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Revealed : All known SABER MOVES


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I apologize in advance for the thread-pointer post, but I think it's important to the jk2 community to get as much input as possible on this. It might also help to keep down the newbie question spam.




Please post comments and additions to that thread, not this one, but do include your ^bump^ here if you agree many players need this advice.

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Guest HertogJan



Nice post artifex... maybe we should battle some time, I love duels, remember?? Don't expect anything from it, have lots to learn :D

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I like all the information. I have to say, though, that your personal prefrence is a little degrading. I'm not flaming or anything, just posting. I won't tell you what I like/dislike using. I just think that maybe you could have posted a more objective point of view for those that don't want to be offened by your personal prefrences. Thanks though. Good information.

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Guest Forceflow

Thanks, I am going to try those out. I must admit I usually used the light Stance because it looked the coolest. And in SP it did it's work. (I don't play MP that much, so I never got to the REAL saber fights)

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His opinion of the Light Stance is insulting. I'm currently trying to hone my strategy with it, and I can do very well; the actual swings of Medium may be almost as fast, but the recovery time inbetween is much faster with Light making it possible to hit someone 2-3 times where in Medium you would only hit once. One of my favorite moves with Light is doing a side swing, then quickly changing direction before it finishes, rinse and repeat. You'll swing the saber back and forth VERY quickly, and can hit someone 2-3 times before they can get back. Great against people who get too close. The lunge is fantastic; if you crouch in the middle of a jump, you can do it in mid-air or right as you land, which makes it much easier to pull it off without telegraphing it much.


Also, his opinion that Heavy is the stance for experienced players is ridiculous, and shows a lack of ability with the other two stances; the recovery time between swings is hideous and it's extremely easy to get in close and hit them before they can swing again. With force powers in the mix, Heavy users get abused.

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Originally posted by Zek

His opinion of the Light Stance is insulting...


Sorry man, I'm not trying to insult anyone. I'm just looking at the numbers and calling them as I see them.


I'm always accepting challenges if you feel like you need to prove your tactics upon my person. :D

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Personally, I never even touch the Heavy Stance. I've tried it, worked with it, and it just doesn't suit me. But all things considered, I'm very deadly with Light and Medium stances. Taking down a Heavy user is no sweat. The swings are telegraphed from a mile away, and a person could evade swings rather easily.


But again, these are all personal preferences, and people battle differently with favors in different stances. But I've yet to face off against someone in multiplayer who can take me out with Heavy. ;-)

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One of my fave new tactics is to use Force Grip, then throw the saber. This usually lets go of the grip, but if you grip fast enough again, the target stays up, the saber comes flying back through their middle. Discovered this on the Ladder.

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I think Artifex is making too much noise about too little a stance. The strong stance is a stance obviously made for the 1-hit-kill people, in other words, the noobs. You can bind a key to do the finishing move and just jump around, hoping to get a hit off. This is what I (and many others) call a 'headless chicken', and not the light stance. With light and medium atleast some skill is required. You have to plan for angles and try and anticipate your opponenet's next move. With strong stance all you have to do is swing, hit a button, swing etc. until you get a 100+ damage hit. You should try and change your tactics, my friend, and try to really duel sometime.

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Originally posted by Coronog

I think Artifex is making too much noise about too little a stance. The strong stance is a stance obviously made for the 1-hit-kill people, in other words, the noobs. You can bind a key to do the finishing move and just jump around, hoping to get a hit off. This is what I (and many others) call a 'headless chicken', and not the light stance. With light and medium atleast some skill is required. You have to plan for angles and try and anticipate your opponenet's next move. With strong stance all you have to do is swing, hit a button, swing etc. until you get a 100+ damage hit. You should try and change your tactics, my friend, and try to really duel sometime.


Make sure to read my other posts in the thread where I admit it takes more skill to use Light than Medium and more to use Medium than Strong. That is only because Light and Medium are intrinsically weaker styles. You have to be much, much better to be successful in their use. The same player would end up better off practicing with the strong style, however.


You can compare it to the Bryar pistol. It takes a lot of skill to take someone down with the Bryar pistol; much more than it does to kill with the Rocket Launcher. But does that mean that you want to spend all of your time learning to use the Bryar pistol? Wouldn't that time be better spent becoming more proficient with the rocket launcher? That is, if your goal is keep the high score.

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ArtifeX, you're wrong. Heavy is the stance that makes newbies occasionally look good because they can get a lucky hit in, but the other stances are easily superior in the hands of a better player. Heavy is meant to be used in moderation, not as the main stance used.

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artifex, I remember chang khan saying something about the heavy stance being good for 1 on 1 duels ( little did I know he meant for single player) so that's all i practiced with multiplayer when the game came out.


I was kicking many people's asses. Then I decided to be more flexible and learn the medium stance. I am liking it MUCH better, and you can take advantage of someone in medium stance just as well as in heavy. Its all about estimating how much health your enemy has left. If you know he has 30 or so health, while he's swinging that heavy stance horizontal, go in for the kill because you will finish him before his saber hits you.

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Originally posted by Zek

ArtifeX, you're wrong. Heavy is the stance that makes newbies occasionally look good because they can get a lucky hit in, but the other stances are easily superior in the hands of a better player. Heavy is meant to be used in moderation, not as the main stance used.


Since Heavy is an aggressive and powerful stance, and we're fighting, it should be the forefront of your attack. Any stance will be good against someone who plays worse than you do. Since two people with equal twitch skills is a near impossibility because its hard to quantify, the experiment cant exist... yet.


I've come across plenty of good players that use light or medium, and I've also killed a good bit. In the case of JKII, its not the quality of the tools, its how you use the tools, because the tools are all used in a particular place and time, depending on your style of play.

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