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The Pinnacle of Stupidity...


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I saw someone tonight, who was playing WITHOUT A SABER!! lol,


now, yes, seriously, this guy apparently does not belive in melee weapons, or something, he didn't put any force points into saber stuff...


is it really just me? or is this the absolute stupidest thing possible, in relation to this game? I mean... this guy seemed to think he was a hotshot because he could do speed and n00bcannon you to death (alt repeater) faster than anyone, AND he thought the game was perfectly balanced!!


I dont get it... I really don't.

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When playing in FFA or CTF/Y I don't ever use a saber, unless I run out of ammo(which has yet to happen, always find it or die before then) therefore I must be a troglodyte huh? Yes, I must be if I use an E-11 over a weapon that does massive damage, and can block almost all non area of effect weapons with little to no effort. Hmmm...

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People play as and how they want to. If they just want to use weapons, thats up to them. Personelly i prefer the be a master in both areas. Plus the saber is a good fall back weapon. However in CTF sabers arn't that useful.

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1) agreed, JUST sabers wouldn't be a very good game. thats why I don't usually play on saber only servers.

2) playing entirely saberless, on general FFA servers, and acting like it's quake or something, and that saber combat has no place, (and being generally obnoxious) is dumb. this game is not about guns, do you see any "no saber" servers?

3) Quake is about the guns, do you see people going in there wanting to duel with melee weapons and griping about people using guns? of course not, they would be called idiots for playing the wrong game for what they are looking for. a "JEDI" game is about "JEDI" stuff, such as force and sabers, it is then logical that if someone goes in there trying to play it with JUST guns, that they would be called idiots for playing the wrong game for what they are looking for.

4) playing a gunner is one thing, as long as you can recognize that the saber does have a place in the game, and NOT be a lamer about how you play.


5) when I get 4 caps in a row on a server thats got like 6 people on each team, using ONLY saber and force, is THAT where it's not very useful?


my point is, that I wouldn't mind, if they didn't act like the game was supposed to be quake, and that sabers are there for people who can't play quake, or something,


guns have their place, and sabers have their place, but it has been established by quite a few people that it takes far more skill to kick ass with a saber, than to kick ass with weapons. (in general)

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I remember the Saber Only Servers in JK1. They were lame, especially since the JK1 saber was archaically monotonous. I would usually go in and rail-detonator/concussion-rifle them.

But I enjoy sword fighting in this game; and sometimes it gets annoying when your dueling with someone and then another person comes along and starts shooting you both.

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Free For All is just that, I will use the best weapon I have first. You HAVE to admit in FFA a saber is almost never the best weapon, flat out. If you want to "play Jedi" then by all means, Go to a no guns Duel server. Play to have fun, and just because their fun is winning, and they use only the best tools to win does not make them stupid.


So yeah, go ahead, call me stupid for using the best tools for the job, meanwhile everyone else and I will be laughing at you for your ignorance on the matter.


Oh what the hell, I'll finish this job:


a "JEDI" game is about "JEDI" stuff,
Last time I checked, it was a Star Wars game with some Jedi elements.


as long as you can recognize that the saber does have a place in the game
Yes I do know it has it's place - They're called duels. FFA, Team FFA, CTF/Y are built to be better suited to projectile combat.


and NOT be a lamer about how you play.
Okay, now I'm confused, you call people stupid because of their style of play, effectively being a lamer about how they play, then tell others NOT to do it? Wake me up when this makes sense.


my point is, that I wouldn't mind, if they didn't act like the game was supposed to be quake, and that sabers are there for people who can't play quake, or something,
MY point is the game was meant to be Star Wars with both Jedi and non Jedi play styles, hell if it was only supposed to be about Jedi and Jedi combat styles, then why do you think they let you have guns after the Yavin Trials? Why do they have gun spawns in the multiplayer maps? Oh yeah, because its meant to have that style.


and sabers have their place
Yeah It's called:

A: Duel(Either Form)

B: Gun Disabled Server

C: Oh **** I'm out of ammo

D: I'm a intellectually bankrupt individual who must proclaim people as "stupid" because they use all the tools at their disposal, yet I refuse to. TOO THE FORUMS LAME BOY SIDE KICK! Time to call people stupid!


