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Lightsaber trail


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Today, I started to create Anakin's Skywalker saber shown in "A New Hope" (the blue/green one that Ben shows to Luke on Tatoine). The shape and colour of the "blade" seems accurate, but I haven't found a way to change the colour of the saber trail. Does anyone knows how to change this? Thanks a lot!

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OK here we go...


blue_line.jpg - defines the core color of the saber

blue_glow.jpg - defines the glow color around the core

blurcore.jpg - defines the shape of the motion blur/trail of the core

blurglow.jpg - defines the shape of the motion blur/trail of the glow


The colors for blurcore and blurglow are set in the sabers.shaders file, the rbgGen statement.


From the shaders file...


clampmap gfx/effects/sabers/blurglow

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen vertex


clampmap gfx/effects/sabers/blurcore

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen identity



Explanation frome the Shader Manual...


6.3.2 rgbGen identity

Colors are assumed to be all white (1.0,1.0,1.0). All filters stages (lightmaps, etc) will get this by default.


6.3.6 rgbGen Vertex

Colors are filled in directly by the data from the map or model files.


Design Note: rgbGen vertex should be used when you want the RGB values to be computed

for a static model (i.e. mapobject) in the world using precomputed static

lighting from Q3BSP. This would be used on things like the gargoyles, the portal frame,

skulls, and other decorative MD3s put into the Quake III Arena world

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Originally posted by RedNight

You can't change the color of the blur trail effect beyond the colors that are already there. The sabers.shader file pulls the blur/trail color from the game. Until the SDK comes out we can't figure out how to change it.


I've changed the color and shape and even changed it to flames instead of a blur. The thing you have to do is fill in BOTH files as the same thing if you want to change it completely, or just the blurglow file to change the color. What i sometimes do is change the glow to a dark color of what i want, and the core to lighter color of what i want to produce a nice effect.


here check these out and see for yourself:




Paste the link for it to work. They are all separate so don't put them all in at once. It overwrites the blue saber and everyones glow.

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And the other sabers, do they still have their original trail when you make a silver one for a special color, e.g. the orange one. Or does this change the other sabers' trail colors as well?


And if you don't have some webspace where i can download you cool sabers would you mind sending me an email with the sabers? This would be veeeeery nice :cool:

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Garik I don't think they understand yet that the blur/trail affects all sabers.


For those that don't understand I'll try and explain.


blurcore.jpg and blurglow.jpg are supposed to be white.


Color is added to blurglow.jpg by the game depending on the color of the saber you are using. The color I believe is set by the same code that sets the color of the light cast by the saber.



If I change blurglow.jpg to red this is the effect it has on all sabers.









Notice that the color of the light cast by the sabers different in each picture, this light and it's color is set somewhere in the game. So far no one has found a way to customize the light color cast by the sabers.

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Originally posted by Garik Loran

Sorry to say that but THE LINK DOESN'T WORK!!!!!!! ;)


I'd really wanna see what you did with the sabers, 'cause I want to make this new white-silver saber for Corran Horn.


Dang you Angelfire!!!! I hate them. I swear it worked last night.


Oh crap! I just realized that i spelled it wrong. Here it is, and i'll edit the others.





Rednight. Your right, the white is overwritten by the saber color. However, only white is overwirtten by the colors, like the black is made transparent. I first noticed this when trying to make a yellow blur over the blue saber. What i ended up with was a green blur. So your absolutely right, but the files may still be editted to your wishes...besides white of course.

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Tie Guy-

Right you can change the blur files as much as you want but I'm just trying to piont out to those that don't seem to understand that the blurglow color is set by the game and it affects all sabers not just one.



How did I change the ground color? Easy I used the cheat codes...


All I did was change to the different sabers in the game, blue, red, green, orange, yellow, and purple. The ground color is set according to the saber you are using, blue saber blue color ect...



Oh also for anyone that wants to know and hasn't figured it out yet you can change the coloring applied to the blurglow.jpg file by editing the sabers.shader file. Just replace rgbGen Vertex with rgbGen const ( 0 0 0 ). The numbers are red, green, and blue in that order and can range in value from 0 to 1.

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At the moment we can't change the ground color to anything thats not in the game. I'll try and explain what I know about it so far.


The sabers.shader file tells the game to get the color for blurglow.jpg from somewhere. The statement is rgbGen vertex, which according to the shader manual says it pulls the color from a model or the map. Here is what I'm thinking, somewhere in the jk2gamex86.dll they have predefined the color of the light cast by the saber, or as you call it the ground color, and attached it to the code that controls the saber display. The shader file looks in the game for this light, gets the color value and applies it to the blurglow.jpg file. I'm probably wrong on exactly how it's done though I believe the concept is right.

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the color of the saber when it doesn't move depends on the files and the color of the trail and the light emited by the saber depends on the rgb values set in the code !




it sucks ! i wished it was all hard coded ! (i m a programmer)

because it would have been very very easy to create a simple mod to change the color of the sabers :


create a cvar like :


saber_color r g b


store the rgb values and set the color of your saber


because of the files blue_line.jpg and the other we 'll have to change much more code because if we do this only the trail and the light will be changed to the color we want !


So i think we will have to change this files







to be in black and white only ! and select the color of everything with the code .....

so more changes ....


We still need to have the SDK to be sure but i guess it will be this way...

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I think the same for editing the sabers glow colors, it must be somewhere in the other code.



do you think it would be possible to make a monochrome saber and the add the color in the game from a color table (like in Need for Speed the car colors)?


This way we don't have to add or replace sabers, because you can choose the color for a single saber.


And this makes 4 sabers that we can replace with other sabers and handles.


When the SDK is out we could try to make such a mod. I am student of computer science, so I'm sure I can figure out something, but 4 or 6 eyes see more than 2.

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Originally posted by Garik Loran


do you think it would be possible to make a monochrome saber and the add the color in the game from a color table (like in Need for Speed the car colors)?


This way we don't have to add or replace sabers, because you can choose the color for a single saber.


And this makes 4 sabers that we can replace with other sabers and handles.


When the SDK is out we could try to make such a mod. I am student of computer science, so I'm sure I can figure out something, but 4 or 6 eyes see more than 2.


well that's exactly what i was proposing (not very clearly thought...)


I'm used to code in c++ and actually i m working on quake 3

(so jk2 would seem familiar to me ...)


as soon as the sdk is out i m on it !

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If you need some help just tell me. I have experience in Java and some less in C and C++.


And even if you don't need help I would be glad if you tell me how you'll do it. I always want to learn ;)


If your idea works it would be fantastic!!! Now I am even more excited about the game. :D

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no there is no way you can have it working on pure server !

because a pure server allows only the files from the original jk2

asset0.pk3 and asset1.pk3

so all yours mods won't work (well saber editing and stuff)


If the we create a mod (a real MOD ) which calculates the trail color and color of the saber with rgb values from a command line or file THEN if the server have this mod You will be able to play in pure server mode with your beautiful saber.

New models, skins, or sabers will NEVER WORK in pure server !

it s the concept of a pure server !

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