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Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus

Garik Loran

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Lord Odisse gave me the idea for a Count Dooku skin. He made one and sent it to me so i can work it over, but in the end there is not much left from the skin he's sent me. :cool:

I think the skin looks good, for a skin.

For a better Count Dooku we need a new model, right now you have to live with this.

Luuke is doing the last touches on the face tomorrow, then we will release it.

The model has bot support, team colors and a new taunt I made out of the scenes from the latest Ep2 trailer.

Hope you like it, I always like to hear some critic.

Here are 2 screenies:




Remember, I don't reclaim the skin to be a perfect Dooku, I think we will see better ones when the models can be edited.

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Originally posted by Garik Loran

Yo, curved lightsaber. Looks stupi (my opinion) ;)


And the eybrows are darker right now and the hairline is edited. Now just some final tweaking, then I will post some new screenshots.


I think his curved dueling Lightsaber is pretty good:




Especially when this is the end result of fighting with it:







Spoiler coded. - Eets :eets:

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I like Anakin's saber, the and I would not want to have such a curved saber.

But like i said, that's a matter of taste, we don't have to argue about that.


NOW the more important thing. I'm not sure what eye color Dooku has. It's hard to deside on that picture. Green or brown?! What do you think?

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