Ooooh, here's an idea! Try playing a no guns server, then you won't have to worry about the "stupid" people!

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I wish there was a way to individually choose which weapons can be used before a game when hosting...

set g_weapondisable #


g_weapondisable #s


bit 0 (1): No Weapon (not used)

bit 1 (2): Stun Baton

bit 2 (4): Sabre (doesn't work)

bit 3 (8): Bryar Pistol

bit 4 (16): Stormtrooper Rifle

bit 5 (32): Disruptor

bit 6 (64): Bowcaster

bit 7 (128): Repeater

bit 8 (256): DEMP Gun

bit 9 (512): Flechette Rifle

bit 10 (1024): Rocket Launcher

bit 11 (2048): Thermal Detonators

bit 12 (4096): Trip Mines

bit 13 (8192): Detonator Packs



This thread goes into more detail on how to use g_weapondisable and g_forcedisable (Broken)

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Originally posted by RiverWalker


guns have their place, and sabers have their place, but it has been established by quite a few people that it takes far more skill to kick ass with a saber, than to kick ass with weapons. (in general)


I would say that it takes different skills, not necessarily more skill.

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Gah, this debate has been done to death... But I've only seen a couple of people ranting about how leet guns are, whereas 90% of sabreists are frantically trying to convince everyone of their superiority. I pity the community that holds such individuals, and I pity myself for being part of it.


Play the game. Don't whine when you lose, don't insult other people, and never hack the game. This is honour. Everything else is just preferencial.

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Funny topic. On the Team FFA (JM, Saber Only) server I was on last night, I left my saber off for most of the Nar Shadda level, got 10 kills of the 20 limit for the win.


The second you swing, you are vulnerable to a push or pull. On a level like Nar Shadda, any action you make should be carefully considered. You are vulnerable jumping, rolling, using any non-passive force power, getting up (!), attacking, etc. Any movement you make should be carefully considered.


Why the fuss over the light saber? It's just another tool, like the force powers. Wasn't that the theme of the movies? A light saber does not make you a Jedi. It's only another tool in your repitoire.


- Gaeb


PS: I'm a 'gun *****' - if I can get the flechette gun or repeater and a clear shot, I will use it. More often than not, the gun or ammo I'm using is someone else's. Force Pull is wonderful stuff. Use the Force.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Playing without a saber may sound stupid to you, but think about it this way:


That's 54 force points that can be put into your OTHER powers.


Besides, killing with the Stun Baton is the ultimate humiliation!

; )







i can really use these points in quite a few other things...and besides, in a ffa or ctf match, the saber isnt going to get used at all.....


it allows for much more dynamic play (not to mention an advantage for me)

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Gentleman, and ladies, if any are so illogical to yet again be debating this topic.


This topic has been run into the proverbial ground. Its been discussed in multiple threads, multiple times, and we are all poorer for having spent time having to deal with yet another persons viewpoint on the same unchangeable situation.


Here are the facts.


1) Currently the game is a mixed bag of force powers, gun use and saber use. All these factors are elements of the game.


2) Currently there is nothing stopping anyone on an FFA server from playing how they wish to play at that point in time.


3) The assumation that sabers take more skill than guns is just that...an assumation. Personally I feel both can be used skillfully...or unskillfully.


4) Coming to a forum and whining about it because you don't bother playing on saber only servers is pointless, its not a gunners fault your on a pure FFA server trying to play Jedi.


So lets can this argument. Its stupid. Public venting of a frustration that unless you STOP playing on servers that have guns enabled, your not going to be able to do anything about.


CTF with sabers only? Are you f-ing kidding me? Theres no skill in saber only CTF, it comes down to getting enough guys in a hallway to block tackle the flag runner....or one group of idiots with a flag force speed running with another group of idiots force speed running behind them trying to stop them. Saber only CTF is ridiculous because sabers and force do not have the necessary tools, range or firepower to effectively defend, attack, or retrieve in that style of game. Have you ever TRIED saber/force only CTF? One heal happy lightsider with absorb hanging on to the flag and it can literally grind down into a 1 or 2 capture game. Theres no skill in that.


Yes, spamming the imperial repeater alt fire blindly hoping for kills doesn't take much skill...but neither does spinning in circles swinging a saber.


God people, give this argument a rest until something can be done about it.

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