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My Views on Dueling


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Alright, I've been playing JK2 non-stop and I've come to realize something: If you play against a cheap player, who uses one move to win, you end up resorting to cheap tactics to win.


If I play Dark, I have Drain Grip and Lightning. A Healer comes along who heals after every hit. I drain the person, then grip him immediately. He falls, I run over and kick him, then I drain and lightning to death. He calls me cheap.


If I play Light, I have Heal, Absorb, and Push. I come along a Drain *****. So He's draining me constantly, so I just run up to him and kick him until he falls, then I perform the cheap 1-hit kill Heavy shot and he's gone. He calls me cheap. The same happens if I come across a Healer. Absorb is never enough, because Smart drain *****s will just back off until you run out of it.


I can hold my own totally in a saber only battle, but when it comes to Dueling with force, and someone like that comes along, the only way to win is by playing dirty like that. Healers will Heal after every hit, reguardless. If they don't have enough Force to heal all the way to 100, they run until they do. I've gotten so much BS from people on my current message boards about how I "Play cheaply", when I'm only defending myself against their tactics.


In both instances, if I resort to saber only to try to defeat them, then I end up getting drain gripped by the Dark, and I end up getting Pull-Kick to Cheap-Shot with Heavy by the light. How am I supposed to defend against that without resorting to my usual tactics? I win 9 out of 10 duels if I resort to my retalliation, and only 3 out of 10 if I try to have honor. What should I do? People are starting to have second thoughts about playing me because of this.


-Nightblain of AskChopper.com

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i guess the sabre is infinitely edged... well, i guess i combat constant healers by one hit killing them, which is also considered cheap... so, what im getting at is that pretty much, any tactic you use to win is considered cheap, as long as your the one doing it and not them :D this is just what i have noticed from the large amounts of posts lately on the subject of cheapness...

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Drain is your salvation. Drain stops anybody who likes to ***** one force power over and over again (except of course absorb but that usually saps their force anyway and its not harmful to you as such) even if someone else is draining you a blast of drain will take their force too - And i like to use drain to get health back, just a quick blast where you can hit 3 or 4 people will still take you from deaths door to full.


And does drain cost more force points than absorb/heal to get third rank? Thats something i havent seen anyone mention so far, would explain its power. Yes it is powerfull, no its not 'cheap', no more so than heal and lightning and absorb, it is the one and only dark side countermeasure.

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Well I hope they fix drain in a patch soon, I'm sure they will with all the Whining (Me Included) about it. Then I don't think it will be your "salvation", becuase I think they will make it where it will cost u more force power or u can only use it when hurt.

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Yeah, I agree that Drain can make a fool out of any one force junkies, but then that just leads to pure cheapness on my part. My Drain Grip combo is so fast, that there's no possible way for them to have enough Energy left to push or absorb before the damage sets in. That's what makes playing against me so "cheap". I hear it constantly from them: "All you do is Drain Grip Drain Grip" When all they ever do is Heal Run Heal Run. Also in Drain battles, all you have to do is keep your finger on use force and you'll eventually prevail if you keep locked on your target. That's why I wish there was a better way to win besides Drain.


Just in the past few days I've learned how whorrific kicking can be. Most people don't use kick enough from what I've seen. I kick a person, and then they charge right back at me, so I kick them again. They usually fall, so I kick them on the ground. They get up so I would then drain them and then grip them to death. A lot of the things in JK2 I guess really are considered cheap... I dunno really what can be done about it.


Note though, that I only resort to my cheap tactics in retalliation to other cheap tactics such as the Pure Healer-Runner and the Pure Drainer. If I don't see them using any one cheap tactic, I'll mix my styles up, and just play around with random combos. It's just when those who like to play it cheap to win come against me, I just end up shifting into competitive mode and my cheap tactics come into play. If there were any other way to win, I would use it. That's why I made this thread; In hopes that one of you might know a way to fight back against it and not be considered "cheap" at the same time.


