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The MP AT-ST Mod idea...


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Have any of you considered having only ONE AT-ST on the map? sort of like the Jedi-Master game mode, except it would be TEAM based.


One person only can control the AT-ST, giving the team that he is on increased firepower.


When destroyed, a dropship or a pod etc. delivers a new AT-ST at the spawn point.


It would make for some interesting battles, fighting not only to destroy the enemy AT-ST, but to control the Spawn point of it as well..


Surround the said spawn point with some cannons, and maybe even the occassional fly-by strafing attack by a TIE fighter or X-wing, and you've got yourself a really fun map.

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Yeah, Frizbee, I was thinking pretty much the same - and it's a bit similar to the Bombing Run mode in the new UT2 game - but instead of a bomb, you get the AT-ST to create havoc in the other team's base, take out their turrets, etc. Maybe you could have an objective to hit with the AT-ST's firepower...like a generator. Take it out and you've won, or scored a major point, etc.


And yes...I briefly mentioned the idea of an AT-ST MP mod a while back in another thread that got buried, at least a week or more ago. Didn't go into details...just the fact that having an AT-ST in a CTF match would be awesome. :)


So keep the ideas coming...and I'll change the title of this thread to something more appropriate, to keep the focus on this one mod idea. :)

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Sounds like a good idea! all of them all the different modes sound great. How about this one, if any of you played Shogo do you remember the squishie mod? 1 mech against everyone else (humans) it could work with a few modifications to the AT-ST speed and stuff. Can't wait for the SDK




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idea: i think that one of the first mods, atst or not, needs to have a class based system ala RTCW. now i am not a programer, or a modder and i have no idea if my idea is even workable or BS. ok the idea: the sorce code from rtcw has been released to the public. would it be possable to lift and graft parts of the code, from rtcw(class system code) to jkii(well..... jkii ;) )



i have no idea what this would do to the eula/license(sp?), but if the mod-ie were to own both rtcw and jkii, would that change anything?


modders/programers have any idea if i am blowing crap or not?

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It'd be nice if there could be a couple of AT-ST modes to the mod. Say one where teams fight over one AT-ST and another where the battle machine is vital to the attacking team for breaching the defending teams fortress? Like a whole mod based around AT-ST team play... would be sweet.

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Ok first off, I LOVE This idea (Huge CTF fan here)


Iam part of the NRG Q3/JO Editing team... i think i can get some of these guys on it once the tools are out


OK, Ideas:


Ok, fairly mid sized levels and 2 bases.... 2 Gunner towers on each side (to keep people from getting your Beloved ATST)..... I kinda had one of these in mind:


2 of these for the 2 teams....(again only to kill people on foot) nothing to make it easyer to kill the ATSTs once there stolen.... i think one Big Cannon in the center of the level ontop of a tower would do nicely.... (adds for even more teamwork)


I dont know about the 2 people to fully opperate an ATST idea... itd be to hard... make the atst just be driveable by one person and when the person dies the ATST is returnd back to the base.


the ATSTs should be given alittle more speed (To slow for MP) and be able to take a HELL of a lot of damage..... (itd be do easy to die with 5 People on your tail each with at Rocket launcher or Saber throw.....)

anyways... ill talk to the guy at NRG if no-ones alredy started this.

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if no merr-sann's are on the map, problem go's away.

or edit it so it not's not a melee weapon anymore, more like the bazooka in rtcw.


what about the idea of snipeing the driver out of the cockpit?


you have to relize(sp?) that thise ideas are fun to talk about even if it will never work.


what about the rtcw(keep coming back to that, damn;) ) code bit btw? nice to have someone w/q3 editing concepts comenting:D

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Ok, another idea. How about an Assault game type mode like UT where teams take turns trying to conquer&take over or destroying the Red teams(moving) AT-AT? -I think that would be so freakin' damn sweet!!

-The Blue team players would be armed with the cable-pull thing like Luke uses in ESB to pull himself up to the belly of the AT-AT in order to get inside it like a huge base. There would be 1 or 2 Hoth-Cannons available which 1 or 2 players would have to stay behind to fire at the advancing AT-AT to defend thier base from destruction. Now, these 2 Hoth-cannons would serve one purpose only.They can only slow the AT-AT down to half-speed when hit.Which makes sense considering in ESB, they had little to no effect on the AT-ATs. Each hit slows it down for something like 10 seconds, give or take some. Two AT-STs would also be at the Blue teams disposal to more or less act as the first attack wave and offer cover for the Blue team players advancing on foot.


