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Crappy saber interface...but a great game

Darth Phodis

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I love the game, but Dont you all agree that they could have come up with a degree of actual Saber control....so you can swing ~where you want to swing~, not relying on stupid key combos that ultimately lead to you spinning out of control in congested situations.

Surely they could have implemented a system whereby you could..hold a key and move the mouse "with control", of where you want to swing it.

Bound to get flamed by those that love the current system, that fluke attack sequences.....pity they arent REALLY in control when they hit you......... I can hear it now..... "I dont have any problems"... "you dont know how to play".... whatever, but deep down you know its true.

What are your thoughts???..... a patch would be great for full personal customisation....

Flame away.

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the fighting is improved if you slow the speed to 200

g_speed 200

and if ur some1 who plays bots change where it says "1" in saberspecialist to 5 and the enemy bots can now block alot better and the fighting is more like the films

i like it that way

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Ever tried a game called "Die byt the sword"? Released in 98, it had a system for melee combat called VSIM. The main problem was that it was damn hard to get used to. I tried, but failed. But the word was that it was a great combat system, if you got it to work for you...


There was a demo released back then. Dunno where you might find it today...



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dude your obviously not being flamed, hehe =)


i think your totally right, and btw, listen to darthmark, slower speed make almost a new game


but the facts are still the same, it is kind of goofy that you have to be *moving* left to perform a left horizontal slash, isnt it

even if only briefly, it lets the enemy know what your doing

and worse it makes battles this kind of goofy flight sim where you have to "dive bomb" your enemy instead of just having it out


i turn on "g_sabermovespeed -1" when i play the SP ladder map as well as a few other tweaks like lowefing the basic move speed, makes for a more movielike feel


i dont have the the mp solution or anything

but im interested, how does the saber control for obi-wan work in that game then?

are you stuck in "stand still" mode when you go into saber combat in order to use the movement keys to control the saber?

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i agree that the sabre, while very cool, was not the best it could be... if fact it seems that all the swings are very similar, only each stance modifies the speed and damage delt. i really like the variety of swings in SBX3... there was good variety and not really any silly combos or anything... but, i guess were stuck with this until JKIII:D

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Originally posted by wheelkick

Ever tried a game called "Die byt the sword"? Released in 98, it had a system for melee combat called VSIM. The main problem was that it was damn hard to get used to. I tried, but failed. But the word was that it was a great combat system, if you got it to work for you...


There was a demo released back then. Dunno where you might find it today...




DBTS was cool and the addon pack gave it a little more variety.


There was a very high learning curve to that game and once you got the hang of it, look out..


The faster you move the mouse the more damage you do.

You can take off a head in a heart-beat, chop off a foot, hand, and even remove the arms.. Its funny to chop off the weapon arm and have the baddie try to blunt you with his shield or chop of an ankle and see them hop around.


Im sure all of you guys have seen the movie "Monty Pythons The Quest for the Holy Grail"

Remember how the Black knight got dismembered. Thats what Die by the Sword always reminded me of. :D



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Originally posted by Darth Phodis

I love the game, but Dont you all agree that they could have come up with a degree of actual Saber control....so you can swing ~where you want to swing~, not relying on stupid key combos that ultimately lead to you spinning out of control in congested situations.

Surely they could have implemented a system whereby you could..hold a key and move the mouse "with control", of where you want to swing it.

Bound to get flamed by those that love the current system, that fluke attack sequences.....pity they arent REALLY in control when they hit you......... I can hear it now..... "I dont have any problems"... "you dont know how to play".... whatever, but deep down you know its true.

What are your thoughts???..... a patch would be great for full personal customisation....

Flame away.


I agree about how more control is needed. I was suprised when I first saw the current system. You could have 2 ppl swing directly at each other standing 1 inch away and they might not connect.


With the current system(including poor ass collision detection) you have to learn where the saber connects. Wich is gay in my opinion. It took some getting used to swinging right through someone and the hit not being counted. Its a standard part of the game which is sad :/


I do not dislike it but there is A LOT of room for improvement. Sadly I doubt raven will do anything. Probably to much work.


Someone needs to make a really kick ass saber combat mod. For that is our only hope.

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Good point about the physics model from calculations replacing motion capture. Motion capture does look realistic sometimes, but it is fairly limited when you want to interact with it. Motion capture is adequate at best in sports games, but not action intensive games like FPS, imo. The true physics model is the way to go, like VSim. If more people adopted DBTS, VSim would have taken off and it could have seen major updates to address high learning curve, but it only gained a cult following, not much more. That's too bad. The new Unreal Havok engine should make things a bit more interesting, I hope.

