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Guest DarthMaulUK

You can change the name of your faction - I am still trying to figure out the best way to manage the pages for each one.


Each faction can have up to 10 members. If your clan has more than 10, you can have another faction with these guys in it.



Rules etc are being prepared as we speak...



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When is our high council meeting? Also, how many people have signed up to play on the War Zone? Since I'm on the council, am I automaticaly signed up? Meaning, do i start a fraction?(lol) Is there a list of planets to chose from? If my partners use a different civilization than I do(Empire), should they start a different fraction with there civ then ally so we can battle together? Lastly, I'd like to know how the economy will be executed, ie Trading, Bountys, Torture, etc.


Wipe them out.....All of them
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Greetings fellow council member. I'm not sure when the first meeting is. I'm writing the rules now (should be done this evening), and when they are done they will be passed around and we can discuss them. Dunno when, I imagine DMUK is arranging it.

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the council will most likely consist of three people, which would be you two and DMUk for now, because of its relatively small size.


Also, are we going to be fighting in some other way besides normal RM's, or are we going to meet on a field or something and blow each other to hell and back, like the battle of Naboo.

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Thanks to everyone who has posted interest in being part of the Senate.


If you haven't managed to be part of the High Council (only 10 places), when you sign up and get your fraction started, you will have a Senator within the Galactic Senate anyway.


The High Council will be the ones who help run Warzone. A tough job for us all.



Supreme Chancellor - DarthMaulUK

Chancellor - Duder

Ambassador to the Supreme Chancellor - Jubda Troy

Lords Of the Council -

Snappster; Hazeknight ; Shadows Emperor; Exarkun Jort; Natopo ; RSF_Alasdair ; _SLACKEI2_


I will try and email you all so we can arrange the first meeting to get the final rules agreed.


High Council positions will become available during the course of War Zone. So look out for them.



RM will be the general style of play. The others games available will be;


RM based scenarios

Bonta eve racing

Jedi duels

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

Well since i just noticed that you guys are doing this... I offer any asistens i can give if needed has a rpg Game Master of a few years...



Any help you need on figureing out the rpg stuff i would be more then happy to give ideas


Hey! Don't forget about me...I may not be exactly a Senior GM, but I can help.


O and you may have been a DM for a few years but you've only been a SWRPG GM for about a year!:p

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hey now!!!


Why are you 2 doing this?



I was offering my help in planing the RPG stuff....


It has nothing to do with star wars rpg and nothing to do with who is better.



duder and everyone else if i knew this was going to happen i wouldn't have said anything i just thought if I could help anyway i would. I would love to see this be a great progam

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HA! That game consists of the simplest form of D20 RPGing. Plus I taught you how to do half of the stuff you know now!


Ok I'm done back on subject...


I'm in HA's Faction if he still wants me there, but I'm still confused on a few things so I gotta be learning meself some rules...

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