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Stormtroopers are stupid because....

DarthBalls BONG

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Originally posted by DarthBalls BONG


The BEST example of Stormtrooper stupidity is in ROTJ, when Han Solo runs up behind one and taps it on the shoulder, then quickly darts off the other way. Instead of shooting him, he chases Han only to run into a group of about 20 Rebels. The way he comes skidding to a halt just makes my day...you can almost hear him say "oh son of a bi...."





LOL thats damn funny!!! :D

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incidently has anyone ever been able to fight that reborn in the dark multi story glass floored cylinder thingo in the reactor bit?

everytime i go near him he calls me a coward and then fearlessly flings himself off the platform to his death


That happened to me today. I kept reloading because I wanted to fight him (that is my favorite spot to duel a reborn in the game). He continually ran off the edge!



As far as stormtroopers go, today I was in the cairn level where you have to fight the ATST and a few stormies. Noticing the stormies were all standing very close to the ATST, I killed the ATST and it collapsed on top of one of the poor troopers, killing him.

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Grip 3 + saber throw... toasty!


Another great thing is on the Swamp levels, I basically ran through and pulled away all the troopers weapons, but didn't kill them. Then I went back and pretended I was taking them all prisoner.


This is where the fists (weaponnum 14 cheat) rocks. Ka-pow! Right in the kisser!


Another fun thing is Mind Tricking the Officer manning those huge turret guns.. and watching them lay waste to their comrades and walkers. ; )


One time I mind tricked a trooper and he shot his captain and the officer in the room, and I heard him say afterward "I hope I get a commendation for this!"

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LMAO...i can never get enough of this one... Its in ANH when R2 and 3PO are in the control room thing and the stormtroopers are trying to bust in. As the group of troopers walk in, you see one of the troopers in the background on the right hit his head on the top of the door. Its frikkin hilarious...i can just hear him saying "damn helmet!!!":lol: :lol: :lol::nut:

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Originally posted by Skidrowpunk

Get this.... You know where your in the Carin bay, and you open the forcefield and suck out a bunch of troopers? well, i did that, and the very last one floated by screaming "YOUR SURROUNDED! GIVE UP!" :eek:


I had the SAME thing happen and I lost it. As I open the airlock into space and they go flying by, one of them shouts "Hey! You there!" I laughed so hard at that.

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Anyone know what happens if you leave a surrendering stormtrooper alone? Come to think of it, I've killed them all. Do they just stand there til they starve to death in typical stormtrooper style, do they run, or do they refuse to accept your mercy, stealing your lightsaber and castrating themselves with it?


Actually if you Force Pull their guns away from them and leave them lying on the ground near the stormtrooper and then wander away for a bit the stormie will pick his gun back up and start shooting at you again. Ungrateful bastards.[

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I know its not really stormy stupidity, but has anyone else notices if you put the dismmeber cheat on, stand near a stormy, crouch, and pull him, he flies over the top of you, chopping himself in half on your saber a you go.... :D


And i love it how stormies even surrender with thier wepoans, see pic below:


PS: Pic is kyle using a Thermal Detonator as a "warning" of Stormie Ball crunching!! ;) Hey, you there :trooper:



Edit: This pic is not made in photoshop just so as you know, was my test level from JKradient with spawned ppl in it :)

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LOL This is so entertaining. I love it when they say 'You there, stop where you are' half the time I'm standing still. I still say that my favorite Stormie kill is grip force jump, release, they come crashing down with this awesome scream and a truly satisfying crunch.

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Originally posted by Skidrowpunk

Get this.... You know where your in the Carin bay, and you open the forcefield and suck out a bunch of troopers? well, i did that, and the very last one floated by screaming "YOUR SURROUNDED! GIVE UP!" :eek:







enough said!

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Originally posted by Eddie4000

When Obi-Wan said imperials were precise he meant sand troopers, they ride big lizards and are therefore infinitely better.

Is it just me or while reading this post don't you just get a mental image of the Stormies lining up on parade, and the officers goin' around turning their guns the right way round.

Dumbest Storm Trooper Moment Ever:

I force pulled 1 on a ledge on Bespin. He stood up said

"Surround Him"

And then turned and ran off the ledge...

Landing on an already weakened officer below killing him and sending another group into disarray.

I had to pause the game while I laughed at that


:D :D LOL :D :D


it always makes me laugh when you walk into a room w/ a stormtrooper and he starts shooting... every shot, you block back into him w/ ur saber, but he keeps shooting... it ends up being:









and the stormie drops dead... :)


it's also great to force grip they're commander, block shots w/ him, and then watch the stormies retreat after shooting up their own leader :D


reborn are also pretty dumb... more than once, they've yelled "do you fear me?" shortly b4 taking gallant leaps off of high ledges...


and my favorite w/ a reborn had to be (somewhat) early in the game, where you face two reborn (first time against more than one) in a large plaza... since your powers aren't that great at this point, i spent a fair amount of time dueling w/ these two...


finally, one of them yelled "the force betrays you" before the two of them landed clean hits... on each other!! :D i had dismemberment on, and i watched both drop dead, one severed at the torso, and the other w/ his head flying as my own character stood passively 5 feet away... i was cracking up for 'bout 5 min. after that :):D

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