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Boba Fett Model


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Jango_Fett 91 you are an utter retard. Thak GOD I already saw the movie. But that doesnt change the fact that you should be force fed s#itty diapers that have been rotting in a cold dark closet for a week.


I cant belive someone could be that inconciderate, or that flat out stupid. No wait a minute, this is the internet, I retract that statement...

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Jango_Fett91, you... AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! That was evil!Shoog You!GotaGlup!

:( :( :( :( You are an Evil spoiler! Wahahaha:( :mad: Me hate you.Spigock! Please delete that message so others do not have to suffer the same fate as us...:(:mad: Oh, and great job on the model/skins Blood and Abs. As long as they are the best skins ever(which they are, do not fear) take your time to make them better than the best skins ever.:D

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Your episode 3 theory is so sad its not even funny. I won't say anything more than that or give away more of Episode 2 than should be said.


Anybody that has seen Episode 2 and knows the timeline when Episode 3 comes in you can easily tell that Jango's theory is wrong. Also there is no way for him to know what happens in Episode 3 other than the obvious to most people story line which must happen. So don't take Jango's idiotic statement about Episode 3 to heart. He knows nothing, he's just someone who is obsessed about the Fett's and wishes for them to do more on screen.

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Sartis is right. Anyway, what was the point of what Jango_fett91 said? We were talking about the models, and he comes and posts a spoiler without warning. I think the post should be deleted, as this is a very popular thread, and people reading through it who have not seen it will get really sh*tty.

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I cant believe it, I am yet to see the film!! ( Im waitting to see it with my girl friend who lives 3500 miles away) and some prick(JANGO FETT 91) comes here and tell every one what happends!! Come on think about what you are going to say as there are a LOT of people who are yet to see the film.


Any way back to the reasion we are here... one amazing model. Good work to B & A, keep up the good work, cant wait to see your next project.

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Granted its lame to go and say spoilers and what-not but, If you are such a psycho starwars fan, that you are upset over hearing a minor (not major) part of what happens then you have a problem. If you were that big a fan... why haven't you seen it already? And besides like i said, a minor part in the grand scheme of things... jango is just there to fill a small gap in the story line, and to set the stage for boba to become what he does eventually. Really, what happens to jango is irrelevent... you don't see him in the later years and he was never mentioned... how long did you think it would be before what happens, happened?


(trying for a no spoiler paragraph...while still referencing that other guy's post)


As for the models and skins, i've seen the good, the bad and a few shots that weren't even released, and know exactly how much work was put into this stuff. And it shows. As always guys good work, keep the momentum going just a little longer.

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One of my friends asked me the other day," why in the world you would go stand in line at a movie theater for hours and hours just to see Attack of the Clones at midnight when you could just go later that weekend and see the same movie?" Now you see why, its not just about being one of the first to get to see it but its about not having to worry about big mouthed idiots like Jengo_fett91 ruining anything for me, by seeing it as soon as possible I don't have to worry about any spoilers. I feel sorry for anyone who hasen't seen the movie yet an had it ruined by the rocket scientist that goes by the name of Jengo_fett91. anyways now that I got that out of my system... Everyone go see AOTC, see it again and again, then see it some more! you won't be disapointed! ....and now back to the real subject here, the greatest custom models ever!!


Bloodriot and Absath, you guys are amazing. I never could get the last pictures you posted to work but I just saw the screens that JediKnightii.com posted and Jango looks amazing! can't wait to see them in action. keep up the good work! Now If you will all excuse me, I have to go see AOTC again!!

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Originally posted by JediGhost[sITH]

All's he did was tell you what happened to Jango... OH MY GOD he ruined 2 minutes of the movie!


Who cares, cut the guy some slack.


Who cares? well im guessing the 15 people that complained Dumbass! He shouldn't have been so stupid, and you shouldnt have been so stupid to stick up for him.

