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Boba Fett Model


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looking nice guys. From the shots he looks a little thin... but that might be the angle in the game. i am liking the skins a bit more but they still lack in detail in some areas... and it looks like the mapping is a bit warped here and there. But yeah I could say this is one cool model that i WILL download.



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cant see them either! :(

i bet it has something to do with timeing or location.

yah if someone else downloads and then re-uploads them somewhere else it would be very helpfull!


good job Abs/Bloodroit (even though i cant see them, i know there great!)

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Damn havn't been online for a few days and it looks like the tread is ready to goto war LOL. I wasn't able to see the pics eaither but since the models will be done soon it dosn't mater but if anyone aved the pics as i have been doing could you please mail them to me soutmezguine@juno.com. Asbath Bloodriot you guys are digital gods.




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Smuggler Crits are to help, not hinder...


Looking great guys. Blood, The UV stuff can still be tweaked a bit if you wish to, but I'm not sure if it would get in the way of al the weighting and stuff you've already done... This games a bit mean spirited to modelers...




Edit/ Blood you gonna release a SDK of this model? Just wondering...

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I have DSL so my computer downloads hella fast. I saw episode 2 and wen jango's head was cut off, you can see boba fett crying on jango's (boba's father)helmet and so in episdoe 3, boba fett kills mace windu, in strike of revenge for the FETT'S!!!!! Jango&Boba RULE!!!!!!!

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:jango: I'm new to this board and everything, but i've gotta say that Absath and Bloodriot are the most talented skin creators i've ever seen. I've checked out your progress from the first page of this topic and...it was amazing. Like everyone else i can't wait til the skins come out! AH!
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Are u retarded Jango, some people havent seen the movie. You just spoiled it for many people. What is your problem man... Think before you talk, and becides, this is a discussion about the models, not Ep2..


By the way, Absath and blood, you guys are doing great.. keep it up and your gonna be making your own game.

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Wow, stay away for a week and this thread's page count all but doubles!


What can I say guys, they look awesome. Keep up the good work, I for one can't wait to see what you decide to tackle next!


One question though; when you do decide to upload the model, what site(s) are you planning on submitting it to?



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It's like that friend of mine told me that in the end of Lord of the Ring the.............:eek:


Sorry i almost blew it myself :p


Anyway.. that friend of mine told me a very bad LotR spolier... I could almost throw him off Mount Doom..... or keeping this forum's context... throw him into the reactor core pit.




(sorry gotta get that bad schwartz outta my system!) :D


On the models... Well tonite I'll be on top of things again. The only promise.... SOON. :)

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