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I don't know, but I am just curious...


To the best of my knowledge it is spelled "SABER", so why do I see a bunch of people saying "SABRE"?


If it because the "r" and "e" are very close and these people have bad typing skills or is it just a lame french attempt to make their own unique term?

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Actually, sabre is the original word, and saber is a modern Americanized version. Sabre is the correct word in French, as well as in English if you live *anywhere* but the US.


Additionally, when it comes right down to it, since the movies are prime canon, the screenplays secondary canon, and the novelizations are tertiary canon -- the word never appears written in the movies, and in the screenplay for Star Wars, it says "lightsabre..." Which means that, strictly speaking, the sabre spelling is canon!


Personally, I just accept both, and often don't even notice which someone is using.



(proud Canadian)

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Sabre is the english spelling in Europe or (correct me if I'm wrong) Canada, just like some other words:






It's not "wrong" or "right" it just depends on where you are. Personally I don't care one way or the other. I've read sites emphatically claiming that it's "sabre" and this is canon because of the way the first book(s) or screenplays had it. However, I've always thought that even though they speak "Basic" (which sounds just like English) in the films, they're supposed to write in different languages (the so-called "aurebesh" or however you spell it). Then again, I've heard that you can see some english writing in ANH, but I'd have to watch the film again, watching for it (on display panels and such).


I write "lightsaber" and that's how most people in the US write it, simply because we have it as "saber" not "sabre." If where you live they write "sabre" then it's "lightsabre."

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