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Contol setup and consistant special saber moves?


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I've been using keyboard direction arrows for movement and mouse for look/attack/jump/duel challenge. I've also mapped force abilities to the delete/end/pgdwn...etc keys right above my movement. Is this optimal? I ask because I seem to have a hard time pulling off "special" saber moves, especially the spin. Says to hit right/left + attack (or left/right down + attack) to spin. The only way I can spin is to hold down that direction and keep tapping attack (about the to four times until I spin). Is it supposed to be this inconsistant? It seems like others can do it with one attack and hardly even move from their position before they spin. Am I going about it wrong? Thanks, doods!

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Well, here's how I map my buttons, and I have no problems pulling off spins.


Forward - Up Key

Back - Down Key

Strafe Left - Left Key

Strafe Right - Right key

Use Force Power - Delete

Duck - Left Shift

Jump - Keyboard Enter

Use Item - Backslash

Force Absorb - Left Square Bracket

Force Heal - Right Square Bracket (Yes, I play Light)

Attack - Mouse1

Alt. Attack - Mouse2

Cycle Force Power - Wheel


I don't have any problems pulling off spins. Remap Left&Right arrow keys to the appropriate strafes and it should solve your problem (if you're using them to turn, something is REALLY wrong).



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IMHO, which is very arguable, the numpad is the best solution.

using the standard 8/4/6/2 for arrows, 5 for crouch, mouse1 fire, mouse2 jump, enter fire2, the rest of the keys are assigned to force powers. i have all my guns assigned to the regular arrow keys and the pageup/dpe, home end, insert delete.

it takes getting used to, but it is effective.

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With single player I use the default movement keys except for:


q = pull

e = push

r = use

mwheelup = prev force power scroll

mwheeldown = next force power scroll

mwheelclick (3rd button) = sabre on/off


I dont use weapons at all now - only sabre and force


I personally find the rest of the default keys to be really convenient and have had no reason to change them.


Just my opinion and I don't expect anyone to agree with me. If they do then that is cool too.

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I'm a WASD user and also have push and pull on q + e with heal on f .


Scroll forces with wheel, activate force with mouse4 and sabre draw/sheath on mouse5.


I honestly can't remember what I use for cycle weapon as I can't remember the last time I used a gun. :D

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I find the most effective way is to map my movement/strafe stuff to the arrow keys, jump as right shift, crouch as right control, and my forcepowers on the numpad. 1 is push, 2 is pull, 3 is speed, 4 is heal, 5 is grip, 6 is mind trick, 7 is rage, 8 is absorb, 9 is protect, the big 0 key is lightning;)

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These are my MP keymap settings:

Q, Z=Strafe Left


E, C=Strafe Right


Force powers mapped to A, S, D, 1, 2, 3

Forward Mouse Thumb Button=Force Push (Intellimouse Explorer)

Backward Mouse Thumb Button=Force Pull

Middle Mouse Button=Lightsaber Stance

Weapons mapped to F-keys

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Forward=Up Arrow

Back=Down Arrow

Left Strafe=Left Arrow

Right Strafe=Right Arrow


Using an Explorer 3 mouse...

Fire=Left Button

Secondary Fire=Wheel Button

Change Weapon=Wheel

Jump=Right Button

Run= Button 4

Duck=Button 5


I "speak" the force commands via GC2. Saying, "pull" is like thinking out loud and is more natural then hunting for a key.


I came across a forcible box and tested pull/push using the keyboard and GC2 and could not see any noticeable difference in response time on my system.



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w = forward

s = backwards

a = strafe left

d = strafe right

c = Sit ( duck )


mouse1 = attack1

mouse2 = attack2 ( saber throw ect )


space = jump


q = force push

e = force pull

r = mind trick / grip

f = force heal / lightning

g = force drain


1 = absorb

2 = protection ( tho i never have points in it ).