The Red team would have full control of the AT-ATs head-mounted laser-guns via a control deck inside the AT-ATs head.Maybe the Blue teams Hoth-Cannons would be destroyable? If a player is killed in that section or someone leaves, then the AT-AT would stall it's advance until another player takes over. Basically, one player would be designated to keep the AT-AT moving and also control the head-lasers.


Offensive Teams Objective: One or two players stay behind man the Hoth-Cannons and defend the Hoth base. 2 other players mount the 2 AT-STs and run out to intercept the incoming AT-AT while suppling some cover as the rest of the Blue-Team players try to reach it without getting killed. If yur killed, you start out back at the base.. -When you reach this behometh, you have to shoot yur cable at various parts of it then pull yurself up to infiltrate it.The objective inside would be to find either 1 main critical thing or maybe 3 seperate ones to start a destructive chain-reaction within the AT-AT to start a countdown. Then get out before it explodes to win the round!


Defensive Teams Objective: Defend the AT-AT from being infiltrated and blown up from the incoming team until you reach the opposing teams base then blow it up to win the round!



-The vision I have right now.....

-The match starts. From far away you(blue-team) hear and feel the thumps of the AT-AT closing in.:p You and the rest of yur team scuttle to intercept the AT-ATs advance as quickly as possible. Everyone is running fast as hell using force-speed with the exception of the 2 players using the 2 AT-STs and 2 players staying behind to man the Hoth-Cannons. These 4 players would more or less be the cover and frontline of defense.A few of you manage to get inside and are greeted by the onslaught of the other team. All hell breaks loose!


-I think that pretty much sounds so awesome and also would be a big mod project to undertake! -Hell, I think i'll look into this some more after the Radient comes out. Maybe I can get some help on this great idea?:p

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geting atat and atst mixed up methinks. very diffrent you see. please play game/watch movies to see what we are takling about.


i do agree that on hoth vs AT-AT's anti-personell(sp?)(wicth is what was used btw) weapons wont do jack ****.


and those were not ions btw only the big gun used on the ISD in orbit was... though to bad they could not turn it to fire on the ATAT's... boom.:D

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Excuse me a$$hol3! -I grew up on ****ing Star Wars so don't reply to me like i'm some 15 year old kid that doesnt know sh!t about Star Wars! -Yes, I got ATAT and ATST mixed up, very similiar names Einstien. I also happen to be very overtired here but thank you so much for taking the excessive effort of pointing out my flawed post to me...........Go play with yur dolls spyboy!:mad:

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The scale of the game wouldn't allow for an AT-AT to be enterable, as the inside would be very cramped, too cramped to have any destroyable object that would have to be protected by the people inside.


However all of these AT-ST ideas are pretty good. Someone however said that no rocket launchers in the map would mean there was no need to speed up the AT-ST as there would be no threat... I'd just like to point out that the EMP weapon, and the repeater secondary fire all do just as much damage to the AT-ST (about five shots needed to destroy it in SP)


So, instead of speeding it up, I say just give it alot more armor etc... make it stronger. That way even once a person is inside the vehicle the team still has to defend it.

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AT-AT's are huge, able to hold a couple of platoons of stormies, I'd say have four entry points into a large central room with a few ammo crates dotted around (on top of which rest weapons, bacta etc.) two exits at the back of this room lead to a generator room with one of the two main objectives (the generator) in it, which has to be destroyed, preferably by a thermal det thrown into the room (ala ESB). This tactic can obviously be nullified by force push though so you'll have to kill everyone in the room first (probably).


Then there's one exit at the front of the room which leads to the cockpit, the control console here has to be destroyed, alot easier to kill than the generator, just shooting it a couple of times will work.


As for controlling the AT-AT, one player controls the movement and powerful chin guns (with a minute recharge rate) while another controls the auto firing side-mounted AP/LA guns. No AT-ST's, they don't have the fire power to hurt the AT-AT. The small turret guns have a recharge rate of 45 seconds and reduce AT-AT speed to 75% only if they hit a leg joint. This reduction lasts thirty seconds.


Game length would be 5 mins and the AT-AT can make it to the base (unhindered) in 3...


