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swrpg: player characters (pc's)

Wraith 5

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kvan do you want a shot at this one???


awing that is really helpful!!!


if kvan wants me to do it, i will get to it rightafter i finish jay's wokkiee.



Does any one know why those things are called wraiths???


The wraiths i know a ghost like things that are per evil

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Your doing Jays!? Ah, man! I was looking forward to doing his! ;)

I'll see what I can do with the Defel A wing.

they call them wraiths because they can blend in like a ghost :)

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

*think to himself* I hope Chris doesn't kill me


Chris i swear i didn't put them up to it.


fergie there is now jawa in the core rules... so i made up onw just for you.



Jay next up is a wokkiee on steroids (or spice)


thanks alot for creating my character, wraith and kvan. if you guys need my help, just let me know...

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Ok, here is my take on the Defel, it's probably not perfect but this is how I see them. Please give me feedback if you don't agree with something :)

+2 DEX -4 CHA


Defel base speed is 10

Darkvision: Defels can see up to 20 meters in the dark,but in black and white only.

+4 Species bonus to Hide. They are cloaked so it's real hard to see them:)

+2 species bonus to Intimidate. The Defel are freaky looking. :)

Automatic Language: Basic and whatever language they speak on their homeworld.

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

*think to himself* I hope Chris doesn't kill me


Chris i swear i didn't put them up to it.


fergie there is now jawa in the core rules... so i made up onw just for you.




Abbitites modifiers


str 0

Con -1

int +2

wis 0

cra -2

dex +1


suffers no penaties to repair checks


+2 to search checks


-3 to hide checks (how can you hide a 6 foot jawa :D)


The Force can do this...always


laguage: Jawa (or hutties i havn't decided yet) and understands basic but can speak it.


Actually the Galactic phrase book says it is Jawanese


well what do you think.

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Originally posted by Kvan

Ok, here is my take on the Defel, it's probably not perfect but this is how I see them. Please give me feedback if you don't agree with something :)

+2 DEX -4 CHA


Defel base speed is 10

Darkvision: Defels can see up to 20 meters in the dark,but in black and white only.

+4 Species bonus to Hide. They are cloaked so it's real hard to see them:)

+2 species bonus to Intimidate. The Defel are freaky looking. :)

Automatic Language: Basic and whatever language they speak on their homeworld.


Kvan... shouldn't the Defel have some kinda power so that no one can see them unless they see ultra violet light (i'm havin' real trouble communicating today ;) )

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Thats what a +4 to hide is for. Should I change it to something like +2 hide and +2 to defense do to the abosorbtion of light? I don't want to make them too powerful though

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Here are my stats after much work:



Name: Mitha'ura'wnorudii or "Aurawn" (Hey, maybe it's a popular Chiss name.)

Player: Thrawn12786

Class: Jedi Guardian

Species: Chiss

Character Level: 1

Class level: 1

Age: 11 (Chiss grow to adoalescence very quickly. A Chiss that is 10 years old has the size and maturity of a 20 year old human.)

Gender: M

Height: 1.6 m

Weight: 145 lbs

Eyes: Red (Glowing)

Hair: Blue/Black

Skin: Light Blue




Damage: 2d8 (-4 til level 2)

Critical: 19-20

Range: -

Weight: 1 kg

Type: Energy

Size: Medium

Stun/Fort DC: -



Damage: 3d6

Critical: 20

Range: 8 m

Weight: 4.5 kg

Type: Energy

Size: Medium

Stun/Fort DC: 1d6/DC 16


Whew! That's alot of typing for me! But its worth it! :thrawn2:

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Here's what I put together for my character, most of the info comes from an Ubese template for the D20 game from SWRPG.net.


Name: Voushh

Homeworld: Uba IV

Langauge: Ubese, Basic

Personality: Loyal, secretive, quiet, hatred of the Galactic Republic.


Template info:


-2 Str, -2 Con, +2 Dex, +2 Wis


Medium-size. No special bonuses or penalties because of size.


Ubese base speed is 10 meters.


+4 species bounus to Surivival


Bonus feat: Gearhead


Type II Atmosphere: Ubese require a breath mask (or other life support) in a type I atmosphere (the standard atmosphere found on most inhabitable planets). If they lack this life support equipment for some reason, they suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to all attack rolls, skill checks, and saves.




Protective armor/enviromental suit

Repeater Gun or whatever Wraith decides to give me;)

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Looks good, Nilaar! Do you know where I can find a pic of a Ubese? I'd really like to know what one looks like(I know what there armor looks like)! :)

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Nope, haven't managed to find one. The template did come with some background and a physical description though.


Ubese background: The Ubese, when introduced to the technology of the galaxy, grew increasingly technophilic, even going to so far as to develop weapons of mass destruction long since banned by the Old Republic. The decision was made to launch a pre-emptive strike to destroy the illegal technology, but the attack accidentally triggered the weapons instead, leaving Uba IV an ecological disaster. The survivors were forced to adapt to the wrecked atmosphere, and the Old Republic covered up the incident. Millenia later, the true Ubese found a way off Uba IV by capitalizing on their natural talents: they became mercenaries, bounty hunters, slave drivers, and bodyguards.


