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Banned Force Powers


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lol thats funny






CS players will understand that one


Andy B


JK2.Net Staff


P.S. PPL chill! Some of you take things far too seriously. If I posted this thread on the news page a load of you might have a heart attack from blowing ur nuts. Geeezz it's a bit of fun. And if you don't get it you need some help... or ur a yank who doesn't undertsand sarcasm (hahah NOW I am gonna get flamed. THIS IS A JOKE. I HOPE U CAN TAKE IT)

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It's OK Andy.


Some of us Yanks aren't all stupid and boorish. Well, on second thought....(if it will help to confirm the stereotype)


/sarcasm mode on


We rock. Where's the McDonalds? Your food and culture sucks. You talk funny, (btw I'm from the American South, so I KNOW funny accents) Your humor sucks. Why can't you see we rule you all...etc...etc...etc


/sarcasm mode off



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I have to admit I missed the humor until i got the item 3 which banns force grip because it can be countered by nothing except for 8 different things. After that I laughed my a$$ off. Frankly, I dont care if someone is -SC-, -ASC-, or anyother form of player. I think everyone should try to be as considerate as possible to how the majority of players on that server want to play. I just cant stand when paople start name calling and other immature behavior when they keep getting beat by someone.


As for us Yanks. I'm one yank that has been to the UK. MY dad was stationed there for 3 years with the Air Force. A cute little country. Not bad if you like bland food and rain. Actually I enjoyed my time there and hope to make it back some time soon. Just wanted to show I DO understand sarcasm :) .

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Originally posted by VeX_5150

OMG!!!! This thread is a joke ppl.....and pretty damn funny too. Man i swear you ppl take a computer game a bit too seriously. Did you all start crying when Jan looked to be killed in the SP game? I bet you did.


Looked to be killed?

What? She is not dead?!


Thanks for ruining the game for me!


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The post is very funny. I especially enjoyed 4. and 5. :D


Like many people have already stated, I agree that Light or dark, guns or no guns, it doesn't really matter. The point is, this is a game and we're suppose to have fun playing it. If you feel like other people are playing unfair, either find a way to counter and get around it or just get over it. There are obviously certain strikes, force powers, and guns that provide a slight advantage over other gamers, but that's all part of the game.


I play light side/sabre only and have still been able to enjoy JK2 despite the obvious disadvantages in a few game types. I've worked my way up from a newbie, getting my butt kicked in all games, to a fairly decent player who can hold his own in most games. Its might be harder to be number 1 in servers where people punish you continuously with weapons (gun kills are just too fast and come a lot easier when you use certain weapons =P) and dark side powers, but if you develope good skills you can still be amoungst the top ranks and get respect from others.


Some people simply whine too much.

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i used to whine about drain wh*res in the first 2 .. maybe 3 days


i now simply turn absorption on when a dark jedi fights me

the best thing about it is that they dont seem to notice my absorption force....

is it invisible to others?

cuz they all continue lighting me up... they waste force and its added to my one... :D


the only thing i think should be fixed is that countering drain with absorb doesnt add to force...


some time before SC existed i played together with 2 other players on a normal duel server (limited to 4 players)

we decided to play in a way that was very much like SC

but without certain forces

we called this mode STJ - Saber Throw and Jump forces only( :D @ soul burn)


we enjoyed playing.. most of the other ppl that joined the server agreed with the rules we just set up...


but some of them didnt...

every time a duel started we would ask whether to play STJ or normal mode

some ppl didnt want to play STJ so we played normal...

was less fun but ok

but some of them didnt reply to our questions and simply did the red combo or stuff like this to kill us with saber down...


we vote kicked em.. (2 ppl)


not because they didnt like to play our way.. but because they played unfair...

one of them could have been you artifex... dont remember his name...


i will never do that again, as its not very kind to prevent ppl from having fun like this...


but those guys really were asses.. they just attacked.. they could have said "no i dont wanna play like this, forces are made to be used " or something similar to this...


what i want to say is that both sides stop to be asses (i'm talking to you too soul burn)and start to respect other ppl's decisions

then it'd all be more fun wouldn't it?


(again i'm sorry for my crap english)

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Voting people who go onto a duel server and start attacking when it's their turn is very, very wrong. Not all people read & write english very well, many consider taking the initiative more important than checking the message stream, and some people simply get caught up in the game and miss messages altogether (I'm very guilty of that).


Rather than voting out "asses", you may have voted out people who were playing the game as intended, and simply had no idea that you guys expected them to do things differently.



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Originally posted by Spidey

What do you expect from these whiny SC boys?



They probably vote off anyone they can't beat too.


aw c'mon spidey


stop that insulting.. thats of no use...

plz i dont want to have a war.. its a game .. i wanna have fun playing it.. and i doubt you dont...

so why p*issing each other off? why not simply have fun together (no gay comments on this one :p )

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Originally posted by Jaif



Voting people who go onto a duel server and start attacking when it's their turn is very, very wrong. Not all people read & write english very well, many consider taking the initiative more important than checking the message stream, and some people simply get caught up in the game and miss messages altogether (I'm very guilty of that).


Rather than voting out "asses", you may have voted out people who were playing the game as intended, and simply had no idea that you guys expected them to do things differently.



yea you're right... but i think most ppl will understand simple words like "STOP!" or "WAIT"...

and this happened twice in 1 hour..


and look... i also said that.. er look at this:

Originally posted by BacMeth

....i will never do that again, as its not very kind to prevent ppl from having fun like this......

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We rock.


Thats the American way god d@mn it!

Now we just need some miniature American flags on a couple of Ford Excursions and were set :D


I like this thread, but some of you guys need to calm down... or grow up... or both.

If you want to flame some one, lets flame the Americans and Canadians ;)

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