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first if you did get thought the whole game with out any help ya for who...


I made it thought the game with out help, bu t who cares?!?!?!



There are parts in the first level that are a little tricky, (i think i spent more time on the first level that anyother level)



Why pick on people that may need a little help to get past a few parts in the game? Maybe they missed one little thing, maybe they didn't hear something, and maybe they were moving so fast they didn't see the vent in the ceiling?



So who cares if you did or didn't need any help.


All i care about is that you are acting like a dumb little baby and should shut up.

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You are the man Raven!!!


Ripped the covers right off this young mouthy one you did...




Oh well, it seems that we are getting more, and more punks on the message boards these days as the game gets more players...


I guess it's going to be just like MpBT, and Mech Warrior4... Just got to over look them and move on huh?


Any way, once again nice job Raven ( I love it )





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First of all, we don't appreciate people coming onto these boards insulting all other members. We have a policy of no flames, no spam, no trolling, and no insults.


Secondly...it is quite obvious from the links by other members above that you did ask for help on a few occasions to get through the game, so your boast is plainly false, while you criticise others for doing the same thing.


You have, in short, neutered your own credibility.


Lastly, you have posted even more insulting comments in another thread. Any more outbursts of this nature, and you will be temp-banned from these forums until you can show more respect to this community, and reflect on your own behaviour. :cool:

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