To you who said "Everything is considered cheap if you're on the losing end of it": You have a strong point there, but also, take into consideration that most of the time the person claiming cheapness will be stubborn and closed-minded. And we all know how pointless arguing on the internet is. That's why I want to find a way to beat them without resorting to those stupid tactics that work too well. Thanks for the replies; Please, keep them coming.



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Actualy I have fought a couple guys that tried to use heal constantly in a fight and I still kill alot of them with combo-ed(I know bad word) medium hits. When I started the game I was a Light side user, now I mostly just use nothing but neutral powers, I resort to useing the saber at all times, but I dont play on gun servers so I dont know how well it would hold up there, probably not very well with 15 other people and mass chaos going on. I play the game for fun and nothing else, so I am picky when it comes to where I play. I dont usualy have a problem with cheap players if there is such a definition in a game like this. Use what you can and want, doesnt matter to me, I will overcome or bow to their superior skills.

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There is nothing inherantly wrong with drain, it comes down to self control.


Its not drain's fault if you decide to grip/lightning someone after you drain them. I dont. I use it to take their force and heal myself, not to set up for cheap lightning/grip kills.

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Lately I just stopped caring if people consider me cheap, I dont use heavy stance, I'm a dark side user I use drain, grip. Do I always use them in sucession No, But after being called 'fag' for over the 200th time today all because I pulled off the moves and killed the person before they could do the same to me has just got me not caring anymore.


Drain won't be super nerfed, dont expect it to be, remember they want to balance the game not tip the hand to light side and if drain gets nerfed too bad Absorb will be to. Expect Drain to either not work as well when you are full health OR not to drain as fast(don't expect a 1/3 cut in speed of it, expect something like it working 80% of what it used too). Thats alll. It's not gonna stop Dark siders from killing off light siders mana pool. Remember Raven KNOWS that Drain is the only counter Dark Siders have to Lightside powers, no whining or complaining non stop will fix that. Dark siders need drain, as much as Lightsiders need Absorb.


Heavy stance if nerfed will probably have its speed lowered yet some more, OR have Light stance able to block it. It won't be removed from game. So don't get your hopes up.(and no I don't use it very often so don't call me a SS abuser noob).


Take a look at both sides situation before you suggest some pretty bad ideas and hopes. Remember this game isn't meant to have either Dark or Light have a Huge advantage over the other, and right now personally I think its pretty balanced force wise. Guns vs sabers is another story, along with saber stances

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Well, some guys say that '' there is no problem of drainer and gripper'', somebody thinks there is no balance problem of force use.


My opinion is , it's no metter about how to counter drainer and gripper skilled or...learning how to...

The problem is there is too much people use the same way to play,drain grip drain grip slash , drain grip drain grip drop you die.


Drainer and gripper just fill the server.Nobody wants playing around with the same type just becuse that's the fast and easy method to win.


Fun is what i talk about.....there is no fun playing with a crap of guys alwasy drain you grip you drop you and you just did the same way to them.


We all expected a fun game not only winning but fun with many people took different ways to play.


So we really need a patch to tweak the drain.

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Poeple say the sides are equal... Your all smiple minded if you think that, Drain has to much power and you all know it. Drain isn't cheap when you vs someone who doesn't abuse it, but there is always someone who does. And that person pisses one person off, and then they do it and piss someone off and then those people do it, then everyone starts doing it and it just gets out of hand. Some people say if Drain gets "nerfed" so will Absorb, FINE with me. I only use it when i need to run for 3 or 4 people. Anyways all I'm saying is Drain has to much power and everyone knows, it look at it this way.


-Heal: Takes about 1/5 force power to use, heals half your life and doesn't do anything to your enemies.


_Drain: Takes little to none of your force to use, heals life and takes all your enemies force power in less then 3 seconds.


And for all u people who say "I only use Drain when someone is cheap and runs and heals", well I bet you anything you people do the same with Drain(Drain and Run).

And if anyone thinks the sides are equal, please post and tell me how light can beat dark if they were both being cheap...

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