Physical Description: Nobody really remembers what the Ubese originally looked like, and few have ever seen a true Ubese outside of the protective gear they must wear to survive on Uba IV. Most use voice modulators to clarify and amplify their natural speech, which is believed to be little more than a raspy whisper.

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Jawa Specie Stats;

+2 DEX -2 STR

+4 species bonus to Repair

+2 species bonus to Bluff

+2 species bonus to Appraise

+ 2 species bonus to Spot

Small-Size (this wouldn't apply to the 6 foot jawa)

Language: Jawanese, Basic(but I'm not sure if they can speak it)

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The story of Aurawn


When he was young about 6 or 7 he was in a bad crash. he was the only survier. Because of this crash, he lost most of his memories, where he comes form, what speices he is, and anything about his speices. The only thing he can remeber is his name, how to speak his native laguage, and how to use the gun that was found with him, a chirrc.


After this crash he was found by a jedi who senesed his power with the force, this jedi brought Aurawn to the jedi council, where yoda and a few other jedi masters saw a vision of Aurawn race coming into the core worlds to fight a war. The masters couldn't tell who Aurawn's race was fighting,but they could tell that there weren't many jedi in this time. They desided that they should train Aurawn in the jedi arts in hope that Aurawn would create a link between his race and the jedi, thus stopping this version of the future. They keeped him out of all records, trying not to let the dark forces that they could feel raising form knowing about him, they felt that these dark forces would try to take him over to their side.


The only other thing that was found in the wreckage was a gun, the only thing the Aurawn could tell anyone about it was what it was called, a "Charric", it a weapon that he as learnd to use over the last few years, one that he used for fun befor his master give him a lightsaber.

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My complete Character!!!!!:jawa


Name: Darth Uttinni

Species: Male Jawa

Class: Force Adept 1

Age: 16

Height: 6.2 Ft tall (remember I can hide using the force)

Weight: 210 lb

Eye color: yellow

Hair color: N/A


Inti +3(Dex); Defense 16(+3 class, +3 Dex) ; Spd 10m ; VP/WP 10/14; ATK +0 melee, +3 ranged;

SQ None;

SV Fort +3 / Ref +4 / Will +4 / SZ M/ FP 2 / Rep 0

STR 10 / DEX 17 / CON 14 / INT 11 / WIS 15 / CHA 14



Balster Pistol


Skills:Knowledge(Ships) +3, Profession(Ship Repair) +6, Survival +6,

Affect Mind +5, Enhance Ability +5, Force Push +3, Heal Another +4,

Heal Self +6, Repair +6,

+2 Bluff , +2 Appraise, +2 Spot<---these are here because I have a species bonus for these so they may not be ligitmate




Feats: Weapon group(Primitive), Weapon group(Simple),Weapon group(Blaster Pistols)



Force Feats: Alter, Control



Jawanese, Basic


Credits: 500

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I have a question fergie; since you were using my species temp. Jawa Specie Stats;

+2 DEX -2 STR

+4 species bonus to Repair

+2 species bonus to Bluff

+2 species bonus to Appraise

+ 2 species bonus to Spot

Small-Size (this wouldn't apply to the 6 foot jawa)

Language: Jawanese, Basic(but I'm not sure if they can speak it)

Why didn't you put any into Repair, Bluff, Apprasie or spot? :confused:

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+2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength. Kel Dor are highly perceptive, giving them an edge in dealing with other beings due to their extra sensory organs.

Medium-size: As medium-size beings, Kel Dor have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Kel Dor base speed is 10 meters.

Low-light Vision: Kel Dor can see twice as far as a Human in dim light (such as moonlight or underwater). They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

Type II Atmosphere Breathers: The Kel Dor homeworld is one with a radically different atmosphere than most planets in the Galaxy. As such, the Kel Dor are forced to wear a special breathing apparatus while not in a Type II atmosphere. A Kel Dor caught without a breathmask must make a Fortitude save every round (DC 15) or fall to the ground unconscious and dying; additionally, the Kel Dor suffers 1d6 points of damage each round without a breath mask.

Perceptiveness: Kel Dor gain the Alertness feat for free.

Automatic Languages: Doran, Basic.


*A Keldorian is Plo Koon :), I didn't make these stats *

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

Hey Kvan who is that for (I think i know but no one else does, unless it is a secret) and do you have a picture or can you tell us where we may have seen or read about this race before

Hehehe...wraith it says at the bottom of my post (oh, and masta said it :) )

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Originally posted by Kvan

I have a question fergie; since you were using my species temp. Jawa Specie Stats;

+2 DEX -2 STR

+4 species bonus to Repair

+2 species bonus to Bluff

+2 species bonus to Appraise

+ 2 species bonus to Spot

Small-Size (this wouldn't apply to the 6 foot jawa)

Language: Jawanese, Basic(but I'm not sure if they can speak it)

Why didn't you put any into Repair, Bluff, Apprasie or spot? :confused:



...what are Repair, Bluff, Apraise or Spot used for...I think I can guess repair.;)


I might put some in later I guess...

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