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Boba Fett Model


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Great art is worth the wait, and Blood's and Abs model is just that, Great art


And on that thought, They've put countless hours into their model. The eventual release of their model will add another cog into a community that seems to be coming together nicely. Guys, take all the time in the world, I'm pretty new to modeling, but not to art. People have to realise that when you put so much time into a project like this, it becomes more then just model, or a addon for a game, but something very special to the individuals working on it. I'm a perfectionist (almost to a fault) but anyone can easially apprishate the fact that they dont want to (and of cource have the right to) release what they feel isn't complete, or up to their high standards, until they feel it's absolutely perfect.


And to Mr.whatever his name is, and anyone else who feels they are "Owed" this model for some reason, if you can't wait patiently, then go ahead and do it yourself, make your own Boba/Jango. I for one will wait for greatness


Keep up the great work Ab and Blood! Everyone here supports you (And the VAST majority will be patient for greatness)


Peace :)

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They do not owe us anything. I would on the other hand be quite dissapointed to not see this model. I don't have a problem with it not coming out yet. I'd rather have a good model that took a while thena quick sloppy model.


Keep up the good work Bloodriot and Absath, your doing great. I wish I could skin/model half as well as you guys can. Thanks for your hard work.

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Hey Bloodriot and Absath,


Just wanted to say this, it'a little overdue. Great Job guys, you really raised the bar on user made models and skinning with the Fett boys! I've been here watching this post and Sithlord's from the beginning and I must apologize that I have not posted sooner with my praise and adoration for your ongoing project. I felt that I would only place more undue pressure on you guys, but I now realize that you need and love to hear the positive feedback from the members, so with that, accept my most earnest apologies. You guys rock! :D


And to MR523432534, you want to know how old I am before I lay into you? I'm 24. So with that being said. You must have some clue as to how the real world works, right? I mean, you have ventured out of your parents basement at least a few times right? Look, these guys have lives outside of modeling Mandalorian warriors for Video game freaks like you and me. They have jobs, social lives (PM me if you don't know what one of those is, it seems likely you don't), families, and I'm pretty certain the desire to sit back occasionally and relax.


So, how do you propose that they don't have the right to say "please respect us by not demanding we release the models or we won't realease them at all"? Personally, seeings how we haven't paid them one red cent for their work, they have used their own facilities, software and hardware to develop the models, And most impotantly, they have shed their own blood, sweat and tears on this project, it would seem that they have every right, and after reading your post, every reason to follow through with their "threat". These guys have listened to every one of our cries for "MORE SCREENSHOTS" and the "WHEN'S IT GOING TO BE RELEASED" posts time and time again, and yet, until just recently, have only responded with the utmost politeness and restraint. Even though they were frustrated as hell when they were having major headaches along with Sithlord-II pertaining to the importing of their model ingame.


Actually when it comes right down to it, you sir, are the immature one, placing your demands on Bloodriot and Absath. It would seem that you are crying out for attention, making your pathetic attempt at life known to all around you, hoping that your misplaced angst would be mistaken for charisma and muchissmo. When in fact it has only served to alienate you all the more from the world you're trying so desperately to fit into.


Might I suggest that you step outsight into the sunlight, go get a job, then go to a club, coffeehouse or bar and interact with people face to face and experience life. Perhaps then you may develop the people skills which you so obviously lack and gain an understanding of the reality that we all exist in, so that you may come back here and apologize to the community for your ignorance and contempt for human decency!

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I think MR523432534 would have been fine with a simple "please respect us by not demanding we release the models". I think it was just the implied threat of punishment otherwise, that irked him.


Partly because there is an implied freedom of speech, despite this being a private forum, (as anybody can register to post here.) And partly because it would annoy the community no end, if we all missed out on downloading these fantastic models because other people kept badgering the guys...


I agree that there was no real need for his outburst, but there was also really no need for you to flame him either... Lets just try to keep it all friendly, eh? :)


PS. Nice work on the Mandallorian models guys:


"We'll be watching your career with great interest..." :emperor:


*** SPOILER WARNING : On the next page of this thread, Jango_Fett91 spoils part of Attack of the clones... ***



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Ok heres some updated pictures for everyone. As I still havent found a new picture host, you may have to refresh a few times, or cut and paste the link minus the http://


Jango and Boba:



The other Mandalorians:



we're getting close guys. not too much longer.




