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Stormtroopers are stupid because....

DarthBalls BONG

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Stormtroopers....the scurge of the budding Jedi. Or not, as Stormtroopers seem to be lacking in brains. Apparently the new flick will explain why (although having heard that and the title I think I can guess why), but in JO they sometimes reach a new level of dumbness.


1- They run blindly towards you, sometimes even altering their course just so they can run in front of your laser fire


2- They shout "Hey, You There...Lets see some I.D." after you've killed 6 already, as if, upon presenting said identification, they will immediately forgive you for slaughtering their comrades before their very eyes, possibly even with a "Sorry to have bothered you Mr. Katarn"


3- As inaccurate as the E-11 blaster is, on secondary fire you ALWAYS hit at least one stormtrooper right in the face, almost as though they have a laser-magnet for a nose


4- They ALWAYS manage to kill you when you least expect it


5- Some even boast how they have killed 2 Jedi at once, how the Jedi "aren't so tough". This coming from a race who, during gun battles, never hit ANYTHING, but immediately get shot by the goodies. The Stormtrooper who said this was therefore decapitated for his stupidity.


6- They sometimes, for no apparent reason, run off extremely high ledges. Maybe all those years of crappy pay in the Empire, and after seeing the countless deaths of their fellow troopers, life becomes too much?


7- They wear all this impressive armour but still die with one shot


8- Upon killing their commanding officer, they shout retreat and procede to run into a room with no other exits


9- They shout "get behind him!" when they are at the opposite end of a very thin corridoor


10- They TK [ team kill ] insessently, often clearing half the room for you


11- They run round in bright white armour in grey space stations/ ships


12- An extension of the above, they run around in bright white armour in swamps and mines as well. Maybe they think their armour is like white noise...that you will fail to see them?


13- Considering they are the Empires Footsoldiers, they can't shoot for sh!t


If you think there are any more instances of Stormtrooper stupidity, let us know!:fett: :fett: :jawa:fett: :fett:

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I don't know, I was near the end of the seconds Bespin level, and was jumped by some Stormies, killed all but one, he hauled ass towards the end of the level(I had force pulled his gun and he apparently didn't want the guns from the slain people, I think that's why he ran) So being the type of player I am, followed suit, no one escapes execution. I knew he couldn't go through the end, so he had to be somewhere, so the search began. Anyways, Long story short, 20 minutes later, I found him cowering with the droids under the stairs...

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ive got 2 for ya


1.when u have the lightsaber, theyll shoot at u a few times and realise ur blocking the shots, then they run up to u at point blank range to try and hit u but they get melted by the lightsaber


2.also there lemmings, like in lvl 1/2 on kejim, u open that door and sit on a turret thing, one runs out and u drill him, the rest see him dead but then carry on running out thinking they have a chance

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the best thing i ever did was in one of the bespin levels.


it was that room with the long corridoor followed by a big hallway, full of stormtroopers. i was in the corridoor, which was blocked by two laser trip mines. on my left was a door, and further up, behind the mines was another one. the Troopers were not paying me any attention, so i chucked a thermal detonator in. Killing two, the rest charged through the door, popping out through the other one right in front of me.



So i did what any sensible jedi would do....





lol it was funny



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I dont know about stormtroopers, but Weequays, well they take the cake. After living on Nar Shadaa for a while, you might expect that someone might take notice of narrow catwalks directly outside their doors, and a special notice to the endless void directly beyond them. Anyway, I was walking around getting Pwn3d by sn1perz and what do I spy but 3 weequay run directly out a door and jump off the edge of the walkway. Needless to say, there was a "WTF" following close behind that incident.

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They try to Ambush you

1. They yell their plans while your right outside the door

2. They forget to disable the Security camera that is placed in their hiding spots.which is a little light on the console in said room.





(actually happened)


Stormies try to shoot at you, but the RED FORCE FEILD BETWEEN YOU 2, ends up bouncing the blaster fire right back at their heads.

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Hmmm...stormtrooper stupidity.


1. They don't seem to have the slightest clue as to what a thermal detonator is. None of them seem to have any clue as to what that odd, beeping little orb that just rolled up to their feet is until it explodes.


2. They also have a propensity for standing directly in front of any sort of automated gun turret. Its almost worth leaving a turret active just so I can try to lure more stormtroopers into the same room to laugh at them as the turret cuts them down trying to hit me.


3. What is their problem with peeking over a ledge? They will stick an area ranging from just their head to their lower torso over any ledge (or many other obstructions, for that matter) and simply stare at you as if begging you to throw your light saber at their head.

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if they do say whey the stormtroopers are dumb is episode 2 the most likely erason is so that they dont have a bunch of clones taking over the empire, they were made to be troopers and nothing more so obviously they built them to fight not be smart, if they did make them too smart then like i said they would take over the empire and thats just dumb on the empires part.......

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I read that they are supposed to be fearless, not care about fallen comrades around them, and just fight till the end. I dunno but the stormtroopers in the game sorta fit that description, but ya id put some more intelligence in them like move away from thermal dets.

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yes, sanpilou i have. but stormtroopers are still dumb. just because on the higher difficulties they hurt you more doesn't detract from the fact they are plain stupid. they are supposed to be. they are in the films, hence they are in the games. i just thought id start a thread on some of the stupid things they do, because they are quite funny. so there was no reason for your immature response thanks. you dont like the thread, dont read it.

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Ya know, they are kinda dumb, but give them a little credit.


It's actually kinda fun to see it from their point of view, after turning cheats on enter the command "setforceall 6" and then use mind trick to take over an enemy.


One time, i was in a big hangar with only 1 stormtrooper left alive, so i spawned a luke then immediately took over the stormtrooper. I tried my best, but luke sliced my ass in about 2.5 seconds. :trooper:


I might panic and do some dumb things too if i was going up against a jedi :)

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the officers are both arrogant and stupid


after decimating the entire cairn installation killing countless reborn and entire battalions of stormtroopers.

and having managed to deal with those two first shadow troopers in the pit room. then taken care of the four stormies that come out afterwards,

i walk in to a little room with one officer in it.


he points a small hand gun at me and says

"surrender or die"


so i powered down my saber, choked him til he was almost dead and then with a deft saber throw left him in two seperate pieces on the floor.


incidently has anyone ever been able to fight that reborn in the dark multi story glass floored cylinder thingo in the reactor bit?

everytime i go near him he calls me a coward and then fearlessly flings himself off the platform to his death



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Guest HertogJan

I like to have level 3 pull and a lot of dangerous stormies :)


They start blasting and I start pulling till every one of them is lying at my feet (litterally). Then they start walking around like headless chicken, with their arms up high and you know what?


In this very big big hangar, they all seem to walk right into my lightsaber, screaming. And when they see their buddies die on my lightsaber they think: "hey, I wanna try that too!"...

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5- Some even boast how they have killed 2 Jedi at once, how the Jedi "aren't so tough". This coming from a race who, during gun battles, never hit ANYTHING, but immediately get shot by the goodies. The Stormtrooper who said this was therefore decapitated for his stupidity.


Have you never heard people lie to sound good? This is the stormtrooper equivalent of saying, 'Mine is 11 inches long!' This guy was just boasting.


Which still deserves decapitation, admittedly.

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