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Anyway to have more than one dual per server?


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Just wondering if there was a way to specify the number of duels people can have per server. atm it's limited to one per server and most people prefer to have a couple going at once. I've not found any cvars I can change to increase the limit so I was wondering if anyone knew how to..



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yeah im with razz, its stupid, cos everyone has to stop and wait there turn to kill someone, Whats up with that? its crap that everyone has to put down there wepons for a few minuts then wait for some people to stop......... and then fight, and you might not even get a turn because everyone will be wanting to have a turn at fighting.

This game will not sell good at all if they dont do something about it!!!

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The only way it's going to happen is if someone writes a mod to enable it. I think this is a pretty universal desire though, so there's bound to be someone with the programming skill who will take the task on when the SDK is released. Personally I would like to see duelling in Team FFA :)



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Well, if there's enough people wanting it maybe the developers will take note and increase the number of duels possible. It just seems pointless having a 12 player server with 2 people dueling and another 7 waiting for duels..

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Sorry, it clearly states in the manual that only one duel is allowed at a time in a FFA. If you only want to duel then go to a duel server.


However, it would be nice if there could be more than one duel at a time. I doubt you will see Raven do anything about it though. FFA is exactly that and shouldn't be hindered by a bunch of people wanting to duel when there is a specific gametype for just such people.

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I'm with Novus on this one. The point of FFA is just that, everyonen running around trying to frag as many players as possible while staying alive themselves. If you really want to duel so much, go to a duel server. You'll notice that FFA server usually have much higher player capacity than duel servers for the exact reason you're talking about. As far as the "pain" of waiting for a turn on a duel server, I rather enjoy spectating the person I'm likely to fight next. ;)

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But instead of whining, or waiting, some people have thought that if everyone is aware that it's taking place, people could organize "unofficial duels" by some set rules so that some will duel in the "official" duel system while others agree on a way to know whether someone wanna duel with them or not...


Stuff like:

a. saber closed = afk / looking for duel.

b. taunt = equivelant of challange.

c. after being challanged, you can taunt too to say u wanna duel, then the two open sabers and fight it out.


you can move the mouse left-right to state no.

d. if two people are fighting, you might wanna not interfere since if you were trying to duel like them, you wouldn't want others to attack you during it...


and ofcourse those who aren't fighting can spectate, while waiting for someone to finish fighting...


how about that?

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I think that system works great as long as you have an admin or someone with rcon around to get rid of the clueless morons. Turning voting on is an option, but I've always found it to be more trouble than it's worth. At least until a mod comes out that lets an admin set which things can be voted on.

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Ya, there's always some idiot who will come around and just try to ruin it, by trying to kill everyone who has the sabers off...



maybe, if those who play like this will instead of letting these idiots attack them, they will try to kill them first... until they catch on..

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People who attack me with my saber off always get the great "cheap" kill. Force Gripped in the Air and Pushed off a ledge. LOL. They normally get so pissed at me that they leave the other duel'ers alone and keep attacking me time and time again, while I keep throwing them off ledges. Ah, the endless cycle.

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I think its silly to have 2 people dueling and 12 waiting. Thats more of a tournament mode. On other multiplayer games, duelign servers have several duels goign on at once, ie: TRIBES 2. Why can't duel maps have more spawn points and allow for several duels on a map? Should just be a matter of writing a duel mod for the game.

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would be nice in Team FFA to be able to have a private duel, and it would be nice in FFA as well to have some more duel slots available. The main problem with duel mode is its only 2 at a time. You have to wait forever it seems. Try one with a small # of people you may say. That gets boring dueling the same 3-4 people. Just saying that the option to be able to run around, and challenge whoever you want, regardless if there's someone else dueling on the server.

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Hell, both Tribes 1 and Tribes 2 have mods written for multiple duels at once. I run the dueling ladder at http://www.teamwarfare.com and since not everyone has a private server (we only have two twl duel servers that folks can use...) they can use to duel the complete 10 rounds on we have had to resort to folks hosting cable servers for each other :(. If multiple duels were allowed at once people could go on a pub without anyone having the advantage of, well, a 0 ping - that's what everyone does with Tribes 1 / Tribes 2 duels :| ... bleh. If someone would write a mod that supports this when the SDK comes out, I'm sure all the ladders will adopt it.

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