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Well, I have been following this thread almost from the beginning, but somewhy haven't posted a single message this far.

I just want to say that Absath and BloodRiot are making this far on my opinion the best models/skins for JO. Great job indeed.


Keep up the good work!



Edit: Well, seems like Absath just posted some more shots. And, they look fantastic. I don't want to rush, but I so want to get those soon.

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Originally posted by Ex-Dragon

None of the pics are working for me. :(


It wasnt working for me either. Neither cliking the link or copy pasting. So what I did was I right clicked the link and did "Save As" and stored it in my documents as a jpeg file. Then I opened it from there and didnt have a problem. Give that a try...

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Now for a little gratuitous praise....



The Mandalorians look HOT. I see you ditched the white and gold one for a grey and gold. Which is kool. I am pretty much getting everything I could ask for out of this pack and more. I cant wait to see how you guys animated Boba's cape. This is a true piece of art. And I must say that the blue one turned out MUCH better than I imagined. It screams "Im a bada$$ marine"!!!


P.S. Khyron looks schweet!!!

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Originally posted by Ten Tigers


It wasnt working for me either. Neither cliking the link or copy pasting. So what I did was I right clicked the link and did "Save As" and stored it in my documents as a jpeg file. Then I opened it from there and didnt have a problem. Give that a try...


Yeah I tried that too......it didn't work. My computer didn't download anything.

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Uhm EX-dragon it aren't the models. Absath posted some pics now downloadable models.


Absath: these models look $W€€T. Can't wait to have them in my base directory. I'm gonna dream about kicking some ass with those 6. :D

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After seeing Ep. 2, the anticipation is even more killer! Sweet stuff guys, seems like we get a new warrior every couple of days. I don't know what else to say without being repetative, so...yeah. Great work!

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Two things -


1) Just to dredge up the whole demands/threats thing again, speaking as someone who has been following this thread since day one and someone who has actually contributed to this model I say the next demand or flaming post criticising Absath or BloodRiot for wanting to get these skins top notch should be met with a total news blackout. One more "I want now! Why isn't it out yet?" post and I think Absath and BloodRiot should just stop posting on this thread and release the models when they damn well feel like it, not when trolls demand them.


2) BloodRiot & Absath - these models look like they are not only going to be better than all the other user created ones, but better even than most of the Raven made ones that shipped with the game. Bravo! Keep up the excellent work and take as long as you like to get the models to a point where you are happy with them. Don't feel rushed or pressured - they are your models, so only release them when YOU are happy with them.





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Sweetness! These models are quite possibly the most anticipated to be released. One question though, not sure if this has been asked before, but are you guys planning to make Jango's blaster as a replacement for the regular blaster pistol? :D

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Well its gonna be soon. This weekend at some point if we can make it happen. There are only some very minor things that need to be done, after which we'll test for a few hours, and then release them. We're going to get it as close to perfect as we can, and then move on.


Jango and all the other ones are still shiny, but screen captures dont do them any justice.


On a different note....the package is going to be rather large =P expect to be downloading about 10MB. I know its alot, and its painful for those on dialup (myself included :mad: ) but its the easiest way for everyone in the long run. Everyone will download the same package, have all the same warriors, and so therefore it will be easier to find a server where you can actually use these models.


Also, pertaining to the map which hasn't been mentioned recently, Im going to dive into it tonite, and see what i can get done. The skinning, botfiles and taunts, all the stuff that was on my end, is finished. So while Bloodriot tweaks the right leg, and Boba's cape, im going to see if i can get a neat little map put together.


Stay tuned.



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1. I do agree maybe what I said made you guys feel as if I'm unappreciative of what you two working hard for, but that wasn't my goal, and I'm sorry. I personally have nothing against your work; however, for you to stifle the interest and eagerness of another fan is just rude.


2. I did not once demand what you should do with your model. They were all mere possiblities and if-then conditions. I also did not "act like children", someone else was being treated by you rudely and unfairly. I was just defending him.


3. What you've done so far is great and I'd love to see you two release it, but just be kind to one another...

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