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Everyones a noob!!!!

Jah Warrior

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What on earth is all this rubbish about people being noobs?


I dont know about the states but over here the game came out about 3 weeks ago.


I don't care how good at other games you may be, we are all noobs to this game. No matter how good you THINK you are there will ALWAYS be someone with a new technique or idea that can change the way you look at the game. I know for a fact that i am a 'decent' player but i also know there is much to learn! And I am ready to learn it and i look for the players that can show me these ideas.


To class yourself as above a "NooB" (stupid word anyway) is utter arrogance, anyone other than the developers who thinks they already KNOW IT ALL has more to learn than those that accept the truth that you can always play better.


Rant over


Jah Warrior HoD (Honour or Death)

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Not necessarily.


If you were an active player of Jedi Knight I, or Mysteries of the Sith, you're automatically not a "NooB". I've had JK 1 since 1998... so therefore, I'm not a noobie, and you all are. :) Just kidding. The gameplay is a little different, but if you've been saber fighting in JK1 for years like I have, you're going to naturally have well-tuned reaction in lightsaber combat. Trust me!


-Stan "Not-a-Noob" Tencza :)


"Ruhh Ruk Ruh, RUK KUK RUCK...."

"You can read it???"

"No. I'm just clearing my throat." -Yogurt

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Originally posted by Stan_Tencza

Not necessarily.


If you were an active player of Jedi Knight I, or Mysteries of the Sith, you're automatically not a "NooB". I've had JK 1 since 1998... so therefore, I'm not a noobie, and you all are. :) Just kidding. The gameplay is a little different, but if you've been saber fighting in JK1 for years like I have, you're going to naturally have well-tuned reaction in lightsaber combat. Trust me!


I got that game too couldn't be more different in my opinion, that is JUST my opinion though.


If I am wrong that makes me an EXPERT, cheers mate!!!!:D

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Well...i played dark forces along time ago on my macintosh..and then played the original JK for 2 years then went into TFC and played that for three years and got into a top clan. Now I'm playing JK2 and I notice most of the time I am owning up the people I play. I'm sure there are people right now that could kick my ass..but I consider myself far from a noob. A noob is what you were the first day you got the game...running around holding down left click with blue saber stance and using grip and lightning constantly..Basically the first few days everyone is a noob and sucks..but depending on the amount of gaming experience you have the shorter time it takes for you to get really good. Thats in my opinion atleast.

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ok, "n00b" and "newbie" are NOT the same thing for goodness sakes, this is like... super basic "l33t translation" stuff...


a newbie is someone new to the game, duh, which pretty much everybody counts as, in a larger sense, but people who have beaten the game, especially on (I like to think) regular difficulty or harder, don't quite count, because they are at least THAT experienced. where people who are like, "hey, how do I jump? whats that red hand forcepower?" and crap like that, those are at least, newbies.


a n00b is not just how long you've been playing, it's almost a personality type, some people are chronic n00b's, they could be playing a game for a year and STILL be a n00b. the majority of people are a n00b for a little bit, but once they get some experience and shed the newbie title, they stop being a n00b as well, some people can hide that they are a n00b (and newbie) and shed being a n00b before they even shed being a newbie. for example, if you do something or the other move on them, and they LEARN from it, and such, then they are not a n00b, even if they still suck, and are still a newbie.


am I overthinking the whole issue? damn right I am.

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