Caps lock = saber style


Thats how i roxxor :D

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Guest HertogJan



a=strafe left

d=strafe right






r=push (works great against push, better than mouse3 in that situation)

z=prev force power

x=next force power




mouse3(=wheel click)=lightning




n=bacta canister


c=saber stance

b=taunt :D



I use insert, home, pgup etc. keys for things I say a lot, like gg, lol, thx, nice1, may the force be with you... :D

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uparrow - forward

downarrow - backward

rightarrow - straffe right

leftarrow - straffe left

/ - jump

' - crouch

mwheelup and mwheeldown bound to saberattackcycle


All force powers bound to function keys from defaults


I also have two keys bound to switch between the darkkyle skin and shadowtrooper skin for when I join a server with skins

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This is my keyboard layout that I have set and I seem to like to like it really well, but I also have a hard time pulling off the spin moves .... especially in the medium stance... but I think I'm doing it wrong.



Tab - Datapad

Q - Previous force

W - Forward

E - Next force

R - I can't remember...

T - Previous Item

Y - Next Item

A - Strafe Left

S - Back pedal

D - Strafe Right

F - Use force

G - Select stance

H - Use Item

Shift - Walk

Z - Bacta

C - Crouch

V - Saber on/off

B - Electro-binoculars

Left CTRL - Heal

Left ALT - Speed

Space - Jump



Button 1 - Fire 1

Button 2 - Fire 2

Button 3 (wheel) - press to use; up and down to select weapon (select weapon with number keys as well....)

Button 4 - Push

Button 5 - Pull


I think that's it ... I might have missed a few keys in there somewhere.



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Originally posted by NeJJa

IMHO, which is very arguable, the numpad is the best solution.

using the standard 8/4/6/2 for arrows, 5 for crouch, mouse1 fire, mouse2 jump, enter fire2, the rest of the keys are assigned to force powers. i have all my guns assigned to the regular arrow keys and the pageup/dpe, home end, insert delete.

it takes getting used to, but it is effective.


ummmm dont ur wrist hurt with a set up way on the other side of the keyboard? or do u just pull it way over to ur left hand?

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ummmm dont ur wrist hurt with a set up way on the other side of the keyboard? or do u just pull it way over to ur left hand?


I use this method and just move the keyboard to the left so its in the right place. I've been using the numpad since fps's went 3D. (going back a bit now...)

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I have used the same controls since I used to play Doom2 on BBS with some of my friends...I love this configuration because all the movements are very natural for my left hand. I keep my pointer and middle finger on X and Z, my thumb on Lalt, the 2 gimpy fingers for Lshift, and just the pinky for Lctrl. I may change alt-fire to somewhere else, because firing with your pinky finger is kind of awkward..but I never use alt-fire in fast combat, usually from a distance for things, so it's not that bad.


z = strafe left

x = strafe right

Lalt = back

mouse2 = forward

mouse1 = fire

Lshift = walk

Lctrl = alt-fire

space = jump

c = crouch

q,w,e,a,s,d = force powers

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Mouse 1: Fwd

Mouse 2: Back

Mouse 3 (wheel button): Use force

Mouse Wheel: Cycle through force


W: Fwd

S: Back

A: Strafe L

D: Strafe R

ctrl: Primary Fire

Z: Secondary Fire

X: Jump

C: Crouch

Q & R: Cycle through weapons

F: Use force

E: Cycle through force


I'm considering swapping Cycle Force (E) over to the alt key, or using alt for cycling through weapons and binding Q & R to specific force powers. I might also swap my config over a few keys (instead of centering around WASD it would be at RDFG or TGFH) so I can get at more of the keyboard with my hand, giving me more room to bind individual force powers. I've also gotta figure out what I want to do with my 4th & 5th mouse buttons (thinking about using M4: Primary & M5: Secondary, but I haven't really given it much thought since my current config works pretty well...).

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Originally posted by Kanubis


I use this method and just move the keyboard to the left so its in the right place. I've been using the numpad since fps's went 3D. (going back a bit now...)


i would still be usin arrows if i wasnt a lazy bastige and just move the stupid keyboard over. :p

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