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Something they ACTUALLY should add in a patch...


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Good idea but...............


Someone low on health could go looking for a duel when they are about to get cut down.


How bout what you said. Then after the duel(if you win) your health and sheilds return to what they were before the duel.


Probably be hard to do though.

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Saber Throw is not unfair is only one person has it. Everyone had the chance to choose to have it or not. If you didn't choose it, too bad. It is your own fault you are at a disadvantage. If you don't like if one person has the throw and one doesn't, don't accept the duel.


I like the equil shields and health.

I also think there should be a protective bubble around the duel area so morons cannot get in there and jump in your way. The bubble should have a 5 meter radius around the people that moves with the people and does not allow others to get in. It is also invisble.

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Why the hell are you allowed to use saber throw (which uses force) but no other force powers (except jump)? I think saber throw should be disabled during a duel. Throwing a saber at someone is not honorable in the least. Do you think throwing your sword at someone in a real swordfight would be honorable?

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okay enough with the 'honor' - it is A GAME!!!! If they didn't want saber toss as a valid way to slay your opponent, it wouldn't be in the game.



The purpose is to win - using whatever means acceptable by the rules - which include the use of a saber toss.


If you don't like it, run a server with force powers off (or find a way to remove saber toss).


I am not sure how balanced it would be to alter the health/shields of duelists, but, it sounds like a decent idea.

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No, from personal experience in European swordfighting, throwing your sword has nothing to do with honor.


Stupidity, yes, honor no.


But, since the saber fighting in JK2 has nothing to do with reality due to the powers of the Force; then the whole concept of complaining about a boomerang style sword throw is a bit silly don't you think?

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I'm not really flaming ya, but think about what your saying.


Why the hell are you allowed to use saber throw (which uses force) but no other force powers (except jump)?


That's a bit like saying "It's exactly like this, but different." Since you can use force jump, then you are able to use other force powers, the duel via "K" isn't really a no force duel, just limited powers. I don't have the manual with me so I may be wrong about this, but does it actualy say anywhere that the duel is a no force thing?

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I just fought someone that used throw shield last night. I complained about him using throw, and then he explained that it was basically a saber attack....and I kinda agreed with him.


Although, you should be able to throw your saber, whether or not you have the skill or not. The amount of skill you have just decides how much you can control it, and / or how fast it goes.



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Someone low on health could go looking for a duel when they are about to get cut down.


But they could do this now. Whoever wins at the end of a duel, as is, gets their health put back up to 100.


A duel just limits your force powers not nullifies them. If you want to get right down to it... saber defense and attack are counted as force powers too, as only Jedi are supposed to be able to weild a saber effectively due to their force training. You wouldnt want those removed either. I like dueling the way it is. Darth Vadar threw his saber at Luke in RoTJ. Its one of the only ways to smack someone down if they challenge you to a duel and then run off once you accept. I personally don't find it too hard to block most of the time. If you arent constantly swinging or throwing your own saber and have decent defense you should be sitting pretty.


Lastly, if you don't feel you have enough shields then run and get more before dueling. Shields aren't everything. They certainly won't make up for lack of saber skill.

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Originally posted by Kataarn

I just fought someone that used throw shield last night. I complained about him using throw, and then he explained that it was basically a saber attack....and I kinda agreed with him.


Although, you should be able to throw your saber, whether or not you have the skill or not. The amount of skill you have just decides how much you can control it, and / or how fast it goes.




force throw is good if u use it when u have a for sure hit. its bad in a duel when u use it ALL THE FREAKIN time!! i have had this b4 whne the guy ran backwards and just threw, threw, THREW. i could catch him but i found a weakness. throw back when he doesnt have his saber. dodge it and throw right back at him.

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Look we can all say we are or arn't whatever we like on the web, so you don't have to beleive me on this one, but I also actually teach sword fighting ETC, in real life, been doing it for years. I know the difference between the real thing, and this "VIDEO GAME."


Half the time people complaining that being able to do this or that isn't realistic, those same people wouldn't the first clue as to what it actually feels like to get cut by a sword. Not that people like me do, but I do at least... Accidents do happen, durring live steel demonstrations you know, wasn't serious, it was one of those mutual kill things, he forgot his pass, I countered it wrong, so we both ended up with stitches.


Anyway Sure I feel some techniques/force powers are somewhat cheap in this game (like grip tossing over an edge, or drain then lightning, or strong style jump hack monkeys), however, I have found a sufficient counter to every kind of attack in multiplayer.


does it always work? No, and I'm glad it doesn't.


If you ignore saber throw it's your own fualt, and besides you really don't need it to win any saber fight, even against someone who throws a lot. Your probably a strong saber stylist, if you used medium or light more I doubt saber throws would hit you at all unless from the rear or side.


so switch styles in that case, if you see someone throwing at you, switch to medium style if you still want powerful hits. sometimes going for those all or nothing slow motion haymakers just becomes a problem.


Is any style really the best? No, but I prefer Medium simply because it offers the best of both worlds, I can deflect and block a lot of attacks, even saber attacks.


So people if you don't want saber tosses, go join a dueling only server with force powers off, they do exist you know...



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You'll notice that I wasn't complaining, just making a comment.


Hence, I don't care if people use throw, less points to put into other things, and I can always pull them close to whack them.


I hate blue and red stances, so I always go yellow.



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In response to the comments about the supposed no force duels via the 'K' key, I have this to write.


Directly out of the JK2 manual.


"If the challenged player accepts, both players will engage in a duel. At this point, a glow surrounds each player, and they'll both be restricted to lightsaber use (they won't be able to switch to other weapons), and their Force Powers will be

LIMITED ." Not removed, not prohibited, limited. That means they intentionally left saber toss in, and I'm glad. Because I use it often when I have to. ie: when the other player is spamming DFA moves and such. These are not "No Force Duels". They are Force limited, saber only duels. If you want No Force duels, join a No Force FFA or Duel server.


Also the term saber toss sound too much like caber toss to me. :)

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