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GA (Grippers Annonomous) Hi, My Name's Beckett...


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And I'm a recovering Grip abuser, anyone else have this problem? Whenever I'm on a MP map like ns_streets, or bespin if someone gets in my way I just used to toss them 50 feet through the air over the ledge to their horrible doom. I am now recovering, and beginning to learn how to control these "Grip Urges" and use more finnese tactical sabre attacks. However, from time to time i still get these urges, I so now I duel a bit, then i throw that person off the ledge. Of course, I've truly mastered grip and can hurl people through the air making it a wonderful sight. But i acknowledge my problem and hope to fix it soon. To all of those poor bastards on this board that i have relentlessly tossed to their death, accept my apology. It's smooth sailing from here on out. ;-)



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When some noob grips me I hit absorb and slice away at them while they stand there trying to grip me again, same when people with the exeptional aim they must have, use lightning, they must not notice I am blue and cutting them up, I guess its hard to see through lightning spam.

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I have to admit I am a grip user but try not to over do it. I do have to say that I've had several people get a little to cocky with the absorb move and charge in at me as soon as they activate it. To counter, I always make sure I hace some thermal detonaters (in rooms that allow weapons of course) and start throwing to catch them off guard. A good way to wipe out light jedi.

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im more a role player, and i really stick it to the person.


Bespin streets is my all time fav darkside map.


Drain, Grip, and hold them over the edge way up high for the whole grip period. And as they are released from my grip i taunt them with my tavion laugh and send them on their merry way to hell.

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