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Non-Whiners Code


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A simple code, with only 4 rules.


1. I will not complain about any tactic in the game that is not cheating, this includes but is not limited too: force drain, force heal, heavy saber stance, saber throw, the repeater rifle, the flachette weapon, etc.



2. I will not whine because a player keeps killing me in the same way repeatedly, i.e. with grip or pushing me off ledges. I realise that if I am not smart enough to alter my tactics, then it is my fault.


3. I will not call anyone a "wh0re" simple because they are mopping the floor with me.


4. I will practice hard to develop the tactics necessary to counteract all possible strategies used by the enemy. I realize that the only way to be successful in this game is to be a well-rounded player, and that if I play exclusively in servers with no force/sabers only, I will likely get my butt kicked in servers with guns and focrce.



If you agree to this code add the letters =(NWC)= to the front or back of your player name.

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While I agree 100% whith what has been written I will not add the letters to my sig.


The posts in this and now the multiplayers forum have soured me to this approach. I play with this manner as it is and feel no need to add the tag to my sig. While I appreciate the thought I will not be supporting the "guild" overtly in game except by action.

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yes i agree to, this is a game so excuse me for using all reosurces at my disposal to stop anyone who is trying to wup my ass. if that means pushing them of a ledge as they land then so be it. not my fault im COMFORTABLE using all aspects of the game


Master Ka Pohoa

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I deffinitly agree. It really anoys me when I am playing a game and use grip to toss someone off an edge and they proceed to say things like "force is so lame" or "you can't do that, force should never be used" or "you're such a lamer". I say that if they want to play a game with no force, they should join a game to their specifications. So all you who do the things I mentioned above, don't join a game with force and say, "stop using force a idiot". Instead, join a game with NO FORCE. While I do follow this code, I will not add the letters to my name.

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yep, you get called "cheap" or "n00b" for doing anything:


-heavy/light stance (you can only be 1337 using med allegedly)


-use grip/push off edges (they couldnt push you away in time so you are cheap)


-use guns in a guns server (because it doesnt tell you of course when its a sabers only)


might as well just not bother killing anyone. seems to be this misguided idea that only med stancers who dont use forces are skillful....

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Hmmm...another thread on this kind of topic? :eyeraise:


Anyway...I won't be using any code letters on the end of my name. I play by my own rules - although I do try to be fair, and take everyone's POV into consideration. I don't join servers to win, just to have fun, but I hold nothing against those who do exactly that.


Throw me off a ledge, and I'll probably tell you 'Can't fly...' - which is a joking way of saying...'You got me'. ;) Sure, I don't like getting kicked around for an entire match...but sometimes it happens. All I have to do is disconnect from that server and go play on another one. My choice.


If I die, I die. If I win, I win. I'm still learning as I go along, so I don't expect to be good, and I don't mind losing. Taking part is more important to me.


The only thing that saddens me is when people start saying they're going to hunt someone else down because they don't have a few additional letters in their name, or don't abide by their code. If you want to play a certain way...well, that's all well and good, but don't try to force it onto others - and that's from both sides of the argument. I hope Raven expand some of the game choices...to give people more options on how they want to play, and make it easier to filter out servers with rules you don't enjoy. Other than that, the server admins need to be at the forefront - if they support a certain ethic, put the code letters in your server name, and display the rules clearly - that way players know they'll be able to play the way they want on that server.


Good lord, whatever happened to good, decent fun? :rolleyes:

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