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2 Questions need answering


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First question:


Set up mp game over inet with some friends. I have some skins loaded into the game. We all have downloads enabled... but they don't seem to get them. They see all of em as Katarn. Any idea why?




Tek is a flechette b!tch. Any console strings to remove this stupid gun from mp? Call him and tell him he sucks at 604-977-7023. Heh heh

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1. Downloads don't work unless you're running a pure server. Nobody can see the custom skins without having them on their own systems. Your buddies will all have to download and install the skin files to see them. Sorry.


2. Gotta use the 'set g_weaponDisable 512' cvar on your server. 512 disables the flechette gun.

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Okay, if someone could, please tell me EXACTLY what to type in to get rid of the damned flechette. Also, for some reason, devmapall doesn't work. Is this a SP command only? If not, any ideas why it doesn't work? The message I get is 'Cannot find maps /.bsp

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