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Name Color/ No body no Head Players

Stoned Player

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Power is Knowledge.

And i think all Knowledge should be shared among others who are intrested.



***Shift+6 = ^key***


Under Player Configuration, type your name:

^61Your Name

That will make a red name

1 is red, 2 is green, 4 is blue.. and so on.


So to type your name differnt colors type:

^61Your ^64Name

So Your will be RED and Name will be BLUE.



To make Background color on Name:

Same as above. But you add one more step.

^61^64^61Your Name

So your text will be Red (1) and the back ground will be BLUE(4)



To make Your Head disapear in game:

***to get to concle, hold down the SHIFT Key+ tilde key. (the key to the left of your #1)***



/model kyle/fpls

(thats for headless Kyle)


/model Kyle/fpls2

(thats for no body only arms Kyle)


/model Morgan

(Morgan model)


/model reborn/boss

(for Boss Model)


I hope this helps some people out there.

Its always fun to change the game around a bit.

No harm, some people dont like the "no body" model, so try to respect other peoples wishes. There is alot of servers to play on..




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go castrate yourself with an aluminum can and then throw yourself out a window, because of people like you I have jackasses come into my favorite duel server and use the hands only kyle model, Its not meant to be used online, thats the first person light saber model in single player, so either delete it from your post or do what i originally stated in my reply. Maybe both:mad: :mad:

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Stoned, I totally agree with your viewpoint, and thank you for making this post. I was rather curious about the colored names and such, though I doubt I'll ever use it except maybe for a red white and blue effect.


Although you'll get flak for posting the method of accessing the hands only model, I support that as well simply because there are people out there who know how to do it, and making it available to the general community is a balancing effect. And I don't see it as all too big of a deal, really, as those people who find it fun to run around like that will soon become jaded with their new chance to annoy people and will move on to bigger better things.

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Originally posted by The Fromeister

Stoned, I totally agree with your viewpoint, and thank you for making this post. I was rather curious about the colored names and such, though I doubt I'll ever use it except maybe for a red white and blue effect.


Although you'll get flak for posting the method of accessing the hands only model, I support that as well simply because there are people out there who know how to do it, and making it available to the general community is a balancing effect. And I don't see it as all too big of a deal, really, as those people who find it fun to run around like that will soon become jaded with their new chance to annoy people and will move on to bigger better things.


Well put. If awareness of such things is arisen, measures can be taken to recognise it and stop it via patches.



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Zahriel, that is a point that I was thinking of making but was not entirely sure of. I've had mixed experiences with online games and the respective dev-teams' response to cheating. Some developers just don't care as much as others. It's rare to find truly good people who actually care about the online community. As such, I didn't want to make a comment on the effect of widespread exploitation on the dev-team's attitude and actions. I certainly hope that the good folks at Raven will make efforts to patch up such bugs and create a saner game environment for everyone.

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Its like in online games, IE everquest, asheron's call, Uo, etc... There are two types of bugs: The ones a select few know about, then those public, game destroying bugs that EVERYONE seems to know about. If the arms only model stays the first type - then yes, it will get fixed eventually but sloooowly. Perhaps if the information gets out, Raven will get off their asses and release the patch that much sooner, yes? Just a thought.

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This actually reminds me a lot of Starsiege. There were a few people who figured out how to get uber-type vehicles (NPC's and cinematic vehicles, as well as hidden vehicles). The dev-team didn't care all too terribly much until the access to these vehicles became widespread. I operated as site which gave detailed info on how to create and use such vehicles, and in the end I ended up in contact with one of the dev-team members giving the details of how the hacked vehicles were made. The patch came out relatively soon once many people had the hacked vehicles, and hopefully, this will happen here as well, at least I hope so, even though it is rather hillarious (IMHO) to see some fool running around pretty much invisible. Though the headless model lends itself much more readily to that purpose.

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