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My favorite nuances in the game

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One part that really made me laugh was opening the air lock in the TIE fighter hangar bays when there was like 20+ stormtroopers in there and watching them all get sucked out simultaneously. So funny.


And just abusing any of the gun-users in single player with force powers. Using Grip on one trooper to act as a shield while all his buddies shoot him in the back for instance. Too fun.

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I like the tink tink noise a saber makes as it drops too.


The stormies are great.


I also like how the (in SP at least) saber blade is kept track of in relation to other stuff at all times. in Ladder, one of the attacks I was doing put it behind Kyle's back for a brief moment, and that blocked a Reborn lightsaber attack (looked cool) Also, throwing a lightsaber strait at someone shooting at you, and watching the spinning blade still deflect the shots that go near it :)

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When I did the thing opening the airlock and sucking the ST's out, as one flew by it must have spotted me, because of the characteristic "AAAAAAAAAAAAGH" yell this guy shouted the familiar "Hey! You there!" as he flew out the airlock into deep space.



I like how when you kill enemies they will squirm on the ground for a second, or how when you do kill a lightsaber enemy that tink tink tink you see is tied to their light saber bouncing on the ground.

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oh, almost missed this. How if you kill someone with a saber, in a way that removes a limb (usually the arms) they die while clutching their stump and giving you the "WTF was that for?" look. The first time I saw it, I removed a stormies hand and it was priceless..so much emotion on an armored shell

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I love the acrobatics. The fact that if you roll when you hit the ground you'll take no, or less, damage then if you hit all the way. I also like that way you can kill without swinging the sabre. Those annoying walking dudes? Just walk up to them and make sure you can hear your sabre burning into their legs. Wait a bit and they'll explode.

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My three fave parts are so far (I'm currently on the last few levels)


1-Fighting reborn. those saber fights are way cooler than they are in multiplayer, which feels a bit too random. the shadowtroopers aren't as cool however, IMHO.


2-When you're standing outside a door and you hear two stormtroopers talking, and one goes on about how he "killed two jedi at once" and that "they aren't so tough", whereby you burst in the room and chop his head off


3-A part on Bespin where you go into a room with a long coridoor followed by a big area full of stormtroopers. directly in front of you are two laser trip mines. on your left is a door, and further up another door. Upon alerting the stormtroopers they run in the one door and come out in front of you, whereby you "force push" them through the trip mines, clearing your path. i loved that bit it was so cool!:fett: BONG!!

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