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i just have to say boba and jango kick ass mabey on the model of jango u can make his head pop off lol(jk)

Oh and im so happy someone is making this model i also want to ask you guys if you are going to make the Pistols jango uses and would it be possible to make to piistols for each hand???

also could you guys mabey consider a yoda model after these are done cuz the ones i saw were crap lol



great job guys, screenies wouldnt work so i just got to see em on jk2net i was just wondering how much longer???

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Im so happy this is my second post EVER!!!!




Oh and regardless of that jangofett192... (watever) being an idiot

i still think his fett theroy is true--- i dont know **** about episode 3 and no one does.. its just something that would happen REVENGE all the jedis die we know this happens so dont u think lucas would mabey just mabey give boba the kill on mace for wat happend to his father-i dont care wat u say im telling you i think boba will kill mace oh and the time differece its ten years later makeing boba 17-18 and he will have armor becuse(this was a cut scence that lucas confirmed) Boba straped on a jett pack and put on jangos helmet and blasted from the arena. Plus who wouldnt like fett??? how cant u be obbsesed with tehm??? i mean their just badass......

Oh yeah and u guys (Asbath and Bloodriot) should make a jawa skin lol.


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Granted its lame to go and say spoilers and what-not but, If you are such a psycho starwars fan, that you are upset over hearing a minor (not major) part of what happens then you have a problem. If you were that big a fan... why haven't you seen it already? And besides like i said, a minor part in the grand scheme of things... jango is just there to fill a small gap in the story line, and to set the stage for boba to become what he does eventually. Really, what happens to jango is irrelevent... you don't see him in the later years and he was never mentioned... how long did you think it would be before what happens, happened?


I agree with you, Messiah.. :)


Secondly, all the yoda skins aren't crap. I've only seen 1, and that was Kinja's, which was very impressive.


I have yet to see any "crap" be made by anyone on these forums..


And stop suggesting mini-skins! Yodas and Jawas would all be just as tall as any other skin, so it would ruin the whole purpose.




The Fett's aren't badass... If they are so "badass" why did Jango get his head sliced off by Windu?





Why did he run backwards away from Windu? You'd think that Mr. Badass would run in and beat the **** out of him. Windu is more of a badass than any Fett.

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God, I hope Boba Fett doesnt kill Mace Windu. I personally love boba fett, but an unexperienced 17 year old killing the 2nd top jedi master... thats just bad. Mace Windu better be killed by someone worthy.

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Aren't Yoda and Mace both Jedi Masters, making them equally ranked?


Yoda is Wise

Mace is Strong


Hmm, put them together and form 1 person and who do you have?


Darth Vader!





Well if someone came along and killed your father (or Clone-Daddy?) right infront of you, wouldn't YOU want to get revenge?



They did say that Boba is just a clone of Jango, right?

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yah an unaltered cloee that DIDNT go through the military training. So, I want revenge on the postal man, doesnt mean im gonna beat him. It wouldn't make any sense if Boba Fett beat Mace Windu, since Mace so easily took out **** (dont get mad at me, Jango124 or whatever has already stated this at the top)

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Man, if you dont think Boba Fett, could Kick Windu's ass! Your dead wrong... If you saw the movie, you know why he would. And he definately could... Think about it.... He's an exact clone, which makes him as good as Jango, + because of windu, he's in a murerous rage... Now, i know if that happened to me, no one would stop me. But I dont believe that Boba takes out Windu, and thats why he becomes a bounty hunter. People are probably gonna correct me, but i think he doesnt find Windu, so he becomes a bounty hunter not knowing Anakin kills Windu.


I just thought of this, don't bitch at me if you are a star wars expert, just thinkin out loud really... Keep up the good work Absath/Blood

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just because hes an exact clone doesnt give him super fighting abilities! you CANT pass on experience, its not possible. Just because Jango trained doesnt mean that Boba has already learned EVERYTHING because hes a clone.

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