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Number of bosses...


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I love Jedi Outcast but one thing disappointed me. There weren't really very many bosses. The only ones I noticed were Tavion and Desann. (I'm not counting Galak because you don't fight him with a saber.) You may also say that each reborn or dark trooper is like a boss, but not really. What I LOVED from Jedi Knight I was the fights with Jerek's minions. And there were a lot of them. 6 if I remember correctly. I was kind of hoping that Desann would have a small army of Jedi also, but he didn't so I was let down. In my opinion, fighting Maw in JK I was one of the coolest things ever in a video game. The level was awesome and so was he.

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umm, you didnt fight galak with a sabre??? no wonder it took me so damn long :freakout: ... do you have any idea how long it takes to kill and AT-ST with a sabre? a long time, and you cant even walk between their legs anymore and slice them up... you gotta back, dodge, throw, wait for force so you can speed, and repeate.... :D guns are for the weak

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I used the saber against Galek too, Reborns aren't bosses at all because they die so easily, shadowtroopers are more like mini-bosses. The fight with Maw was cool, I liked all the fights with the JK bosses, the cinematics were really good too.

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Yeah, I just want more fights that have cinematics leading up to and following. With tough bosses. Bosses that you see during the cinematics. My 2 favorite parts of the game were the fight with Desann and the fight with Tavion. (I hated the fight with Galak, that was a pain in the ass.)

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yes i also would have liked to see more bosses in the game, galak was just a pain with that shield, i dont think a shield should be able to block the force....and desann and tavion were the only other 2 bosses.....they should have made a few more bosses....and the storyline was good but i think they could have done alot better.... i mean kyle pretty much gets a thank you and a good bye at the end, he doesnt even get a big cash reward =\.....

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