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Stop Complainin about Saber Combat

Lost Welshman

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Im fed up of all those people who keep complaning that the saber combat isnt "real" enough, but i say the saber combat already in the game is one of the best features in a game for awhile. How many other games do you know where you can charge at your enemy and clash weapons with them, then force then to the floor and slash them down the face? huh?

Im not complaning about your ideas , like the use the mouse to move the saber idea, all im saying is that the saber combat is good as it is. Also if you want auto blocking on there is a console command that you can do to activate this, then you can bind a key to +block and when you press that it blocks incoming saber attacks.

BTW is ne1 working on a "gore" mod, like in moh:aa where blood squirts out when you shoot people

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