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HereticII's blade movements were much better, and also done by Raven, so it's quite possible they'll fix the movements in the patch, or maybe make it a little more like the SP where you seem to have better control of your movements, especially for attacking in a streight line ahead of you, instead of having to always attack sideways or while strafing.


the purple one

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I see alot of problems listed here as well.


The collission system is pretty bad, like Tree pointed out.

The swing initian needs alot of tweakage as well, its the first sword style game I ever played doh so Ive no comparison. Id say workin with more attack binds, like 3 mouse buttons, and maybe let the direction of the mousemovement let control the swing, some more stances, combos and sabres and you have alot of fun.


Overall its still fun and I already posted a thread in the MOD forums asking if someone is workin on something like that, Id offer my help on modeling and game design.

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There is a duel.cfg floating around the editing or Mod forums that allows you to push one key for a specific attack rather than several. It works farely well but you can't be moving or it will interfere with the script.


The problem with a keyboard mouse setup is that you need to be moving with one hand on directional keys, freelooking/attacking with the other hand on the mouse. You would need a third hand to press the eight different attacks available (in each stance) while moving. The setup Raven created is specifically for the Keyboard/mouse. It is the best way to do it in my opinion.


I use a mouse/stick combo that has an excellent button programing app. The Saitek SGE allows me to execute any attack moving in any direction, even crouched. This setup seems to execute attacks a bit faster than the Duel.cfg. My forward/back and strafe are controlled by the stick axis so I don't need that third hand. All eight attacks are controlled by thumb buttons and hat switch. This way I can move in any direction while attacking with any attack with the mouse in freelook. So far I have found little advantage in this greater freedom for attacks. Why is that you might ask? Well, it appears that the default attack that you execute when moving a specific way IS the best attack for that situation. The game and sabre system was specifically designed that way. ;)


If, for some reason the combat was slower due to decrease in game speed or a more intense defensive style or stance were available, then more strategic attack sequences using specific attacks, blocks and parries might be viable.


Also, remember that the learning curve for this type of melee game could take some time. Maybe months? I tend to make lots of suggestions before I've mastered the game; that makes for lousy suggestions.


There is no doubt that the sabre system could use some improvement and if history acounts for anything, then Raven could release a massive Enhancement Pack similar to the one released for Heretic 2. That patch overhauled the the blade/staff combat system.

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Wow, never posted anything b4... its good to get some responses like this and realise that its just not me having control problems... I swear I've been playing this game for days on end....love the combat... but when it comes to a duel (exciting stuff), I dont think I've improved from day 1.

StellerWinds had a good question about the x-box control.. (how is it better)?.. well, its got 2 analogue thumpad controls... 1 for movement, the other for lightsaber swing, put simply it rocks.

I think I might have to try a gamepad for JKII, as a mouse may just be unable to implement movement and saber control at the same time..... but.... at them moment you cant do both anyway so I'm still screwed... ARGHhhh..

Kinda wish I hated this game, but I cant.... most games have teething problems....till then.


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I was thinking on how to improve attacks and came up with an idea. This will probably sound foolish but can anyone tell me the command to bind (if its possible) three commands to the mouse.


1) left mouse to slash left

2) middle mouse to slash top down foward

3) Right mouse to slash right


Hmm, I know it will limit my saber controls but... for me it would be quick and easy...remembering there are three stances, I would guess that the attacks on the coresponding mouse buttons would chane the attacks most times they are used.


Hmmm, until then I think I might do some private wall training, and try and get some control, I hate coming last on multiplay....although I am slowly crawling my way up to half way (sometimes) on the scores at the end of the match :)


Thanx guys...until next time


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This is a cut from Duel.cfg with a few changes:


set lslash "+moveleft; +attack; wait; wait; -moveleft; -attack"

bind mouse1 "vstr lslash"


set rslash "+moveright; +attack; wait; wait; -moveright; -attack"

bind mouse2 "vstr rslash"


set dlslash "+forward; +attack; wait; wait; -forward; -attack"

bind mouse3 "vstr dlslash"


Read my first reply to your post... yes you can use any attack while moving in any direction but you will need a Saitek SGE like interface with a programable controller. You will also need a good JO profile for the SGE which I could give you, but just like the current JO control system there is a med/high learning curve.



The best way to improve your skills is to fight on a FFA server that is hosting only 1on1 duels, this way you can fight constantly, with more control and pick/choose who you fight.

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Originally posted by Econ


Im sure all of you guys have seen the movie "Monty Pythons The Quest for the Holy Grail"

Remember how the Black knight got dismembered. Thats what Die by the Sword always reminded me of. :D





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