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Joystick or keyboard...which is your preference?


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Originally posted by Njal Storm

this is all i use, and i am 10 times the cyber warrior i used to be....






WTF is that? i would be the ubergamer using that thing :D


btw> got this friend that insists on using gamepads for FPS's :lol:


and it's not gamepad+keyboard.. it's gamepad only..


i kick his ass everytime..

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Well, I gave the MS Strategic Commander a whirl with Outcast...but it's just too sluggish. It suffices for SP in other FPS games (I used it in RTCW quite well), but in Outcast SP it was just not responsive enough.


I also think I read somewhere that some games don't like USB devices very much, so perhaps that's been part of the problem.


So I've stuck with Keyboard/Mouse for Outcast, and shifted my default movement keys over to ESDF, which gives me a few more keys to the left to play with - I use my little finger a lot.


For anyone interested, this is my current key config...


E = Forward

D = Backward

S = Left

F = Right

Q = Quick = Force Speed

W = Wound = Force Heal

R = Repel = Force Push

V = retrieVe = Force Pull

A = Force Absorb

G = Force Grip (haven't used it MP yet)

Z = Zap = Force Lightning (haven't used it MP yet)

B = Bacta

T = Jedi Mind Trick

CapsLock = Walk

Space = Jump

LeftAlt = Use


Then I've got Fire/AltFire on my LMB/RMB, Crouch for Thumb1, Perspective for Thumb2, and Mousewheel default (weapon switch), with Mousewheel Button set to Change Stance. (It's an Intellimouse Explorer - using a PS2 adaptor, because sometimes USB craps out.)


I've found it quite a useful reconfig - and as you see, I put the keys in context to help me to remember which ones to push. :D

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"I also think I read somewhere that some games don't like USB devices very much, so perhaps that's been part of the problem."


This is true of JO I'm damn near certain I've read this in some official text. Though I can't think where :) . (You can getaway with a USB mouse)


I use Keyboard + Mouse


Normally I use an intellipoint optical USB. Though today I bought a Trust 250SX Cordless Optical.


Unfortunetly I've found some problems


1. It just doesn't seem to track fast enough. (whhooo! jump-o-vision)


2. It's 4th and 5th buttons seem to be unmappable in-game, defaulting to Mouse 3 fuction.


3. Button 4 is so easy to press you end up changing sabre stance every 2 seconds.


4. It's shape and wieght make reposistioning difficult to do fast.


In short, I do not recomend this mouse and it will be going back unless I can get it to work. Grrr.


What you guys recomend?

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About your mouse...did you install the drivers...and then reconfigure the buttons to different keyboard keys?


That's what I had to do with the Intellimouse Explorer...to get all 5 buttons working. I set the thumb buttons to PageUp and PageDn, because I don't use those keys at all on my board...and then assign those keys to whatever function I want in game, and I can use those functions via those mouse buttons.


Sorry if you already know and have tried all of that...in which case, good luck sorting out your problem. ;)

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The Belkin Nostromo..... :) :) :) :) :D :D :D It's a wonderful pice of technology, kicks a keyboard/mouse's ass. Unless you have a keyboard and a 5-Button mouse like I do.


Just to ask how many use the wasd movement style? I configure everything around the numpad 0=Jump, (.)=crouch, enter=use, + all the way aroud to / =forcepowers the regular Pg Up & down = force powers etc.



Think I'm wierd?



If so this is me :) this is me not caring... :bored: questions?

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I use the sidewinder dualstrike and i can program 16 commands.

but in JO 16 is not enough. But neverless the thing still rocks! ! ! !

And the good thing about it is that its very easy and responsive to use in a duel to a full fledge FFA game. (Hehehe It seems like i'm advertising this! ! ! !)

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