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what kinda saber would you all like to see made?

Bio Warrior

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I don't know how possible this is, and I realize it's totally out of place in Star Wars, but I'd personally think it'd be cool to see a katana-shaped lightsaber...not the handle, but the "blade" itself.


Then again, it probably wouldn't look right with the animations, since there's no real distinguishable edge to the lightsaber's blade, so to speak.

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i got a cool one. how about a lightsaber thats either white or what ever suits it better and have electrical bolts coming off it, and when you slice somebody not only does it cut them they get electricuted too. heres another idea i dont know if this is in the real but it would be cool. A baseball bat type lightsaber, now it will still look like a lightsaber but when you hit someone it makes them fly really far in what ever direction they were sliced.

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A lightsaber that makes the guy fly across the room instead of slicing him......I think thats a coding job, and on top of that a job I hope no one ever undertakes. Is there something not cool about a colored blade of pure energy that slices though pretty much anything? Why would we need to change that?

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I didn't think that they COULD have sprites in "true 3D"

Aside from that, I recall that they mentioned somewhere in the game (conversation between two stormtroopers) that there was some kind of a sith weapon that looked like an axe. I realize that that is a huge coding/mod problem, but I think it would look awesome! K

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A katana-style lightsaber would be so pointless in the SW universe though...well, except for show of course. I mean, the entire point of a katana is that it's lightweight, has a single edge, and is used for slashing...hell, a regular lightsaber has all that, and it doesn't even use an edge so to speak...


And that conversation about the vibro axe was hilarious...at least I think it was a vibro axe. Then again, the Sith don't use vibro weapons that I know of...but they don't really use axes either, huh? :p I barely remember any of that conversation unfortunately... Still, the line "Man, you need some new friends" was classic. :D


I guess if nothing else, you can make a Soul Reaver, like in the Legacy of Kain series. I mean, it's sorta the same thing. Big glowing(albeit curvy) death stick.

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Originally posted by sights0d

I didn't think that they COULD have sprites in "true 3D"

Aside from that, I recall that they mentioned somewhere in the game (conversation between two stormtroopers) that there was some kind of a sith weapon that looked like an axe. I realize that that is a huge coding/mod problem, but I think it would look awesome! K


The blades themselves are made up of only two images x_line.jpg and x_glow2.jpg as far as i can tell. It just displays the blade and then the places one large glow2 at the bottom, and lots of smalls ones for the blade glow itself. The pictures are always facing you the same direction, no matter which way you see them from. And, since they are circles it always looks the same. I know mostly because i tried making a saber out of triangles and it only half worked. The triangles would always face me in the same direction, even when the blade was extended outward.



If you were talking about hilts.....sorry.

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