This multiplayer variant might just make it into our Crimson-Empire mod...

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I like the AT-AT idea a lot too but Im sure how well it would come off since those things are so much larger than an AT-ST.


the ATSTs should be given alittle more speed (To slow for MP) and be able to take a HELL of a lot of damage.....


Hmmm... I was thinking that it would be cool if the thing was still damn slow but that it didn't return to base. The current driver would just get knocked out or killed and then someone would have to take over. Objective would have to be completed (base fired upon in a attack/defend gametype) within a certain time limit maybe?


Plus its slowness would make it necessary for ground troops to lead the assault and hold back the opposing team from occupying cannons and firing on the war machine. I dunno...


Just think of the possible map types... an open, rocky plain that narrows down to a choke point through a canyon and then opens up again on the other side where the defenders base is... The AT-ST stalks out and fires upon the base wall tearing it down and attacking troops flood in... WOOO!

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I was thinking the same thing.. the speed of the ATST stays the same, it either just gets alot more armor (if it can still be destroyed) or just the current driver gets expelled.


However this would mean that there would HAVE to be a time delay before someone else could get back into it.. otherwise, with infantry surrounding it everytime it was killed, a new person would be inside.


It would be a nice level though, an Infantry assault backed by an AT-ST.. especially if no-one used lightsabers, and just used the Stormtrooper or Rebel skins for their players, and the blaster rifles.... (Battle on the Endor Moon spring to mind anyone?)


As for the AT-AT idea.. I do like it, but I still think the scale is too small to actually be able to move around inside it... (Not to mention the coding hassles (and Lag) of having a movable vehicle that someone else is driving, but that you can walk around in)


After all, sure it does hold a platoon of stormtroopers, but I thought they are all sitting down, much like the interior of a Boeing airplane, they are all arranged in nice seating arrangements with very little walking space.


Regardless, trying to have a gun battle inside one would be an excercise in futility, especially if you had team damage on.. the battles would last all of three seconds, with huge casualty rates.


Maybe if the AT-AT's weren't player controlled, and just advanced on the base amongst a Stormtrooper assault, and the players played as either Stormtroopers or Rebels.. with the Rebels trying to fight off the Stormtroopers and defend key points of the base, and the Stormtroopers trying to destroy / take the key areas.


Sure, it wouldn't be as fun, especially if you couldn't destroy the AT-AT's, but it would still be an interesting Map idea, even if it required a Mod to be able to play.

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I think it would be great if somebody did a recreation of the Battle of Hoth. It would function kind of like Firearms. A "push" kind of thing. Each team (Rebels/Imperials) starts at there starting points. The Imperials can drive AT-ST's and the Rebels have cannons and Speeders. Of course it would not only consist of vehicles. There would also be stormtoopers and Rebels fighting on the ground.

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Originally posted by S!TH!NAT0R

Excuse me a$$hol3! -I grew up on ****ing Star Wars so don't reply to me like i'm some 15 year old kid that doesnt know sh!t about Star Wars! -Yes, I got ATAT and ATST mixed up, very similiar names Einstien. I also happen to be very overtired here but thank you so much for taking the excessive effort of pointing out my flawed post to me...........Go play with yur dolls spyboy!:mad:


geez what crawled up your ass and died?....:rolleyes:


thank you for your very nice and helpful.... wait... thats not right... hmm lemme think for a sec...


we were talking about a very cool sounding mod, and it was also flame-free for a change. a very good change I might add. please do not flame me or anyone else in the future. thanks. I think. hmm.:rolleyes:

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Okay s!th!nator first off don't throw little temper tantrums on forums, it just makes you look immature and ignorant. Second don't swear. It shows no finesse, and you didn't even do it in a funny kind of way. All that achieved was makeing your stupidity ranking increase ten points. Lastly, it is pretty obvious that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. AT-AT stands for All Terrain Armored Transport. Good job you have proven that you are exactly what you say you are not " i'm some 15 year old kid that doesnt know sh!t about Star Wars!"



Oh and by the way don't try and post a comeback reply, you have embarrassed your self enough.

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The flames stop here and now. Sithinator just let it slide, dude. Don't let em get to you... keep calm. Count to ten. Everyone else keep your mouth shut and chill.


It was nice having a thread where no one was whinning. Everyone cool out and play nice.


