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invisible skin...created it by accident


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I accidently found a way to make a skin that is total invisible, don't really know how I did it, I was trying to make a camoflage skin and well I guess I made the perfect camo skin....


Not sure entirely how I did it, so I am posting the pk3 file on this website along with screen shots I made...


screen shots:




actual file:




I hope this is not just my system doing this, so if ya'll find the same thing I did, please e-mail me and let me know:






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It happened to me once. I forgot to edit the model_default.skin file and well... heheheheh it couldn't find the textures so there wasn't anything to see.


Yes I took screenshots of it, because it was really funny, but I didn't post it on a forum (it happened coincedently to be this one) because that would be super lame to do on such a Forum that I regard highly.




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relax guys, this is not a cheat, just have fun with it, if it gets into the cheaters hands I am sorry, but if they are using an invisible skin that is probably the least of your worries, atleast you can still kill them if they are using the invisible skin...


have you ever though about having a game with just invisible skins? I think that would be pretty funny, just for laughs sakes....


I didn't release the skin for cheaters I released the skin so everyone can have fun with it, it just might add a little something else to the game...




I did figure out what was wrong with the skin that made it invisible, I might be releasing the true skin later today...

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It's not really that hard to make an invisible skin. Just open up the *.skin file and make it refer to textures that arent really there. I wanted to make a skin using tavion but didn't want her feathers so I made her feathers look for ass.jpg. It wasn't there so It couldnt show it and was thus invisible. I also got bored and took off desann's legs. It's not very difficult

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