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What about Han?!


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Does anyone else think that they NEED to introduce Han (and maybe even Lando too...remember, that's how he got the Falcon in the first place; Lando lost it to him in a bet) in one of the prequels?


Now I'm not asking for full fledged storylines for Han and/or Lando, but at least a general upbringing so when I see A New Hope again I can say "Hey, I remember you!" or at least a better understanding of who he is.


I want to see Han on screen with Jabba, taking his money or losing it. Whatever, something like that. I want to see snippits of Lando losing the Falcon to Han and getting Bespin. I want to know where Han comes from, where is he born, why is he on Tatooine when he owes Jabba money?!


Anyone with me?

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Boo-urns...my bad.


I didnt know the books covered Han at all...I've only read the books that cover during and after the classic series. I'll see what I can find, but I stick to my point that there should be some mention of him in the prequels, for validity sake.

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The Paradise Snare, The Hutt Gambit, and Rebel Dawn (in that order), which comprise the Han Solo trilogy, written by Ann (A.C.) Crispin.


Covers just about all of the decade of Han's life before ANH.





I don't think Han or any relative of his should be in the prequels. Everybody's background shouldn't be completely mapped out, it eliminates the intriguing aspects of the characters when that happens. I'm already upset that they've effectively ruined Boba Fett's unknown past.





And much love from me for the obscure Simpsons quote. :D

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