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Extended play Bashes JK II


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Everyone acknowledges that a few puzzels (epsecially the comm frequency one that makes NO sense) are tedious and nonsensical, but that hardly detracts from the game play.


I do, however, agree that this one lacked NPC's in a BAD way. In MOTS, there was that level on some planet (the name escapes me) that was just full of people, droids and other such things (even had a little stage play going on with a few Uganaughts watching!).


Nar Shadaar didn't feel like Nar Shadaar to me.


And the stealth level wasn't fun (although his assessment that stealth doesn't work with the QIII engine is dumb, the two stealth missions in Return to Castle Wolfenstein as some of the best in the game). It was more fun to turn go setForceAll5 and take over the Stormies' minds and make them jump off things!


But he just forgets to mention that the lightsabre makes this game what it is:


Better than any other FPS that has ever been released (except for Half Life).



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as an example of the rushed game theory, narr shada is a good example. the bar scene sucks ass, its far too airy. it should be dark dank and smoky they obviously took the previous games as too much influence and ignored alot of the atmosphere of the movies. IMO, MP is the games saving grace. if you play how they intended, that is. i look forward to some f the movie and book TCs that will come out. btw, does anyone know the addy for the AotCTC?

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I agree with a lot of what they said. A lot of the troopers were in weird places. Nar shaddaa was a dissapointment to me as well. I did feel like I was playing a Q3 mod.


But I think 2 out of 5 was harsh. I had a lot of fun playing it, even if Nar Shaddaa sucked. I'd still give it a 4/5 or at least a 3/5. To me, games are made so that we have fun when we play them. I had a lot of fun playing JK2, and I think that's what matters.

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The comments are mainly true, except for the a couple:


1) The allies A.I. : I thought Jan, Lando and Luke all held their own, and you never really felt like you had to worry about them (apart from escorting Jan between consoles - but that was the point.)


2) The multi-player games. None of the problems (except for the lack of true co-operative game) that he described are a big deal if you are willing to try a few servers.


Apart from that, I'd agree. But since the problems in the level design, then all it needs is a real good expansion pack - I'd say MotS had a more believable world than JK.


I think his score was harsh, and where he admits to good points, he breezes over them

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I dunno, I had trouble sometimes keeping Luke and Lando alive.. You pretty much had to follow them around everywhere. 2 reborn could team up and kill Luke, and Lando had a nasty habit of running away from you in the hangar and trying to take on 10 enemies at once.

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The game is very fun and challenging in both SP and MP. But, it does seem quite buggy/unstable at times. Could just be my computer setup...


Oh yea, needs dismemberment in MP. My theory is that it was mostly removed in SP and totally gone in MP to prevent a Mature rating. They didn't want that at all costs.

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Originally posted by Foxbatkllr

Mature rating...lol that played no part in it i'm sure. Actually I seem to remember someone from Raven saying that MP dismemberment was really buggy. It created lag and caused some crashes.

Too bad they didnt try to fix those problems with a better net code and fixing of crashes.

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Guest Forceflow

As much as I hate it, generally I have to agree. I don't think it deserves such a low ranking, but the points that were brought up all were true.


(Not the one with the 'Raven's other top-notch games (from "Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force"' though. Elite Force plainly sucked. Sorry RAVEN, but that one was BAD!)


Well, let's hope RAVEN read that and will keep it in mind for an expansion pack!

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Originally posted by Assault3000

Too bad they didnt try to fix those problems with a better net code and fixing of crashes.


<sarcasm>yeah, they should get a better net code, like the half-life one!</sarcasm>


sorry, it needed to be said.


the quake 3 net code is fine.

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"<sarcasm>yeah, they should get a better net code, like the half-life one!</sarcasm>"


HL netcode is much better suited for hitscan weapons.. only the disruptor (as far as I know) is hitscan, and really isn't used enough to benefit from the shortcomings of lag-compensation...


saber fighting would be completely ruined through lag compensation, so it's quite obvious that it would be a bad choice..

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i think they're right in every single criticism of the game and it was good to see a more unbiased review of the game.


though they shoulda gave it three.


the problem i think with all the other reviews this game got was that the reviewers were obviously very into starwars (like me :D )


the quality of the gameplay dynamics (saber and force powers) make it feel as close to being a jedi as any game has ever got.

this was instant gratification for the reviewers who probably were very excited at the whole "look im a jedi!" thing and didnt look too deeply into the other aspects of the game.


and though the gameplay quality is excellent the level design, scripting and art in some ways were rushed and crap.


it s a case of the superficial brilliance of the games gameplay mechanics overshadowing the many problems as far as quality control in level design and stuff.



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Originally posted by Obi-Cyph


<sarcasm>yeah, they should get a better net code, like the half-life one!</sarcasm>


sorry, it needed to be said.


the quake 3 net code is fine.


I see you have a cable/DSL connection. Is it me or is the world forgetting about 56k? To this date, many people are STILL STUCK on their sorry excuse for a connection (me included) TFC/CS was the only game I could play online and ENJOYED it (after its netcode was fixed).. Q3 was playable but NOT tolerable.. for JO? good luck, 999, connection interrupted.. what a pain. If any of you played JK1 and were a NF Saberist, you'd agree JK1's netcode was supreme. I hope raven fixes the netcode because the game is defiantly not playable (for enjoyment) online.

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