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Do you want an EXPANSION for jk2

Darth Skyw@lker

Do you want a expension for jk2 ?  

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  1. 1. Do you want a expension for jk2 ?

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It would be nice.

No offence toward the SP players. But I think they should do a MP only expansion. Developing a lot more skins. More options for saber combat, more moves, more acrobatic moves etc.

Perhaps more physical combat moves as perhap add 2-3 different kicks and a punch or two (Did not the sith in episode 1 use quite some martial arts part from his saber).


More maps. Different MP games.

Most of all, concentrate on saber fights and saber only MP games.

To those who want to use weapons, try another game.

I hardly play TFF because of all gun wielders. It is fun to enter an "saber only" game, but that is all. As it is now, I allmost only play DUEL, unless ofcourse as stated above. I find a good saber only server, with not too much force powers.


Another thing they should do in the "no force" games, is to atleast add 1 more force power to jump. As you can not perform all acrobatic moves or kick without atleast force lvl 2 in jump.


Anyway, they should go for it. After all, most people would buy it. So there is definately money in it. Perhaps not as much if they do an MP only expansion. But hey, for those people, there could be a more nicer option for bots. As unreal tournament. SP players would enjoy aswell, in "MP" games towards computer controlled enemies.


That's my 2 cents. So....the answer to your question for me will be



:lsduel: :lsduel:

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I'd definetly want a SP and MP expansion. As for an SP expansion, I'd love to see an adventure from a Sith point of view, not a jedi of anykind, nor a mercenary. It could be some sabotage missions against New Rebuplic with killing some rebels and jedi's, maybe alongside with stormtroopers.

Both SP and MP exp's would be the best solution, but i guess it's not going to happen.

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A SP expansion would be a great idea in my opinion.


What about playing through the JO storyline but from Luke's pespective. This would allow you to start with all your force powers - which would shorten the expansion but still make it really enjoyable. You would get to fight Desann, go to the valley of the jedi (which means you could have some really visually impressing levels), turn up in cairn and have loads of fights with the reborn/shadowtroopers in the last few level's. Not sure what you'd do for a finale though.


Playing as Luke would allow you to include the "virtual acadamy" (spelling?) idea, you would simply be the master of the acadamy inspecting the facilities.


As for a MP expansion, how much are you really willing to pay for a few new skins. OK, the extra maps would be good, but in the end they've got to make it marketable. Others may not agree, but I don't like MP that much - the sabre fights are nowhere near as good as in SP and there are far too many people who just run around with guns, backpedaling and firing at you! Also, the fact I've only got a 56k modem doesn't help.......

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Can't really play the same story from Luke's perspective, everyone would already know the story. However - I'm sure Luke is always going on adventures so maybe a SP addon pack could let us play as him. I would like to go to Coruscant (more than just a cut scene as in JO), I think Raven could do a good job of that (they did a sterling job with Bespin). Except this time there could be NPC's scattered about to give the correct atmosphere. Luke could hook up with Han Solo or something. Another thing which would be good is to be part of a landing party that returns to the evacuated base on Hoth where something sinister could be taking place. I'm sure Raven could come up with some good ideas :)

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Opposing force told the halflife story from the other side, and I think opfor was better than half life. People want extra details, thats why there was so much interest in episode 1. I think it would be cool to see the jedi drive desann out of the valley etc..


The important thing is that any new levels are balanced. And a few extra animations wouldn't hurt either.


But I agree about Coruscant and Hoth. And lets have some malfunctioning hyperdrives!

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I think it's about time to make a story where you play as Sith lord or apprentice, with that black outfit and red saber. It could also rely more on stealth, cause i guess The Sith isn't in common knowledge and they don't want to be revealed.

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