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Word from Raven on the Butterfly, cartwheel, and extra stances...


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ok I sent an email to Raven about it:


"I have a couple of quick questions that maybe you can answer me, if you can't or don't have the time I understand completely:



there are moves that the characters do in the SP like the butterfly and cartwheels, they also use the two extra stances, the other blue stance and the other red stance. are these moves usable in MP at all by players? and if not, will any of them become available with the fixes that are released?


a bunch of us are going nuts trying to figure out if these moves are even possible, let alone how to do them :)"


Raven's Reply to me:


"No, those were never meant to be used, it was just a nice, little easter egg for SP. The Stances are not implemented in MP, and they're certainly not balanced for fair gameplay (these are Tavion and Desann's styles and have a speed and strength advantage, respectively)."



so it seems they are not doable moves, unless it's some form of glitch that allows to mash some keys and get the moves off. :(


maybe once the tools are released, someone can find a way to add the butterfly and cartwheel moves so they are usable in a mod?


the purple one

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hm... could it be you were watching x files a bit too often? why should they add moves that are hidden so well and then instead of saying 'they are in, find them' they will lie or ignore the question? to me the first sentence pretty much means that neither the moves nor the stances are there.


so, no great 'raven-conspiracy' in my eyes

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Sorry, i sound a bit dense here but is everyone talking about using these moves in MP or SP or both? I know that cartwheeling off walls in SP is very easy to do, but i can't do it in MP. I have never pulled off butterfly jumping either hopefully it will be included in a patch. but i was thinking MP would lag so much if they included these moves because you know everyone will be doing it 100% of the time so as to get the impressive looking frag (light style backstabbing anyone?).

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