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swrpg: player characters (pc's)

Wraith 5

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My character is FINISHED. Here are the FULL stats of my character.


Name: Mitha'ura'wnorudii or "Aurawn" / Character Level: 1


Class: Jedi Guardian (Padawan) / Class Level: 1


Species: Chiss / Age:11* / Height: 1.6 M / Weight: 145 lbs / Eyes: Red (Glowing) / Hair: Blue/Black / Skin: Light Blue


Abilities= Str: 12 (+1) / Dex: 16 (+3) / Con: 17 (+3) / Int: 16 (+3) / Wis: 11 (+0) / Cha: 14 (+2)


Stats= Vitality: 13 / Defense: 17 / Wounds: 17 / Speed: 10 / Initiative: 3 / Base Attack: +1 / Rep: 1 / Force Points: 2


Saving Throws= Fort: 5 / Reflex: 5 / Will: 1


Attacks Bonuses= Melee: +2 / Ranged: +4


Skills= Bluff +4, Climb +5, Computer Use +7, Tumble +7, En. Ability +7, Force Defense +7, Force Stealth +7, Heal Self +7


Feats= Force-Sensitive, Stealthy, Weapon Group (Simple, B. Pistol, B. Rifle), Control


Languages= Cheunh (Literate), Basic (Literate)


Weapons= Lightsaber- Damage: 2d8 / Critical: 19-20 / Range: - / Type: Energy / Size: Medium;; Charric- Damage: 3d6 / Critical: 20 / Range: 10 / Type: Energy / Size: Medium / Stun/FortDC: 1d6/DC 16


Gear= Power Pack x4, Medpack, Comlink, Credits: 700




*Because Chiss reach adolescence much sooner that humans, a Chiss of age 10 has the size and maturity of a 20 year old human.




BTW: Wraith I switched my Wis score for Cha score, and switched the skills Empathy for Bluff. :)

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Thrawn when you switched your WIS and CHA, did you adjust your skills to fit too?

Also why do you need a Charric? Thats a blaster! Jedi do not use blasters since they are used for one thing; to inflict pain.

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well his is a jedi padawan right now, in the Jedi Guardian class,


kvan the reason he as the gun is something out of his story that i forgot to out in...


here is the little bit i forgot.


"When the jedi, found he, the only other thing that was foudn in the wreckage was a gun, the only thing the Aurawn could tell anyone about it was what it was called, a "Charric", it a weapon that he as learnd to use over the last few years, one that he used for fun befor his master give him a lightsaber."


Is will know be added to aurawn's story since i forgot to put it there in the first place... opps

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Can I have a Charric too? ;)

Oh, btw I think 'm going to be changing to a Gungan or Mon Calamari Jedi Guardian :D. Which one do you think I should be? I leaning to Gungan since no one is going to be one :(

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

Kvan i don't have a book in front of me right now, but i do know that Gungans don't have may jedi. but if they don't get any kind of loses for being a gungan and a jedi, i think it would be cool

The book says "There are no examples of Gungan Jedi as yet..." It doesn't say there can't be any. You you think it's going to be a problem to play a Gungan Jedi won't. Right now I'm still crossed between a Mon Cal. (which I've written up already ) and a gungan.

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I wasn't saying you can't play a gungan jedi...


just remeber gungans are +2 con -2 wis...


a jedi consulars best abilities are wis, int, cha


a jedi guardians best abilities are con, dex.


and all sense skills use wis.


I think if you want to play a gungan jedi you should be a jedi quardian.


But if you want to play a gungan jedi of any type i don't care. If you can make it work i think it would be kind of cool.

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

I wasn't saying you can't play a gungan jedi...


just remeber gungans are +2 con -2 wis...


a jedi consulars best abilities are wis, int, cha


a jedi guardians best abilities are con, dex.


and all sense skills use wis.


I think if you want to play a gungan jedi you should be a jedi quardian.


But if you want to play a gungan jedi of any type i don't care. If you can make it work i think it would be kind of cool.

I really don't care if my guys a power house or a weakling. MonCals have a negative number to their CON but I wouldn't mind playing them as a Jedi either :D.

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Is someone going to be a Noghri???

A Noghri Jedi even...well mabe not. The Noghri would have a big negative in the wisdom department:(


And don't tell me that these guys arn't Old Rep as well. These guys were around then...they probably joined right before the Empire really got going. A while after Vader got started on ridding the galaxie of Jedi...what would be really cool is seeeing a Noghri in Ep. III or if there was one that was snuck in the Special Edition...

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fergie i won't tell you that they wern't around, because to tell you the truth, all of these races were on their planted when star wars takes place.


But the only way you could play a Noghr right now would be to play it as a dark side pc and we are not playing with dark side pc.


When we play njo era, then you can play a Noghr, because even in the rebllion era they still work for thrawn.

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Guest Tie Guy

Ok, here's my complete character...i think Let me know if you see any problems


Name: Nashina'k


Class: Scout


Species: Kubaz / Age: 27 / Weight: 134lbs / Height: 1.8 m / Eyes: green (Red goggles) / Hair: None (black cloak) / Skin: deep green


Abilities: Str: 5(-3) / Dex: 15(+2) / Con: 12(+1) / Int: 16(+3) / Wis: 11(+0) / Cha: 16(+3)


Stats: Vit: 9 / Def: 13 / Wounds: 12 / Speed: 10 / Initiative: 3 / Base Atk: 0 / Rep: 1


Saving Throws: Fort: 1 / Ref: 1 / Will: 1


Skills: Computer Use: 3 / Disguise: 4 / Escape Artist: 4 / Hide: 4 / Listen: 4 / Move Silently: 6 / Prefession-spy: 1 / Search: 4 / Spot: 4 / Survival: 10


Feats: Skill Emphasis: Survival / Stealthy / Weapons Group: Simple Weapons


Languages: Kubazi / Basic


Weapon: Blastech DL-44


Gear: 5 Power packs

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Well Tie, you need to add another language (Just speaking not read/write).

Also you should have sent me it first because it looks like you didn't add your Ability Modifier to your skills stats :)

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Guest Tie Guy

Remember, i tried to send it to you 2 days ago, but somebody decided to send me a pm that erased it.


BTW, i did add the skills modifier, how do you think i got a 10 for survival? I also added 2 to move silently. I may have forgotten one or two, but i don't think so.


Anyways, just tell me and i will edit it, no big deal.

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Ok, you have a Escape Artist 2 but a DEX Ability Mod. of 2. It should be 4....unless that's a Species bonus for Kubaz (I can't remember..:) )

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Hey Kvan how come I don't have these???


Stats: Vit: ? / Def: ? / Wounds: ? / Speed: ? / Initiative: ? / Base Atk: ? / Rep: ?


Saving Throws: Fort: ? / Ref: ? / Will: ?

You don't ?:eek:

You were playing the Giant Jawa right? I have your Character Sheet in front of me and it's there. Did I scan your Character sheet over to you or did I write it all out?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Definately be the Gungan Jedi, Kvan. It'll be much more fun to read what you're character says.... lot's and lot's more personality;)


Of course you have to use the same type of speech they use!


Anyway my character is done except for equipment, and I'll post him up here just as soon as I get that done. Some of the characters posted here have some basic equipment plus credits. Are we getting free stuff? Because I doubt some of those characters could get some of that stuff and still have so many credits left.


My character starts with 500 credits according to Kvan, which is just enough to buy a blaster pistol. I'm not sure how many power packs that gives me, or if I have to buy those separetly, if so I don't have any ammo;)

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