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ATAT duel map teaser


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i like mine better. :) 'course, if i liked yours better i probably would have made one like that in the first place.


yours looks like a model, no? mines just part of the level. it wont be too fitting to my idea to have them walking around. thx tho.



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Tems, Nice work so far - If you can keep this duel map with r_speeds below 10K, you'll have a winner.


Just keep doing what you see in your head and pay no attention what anyone says ( good or bad )......everyone's got an opinion, but not everyone has talent...remember that.



I'm pulling for you ( bastard, you stole my idea! lol )

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lol@twoshadows. sorry man.


ive got this feeling the ideas that are strongly rooted in SW will soon be taken up.


d'akt: maybe this evening. im experimenting with the textures now. ill try to have a very basic skinning by this evening



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okay tems i might be kinda harsh but you want to know what people think so heres what I think. the main body is too wide and not tall enough, the head needs a lot more work(are you looking at pics while you do this?)the cockpit view plate is totally wrong, the legs are too short, and the feet are too small. I recomend you look at some pics at starwars.com before you continue. I think you really have the potential to make a good at-at, but I think your just being lazy. There are many other people out there who have much better modeled at-ats, so your going to have to work harder before you get my vote.

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in no particular order...

1) i am looking at shots of starwars.com

2) the shots are taken in Radiant which had horrible perspective effects on the 3d view or else in quake where i have my FOV set way high, also creating god-awful fishbowling.

3) im not being lazy, im trying to make it look perfect. thats why i won't release it until its finished

4) the legs are fairly proportional according to the schematics

5) the viewport whatever is way different than the picture shows. im pretty much constantly working on this.

6) be less bitter. get some rest. tomorrow's a new day.

7) thanks for the support. more pics to come as it progresses.



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i map, but im not good, im ok...im pretty sure u can make the ground like a conveyer belt and make it go in like a circle to give the effect it is moving....can u do that? also make a func_push on top of the thing, but not alot...that would be nice.

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VERY nice work, i just hope it plays as nice as it looks. I do agree that, from whats in the pics, the section of the body closest to the head is too wide enough, but dont go and narrow down the whole body.


I think you should have one stationary ATAT, and one downed, leaning on its head with its front legs colasped like when the get tripped in TESB on hoth.




oh, and here's a gret reference::atat:

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im planning on having a tripped/tipped one, but i need to finish the standing one first. it'll be a hell of a pain to vert edit the thing with all the weird angles brought out by tripping it. especially since all the grid snapping occurs in rotations.


p.s. anyone have a picture of a ATAT footprint? the only footprint ive ever seen is at Star Tours in disney world and i wont be in that neck of the woods until mid-may.



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im not sure how radiant works, but if its like world craft the easiest way to bend the ATAT into shape would be to build a box around each part of the body so its pivot point is on the joint you want to bend (in worldcraft thats the centre), you do this with each part you want bent, then you then select all the parts that you are going to bend, so in this example it would be the body and the two front legs, then once the body is bent you deslect everything and deleat the box you used to bend it with. repeat with the legs so and head. remeber if one joint moves when another does you have to do it last, ill try and do diagrams if you don't understand.


PS your model looks great don't suppose you would create a prefab

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That's a really good start. I'm glad you're going for perfection on it, it should make a really good map I'm sure.

I've been looking into how deeply integrated the code for the AT-STs is, but if I can figure out a way to mod it or hack in some code to let players use an AT-AT I will :)


Let me know if that is of interest.

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Tems: You know that you can disable "Snap to Grid" :D

It will be- erm- "a little" harder to build it then, but I think you can do it :p


Elsewise make the Grid real small, should do the job almost that good. (Man, I wished Radient had a "Hammer"-Function: A giant hammer which you could use to real-time transform your model with ;) )


If you need additinonal pics: theforce.net has some (even of the tripped AT-AT)...


Looks great so far, keep it up and you'll be making JK3 ;)

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1) yes i'll be releasing it additionaly as a prefab


2) worldcraft *shudder*

no there is no such thing in radiant.


*shudder* worldcraft


3) yeah ill end up turning off snap to grid when i move stuff around. here's hoping.


thx guys.



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actually, i was just coming in to post a very early shot of a texture job i just started.




it's a pretty busy week for me so i wont have too much time to get this done. so far this is just some basic texturing to get the general idea across. as stated before, im going to perfection (tho unattainable). the textures are going to reflect the actual ATAT's as well as they can (considering i dont have one of these buggers in my front yard, let alone a front yard).


i'll see if i can get any more work done on this tomorrow.


also, in case youve noticed more problems, i'm not finished with the form of the body yet. im also changing the feet a bit as well. don't flame me because youre upset in the form. im not done yet :)



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