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How long did it take you to complete the game?


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It only took me a few days to beat it, playing about 4 or 5 hours a day.


Yes, I did use a walkthrough for the tough stupid puzzles that I never would've had a chance figuring out (wtf you're supposed to do next on lvl 2 comes to mind).


This time I'm going through on a higher difficulty setting, and I still got stuck at the same spot. It's irritating.


However, I didn't need to use a walkthrough after killing Galak.

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It took me a week on Jedi Knight difficulty at about 3 hours a night. 15 hours total.


Guys don't be so quick to call people liars. It is possible to beat the game in 8-10 hours. If you play straight you take out things like load times and when you are playing straight it can go fast. Some of the puzzles are hard for people but to some hardcore players there is nothing that hard. I bet people used the saber alot when they got it too. If you go with guns and explosives you can mop up the floor of stormies real quick. Faster than the saber I dare say. I cleared out levels in 20 minutes sometimes.

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Probably took me around 30 hours over the period of 3 weeks. I take my time.. and I got stuck in a few places for a good hour (a hole in the wall that is blended in with everything, ect.) The only thing I didn't like was:



Desann was way to easy to beat. You just put it on light stance and hold down the left mouse button... it was disappointing I thought, but the rest of the game rocked.



You people saying 8-10 hours are full of crap. I'm sorry, but you obviously dont have a very good sense of time. There is no WAY that you could finish this game in 8-10 hours. Elite Force, yes, but this - no way. I don't think you could even walk through all the empty maps in 8-10 hours - they're really large.


With all the lightsaber fights, all the times that you pretty much *have* to die (such as when the floor blows up underneath you and you have no way of preventing it the first time), I just cannot believe you.. sorry. You probably aren't aware of just how much time you are playing games a day.. not a bad thing, but I don't think you realize it. 8-10 hours is just impossible.


And this is not a flame - I'm not angry, I'm just saying that I don't believe you.. and it seems like I'm not the only one.

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It seems that if someone asks you how long did it take to complete a game, whatever you do - even if it is the truth - do NOT say it took 8 hours or something which would be considered a short amount of time. Why? People refuse to believe that some people can actually be that good at games.


Do you remember Quake 1? Some dude completed the game etirely in 12 minutes. This is true ****e. It was a fair fwe years ago now so I wouldn't know where to find it on the net, but I hope some of you who were around in the days of Quake1 to remember this.


8 hours doesn't seem so short now does it. Perhaps those people (you know who you are) would now stop going off at people who say they completed it realitivly quickly. As the odds are they really did do such a thing.


Oh and one last thing... You say they can't possibly do it? THEN PROVE IT INSTEAD OF ACUSING THEM OF LIEING ABOUT IT.

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12 minutes.. lmao


You're the gullable (sp?) type aren't you? Unless you told me you watched him, I won't believe 12 minutes for a second.


Hell, you can't even beat NES Mario in 12 minutes.. takes 15 at least.


I still don't believe people that say 8 hours. They might think they only played for 8 hours, but they probably lost track of time.. understandable.


I believe 15 hours.. but 8? no way.

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actually I heard quake 1 was done in about 20 minutes ( not to knock you or anything obijonkenobi ) and there was a vid of it floating around at one stage to prove it apparently. Who knows, maybe it's just a urban legend, but untill someone can prove to me that it is I'll go on happily believing it.


As for the rest of you. If you finished the game in 8 hours and enjoyed it then good on you. If you finished it in (like me) about 30 hours then good on you as well. Each to their own, as I'm sure that every individual is capable of deciding how they prefer to play the game, but don't hassle someone else just because they play the game a way that you don't like.

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20 minutes?!? My god.. maybe it is real (if 2 people have mentioned it..)


Sorry, but, people need lives!!!! You obviously have to PRACTICE at that.. lol..


but I still don't believe 8 hours your first time through. No way. If I was TRYING to rush through the game, I think I would have taken about 20 hours... MAYBE 18. But 8? I just don't see how with this game.

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at least someone agrees with me...


could belive 8 hours IF you had been through it and knew all the tricks, or used a walkthrough, AND didn't go back to play around for the sake of playing around, AND were good at these kinda games to start with, (that one isn't so hard to fulfil)


bacon, I think that part is definitely an issue, I've heard several OTHER ways of doing it, that work just as well, I think it could have definitely been done better.


I guess it comes down to wether you play the game to win, or to have fun.


personally I rather play to have fun, and if you can only have fun in winning, well, thats pathetic.

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Bacon00, I think the demo/mod you are looking for would be Quake Done Quick, which was a real mad@55 charge thru Quake 1 on Nightmare in about 20 minutes (as previously mentioned).


The team that did this also produced Scourge Done Slick (one of the addon packs done equally fast if I recall)


In fact, try this URL: http://www.planetquake.com/qdq/


Oh yeah, and I finished JK2 in 16 hours on medium in one session that nearly burned out my retina. My girlfriend thought I had died :D

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Originally posted by Cloud_Fav

So? Just a rough value would be enough. In gameplay hours or days in real time. I need to know so I can calculate and finish the game in time.


It took me about a week, but I work 40hrs/week so.......


Actually it took me a tad longer, I bought it on a weekend and I had not finnished it the next weekend, but I played it through a second time starting last Saturday and finnished it last night [on Jedi Master diff, but I also cheated this time around, I simply wasn't enjoying it on the diff level.]


Compared to Medal of Honor, its a marathon, compared to Balder's Gate its short. That's about all one can say. I was unhappy with Hedal of Honor single player as I beat it in under 24hours [including sleep time], I was happy with JK2 single player, but that's me.............

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Guest HertogJan

7 days after I got the game I finished it... That would be like, 1.5 to 2 hours a day (was sick so had plenty of time)...


That would make 10-14 hours... probably ten!

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Who the hell cares if anyone is lieing!!!??? I beat the damn thing in 6 hours with cheats continually pounding the "give force" command. Happy!?


And please, don't b!tch about how you think cheating is for loosers!







Quit Whining

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I beat it in 8 hours. Of how many games i have played alot of stuff get predictable. My theroy is mosy everything has a really simple way to do it because if it wasnt it would be in the game. If a game made no sence people would be agravated and not play. They make games simple like that to make people gkeep playing and so they fell good about them selfs for figureing out stuff so simply.

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