It would be a nice level though, an Infantry assault backed by an AT-ST.. especially if no-one used lightsabers, and just used the Stormtrooper or Rebel skins for their players, and the blaster rifles.... (Battle on the Endor Moon spring to mind anyone?)


That would be sweet. Im not averse to sabers being in the mod but it would be sweet at least to see a game where no one is using them and each side is using the proper skins.

This makes me think that the class idea might be cool. I seem to recall that in Team Fortress the number of snipers could be limited... well maybe the same thing could be done with this mod and the number of Jedi per team could be limited to two per or something... then the other classes would have rebel or emperial skins depending on the team.

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I really dig this atst idea, guys. I absolutely love the idea of vehicles and foot soldiers going at it. Since everyone else is adding their ideas, I might as well add mine. I would like to see a marriage of Force Commander and JK2. By this I mean that players can build units (atst, speeder bike, etc.) with points that they receive by killing enemy units. This might add a bit more strategy to the game. It's probably a really ambitious plan, but like everyone else, I'm just throwing out ideas. Any of the previous mod ideas sound great, though. So I'll be happy just as long as I get to interact with an atst in MP.

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ok now that thats over with.... back to the program.


warning, mindless rambling ahead. i'm just gonna shoot from the hip on ideas and see what clicks.;)


anybody think that like a ubermod would be cool? by uber mod i mean take all of the good things from the newest slew(sp?) of q3 games, ie rtcw jkii SOFii anyothers? doom3? quake4? and combine them into the star wars enverment of jkii.


lets see the force and sabers from jkii. the classes from rtcw. umm I have only played the mptest of SOF2 for one day so.... well i am sure its got some neat stuff in it. ah yes the weapon reloading, being able to move while snipeing/leaning, and the die its over for this round rocked. imho ofcourse;)


righto back to the atst mod talk.


um... how about this.. one atst on the map, but 3-4 smaller speeders ala the flash speeder in ep1tpm(it was the green one near the end) this way if the other team gets to the bigun first, you would not be screwed completle. maybe have the smaller speeders get more points from kills then the atst. hmm thats not bad that last idea.


if you are worrying about the rocketlounchers killing the atst's, well the merr-sonn's would have to go. or be toned down in some way or the other.


I am trying to thing of more right now, gimme a sec.


i really like the x-wing/tiefighter bombing idea, becouse nothing needs to be shown. just the bomb area on the ground. hmm just like rtcw leuts, you just hear the plane and then the BOOM!


i like the mounted guns idea, what about a mounted artilery?(sp?) like the mountguns w/ the seat and the yoke, but with a flight path of the alt repeater bolt. but one that go's acrose the whole map. downsides would be: 1 slow fireing, 2 hard to aim, and 3 sniper bait *10^7 power.....


any input guys?


if you respond please quote the part you are responding to, so we all know whats going on;) :D


ok whow! how did this post get so long?;)

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How about a kind of jedi master mode, where there is one AT-ST at the end of a long canyon, and one person controls it. The canyon is lined with those mounted guns and tunnels to get to them, and everyone who is not the AT-ST has to control those turrets and try to kill the AT-ST. What the pilot has to do, is to drive his vehicle (with a ton more life than in sp) through the canyon to the opposing teams base at the end, and blow up an important peice of equipment. When the AT-ST dies or reaches its destination, the round ends and the next person in line gets to drive it down the canyon mowing down the opposing side.


Now how cool does that sound? It could be an extra mode in accordance with the whole CTATST thing.


I just had another idea, instead of CTATST, how about ATSTCTF? Each team has a base, complete with flag, and a hangar. There would be a limited amout of atst's per side, say 3 or 4. It would be the same as CTF but with that extra spice that you can only get from large, drivable vehicles. And of course a few mounted turrets for added base defence.

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ok here is the ideas we will probly make just about all of these ideas into diffrent modes of play.


#1... CTF kinda thing only CTATST :D

#2... Dunno about this ATAT Idea but heck.. cant say we wont try.

#3... A Jedi master kinda idea will probly be in here.

#4... A UT Kinda Assult mode would be awsome... one team trys to take out the othere teams and there ATST.


If someone could compile a list of all the ideas and E-mail to me:

I_ZDawg_I@hotmail.com or admin@jmoj.net


*wants JO Tools NOW*

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