community. But its not worth it to us if the community is going to treat us like $h**


and i dont believe that crap for a second that "oh they are demanding and screaming because they care" thats ridiculous. The people who care are the ones stopping by thread every day to say "looking good" and "keep up the good work" and "take your time" Thats the real support right there. Those are the people we're doing this for.


posters like MR523432534 are the reason i wish i could hand this model out on a person by person basis, based on IP addresses. that way i could insure that the jerks didnt get our model =P


*sigh* whatever.




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I think i might have thought up a way to solve the pinstripe, and arrows on the helmet absath. It would take a little bit of work probably but if you are anal retentive about things I know you would probably like to here.:D If the stripes, and arrows are done as a seperate section on the skin thats just black all that would have to be done is map out the lines, and arrows from that like the normal models do with parts of accessories surfaces, so that its acualy a seperate image over the helmet. that way it wouldnt blend.:)


Probably wouldnt be to easy to pull off, but it would give it that last bit of detail thats been left out because of problems.:)

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Wow... i turn my back for 5 minutes and someone already F@rted inside the elevator right after the doors close.


Ok... just stop by to say that boba has a cape on his back on the left side and a braid hanging on the right side of his shoulder.


If you want pics you better treat Absath nice cuz he's moody and might not wanna post'em :p


C'mon... Let's all behave nicelly and I'm sure everybody will get the model when it's ready.



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It is unfortunate that people give you sh*t for not releasing a model, we all know that you two took a great deal of time to carve out n' paint that thing. I'm sure they [Absath and Bloodriot] made 'em because they like doing so and want to contribute to the community, not for personal profit (though maybe a lil fame ;)) and we should respect that and let them release it when they feel it is ready, not us. After all, they are the ones that made em, I don't see why they can't keep back a model to polish it up, even if it is delayed a couple of days. My 2 cents.

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