Wraith 5 Posted August 24, 2001 Author Share Posted August 24, 2001 gamma you are right he can use it well untill he gets to level 2. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Kvan Posted August 25, 2001 Share Posted August 25, 2001 I still don't like the idea of him having a lightsaber when we are just starting. It should be something he constructs through out the campaign Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Gamma732 Posted August 25, 2001 Share Posted August 25, 2001 Do'h....only now do I realize I posted my pc in the wrong thread.....oh well. And more and more its sounding like everyone has a better weapon then me..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wraith 5 Posted August 25, 2001 Author Share Posted August 25, 2001 gamma, the weapon you have may look small but if you know how to use it, it can be deadly!!! And kvan we were just following the jedi setup in the book Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darthfergie Posted August 25, 2001 Share Posted August 25, 2001 Wraith 5 When is my weapon going to be finished in the munitions plant(your brain:D )??? Please let me know soon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mitth'raw'nuruodo Posted August 25, 2001 Share Posted August 25, 2001 Alright, listen up. My lightsaber is -4 until I get Exotic Weapon Proficiencey (Lightsaber) at level 2. So I'll be using my Charric mostly. BTW I'm kinda not that smart or good at RPG's yet, so don't worry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Kvan Posted August 25, 2001 Share Posted August 25, 2001 Quote Originally posted by Wraith 5 gamma, the weapon you have may look small but if you know how to use it, it can be deadly!!! And kvan we were just following the jedi setup in the book It also says that you can have them build it. But I guess it's a moot point now Fergie, are you using an Ion gun? Cause I can write the stats out for you right now(they are in the book). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mitth'raw'nuruodo Posted August 25, 2001 Share Posted August 25, 2001 Kvan, it says that the master gives the padawan a lightsaber to use, until he can make his own. The jedi must make his own before level 6 though. Read about it in the Core Rulebook. BTW I have finally gotten a clawcraft avatar!!! YAY!!! Is it cool or what? :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Kvan Posted August 25, 2001 Share Posted August 25, 2001 Ok, OK! So I take it the backstory on your character thrawn is no more? BTW Your avatar looks cool but I think it lacks color Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mitth'raw'nuruodo Posted August 25, 2001 Share Posted August 25, 2001 Wraith made up a really cool backstory to go with my character. Ask him to post it. It's really cool. BTW I know there's already a Thrawn in the SW universe but I'm just going to keep that name in the RPG, otherwise I won't know when people are talking to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Kvan Posted August 25, 2001 Share Posted August 25, 2001 Thrawn why don't you post it? I'm sure wraith is busy So...you characters name is going to be thrawn? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mitth'raw'nuruodo Posted August 25, 2001 Share Posted August 25, 2001 Yeah. What's wrong with that?! I LIKE the name Thrawn. It's not like anyone knows who he is anyway! Besides it's just a game, right? Well, I suppose I could post it. I'll try to remember how it goes exactly. Ok, I was found by some Jedi in a crash when I was very young. The found that I had Force potential so the took me to the council to be tested. The council members found that I was Force sensitive. One of them had a vision of lots of people like me coming to the core worlds to fight an unknown people. In the vision there were very few Jedi. The decided to train me in hopes that I will form I link between my people and the Jedi so that the vision perhaps will not come true. No one knows where I am from or anything about me. No one knows of anyone else who looks like me either. I like the story. It explains alot, but still leaves lots of mystery for openess in my character's choices. I'm hoping that one day I'll be able to ask the council for the wreckage of my ship. It would be great to repair it, cause then I'd have a ship. But we're not there yet, so I'll just work on my ground stuff. BTW The council gave me the Charric that they found in the wreakage, so that's how I have it. Well, Kvan, what do you think. Am I still not what you would like me to be? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Kvan Posted August 25, 2001 Share Posted August 25, 2001 We'll don't listen to my opinion for your character, it's you character . But I'd really consider changing your characters name. Everyone on here is not going to be using there screen name (well...ok, I am). We won't forget who is playing who or anything like that. Wraith should send out a list that tells people who is playing who. I know! Why not reverse his name, N'warht? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mitth'raw'nuruodo Posted August 25, 2001 Share Posted August 25, 2001 N'warht?! That sounds too much like "wart." I don't know. I'll change my name if I can think of a good sounding Chiss name. How about this: Mitha'ura'wnorudii or "Aurawn" for short. Close enough to Thrawn to be a recognizeable Chiss, but far enough it's not thought of as "copied." Does that sound cool, or stupid. Please tell me its good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
General Nilaar Posted August 26, 2001 Share Posted August 26, 2001 Sounds good to me.... if you used Thrawn I would have been thinking of the wrong character;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth_Rommel Posted August 26, 2001 Share Posted August 26, 2001 Yeah... thats like me namin' my character 'Bossk'. N'whart is a great name! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Kvan Posted August 26, 2001 Share Posted August 26, 2001 If anyone wants me to make there character for them I will. Just Pm me! Or email me marmis@inreach.com I can either work with them in making it or do it myself, but if I do it myself I'll be picking your skills for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wraith 5 Posted August 26, 2001 Author Share Posted August 26, 2001 neaver fear your gm as returened!!! Sorry i have not really been here for the last 2 days, there was a lot going on at work, and i couldn't get away even on satarday night!!! I have a few thing to say a a few questions to answer. First, fergie you are looking for the statis on an ion blaster... ion gun, pistol: cost 250 damage 3d6 critical 20 range 8 meters weight 1 kg fort dc 15 type energy size small group blaster pistol ion gun rifile: cost 800 damage 3d8 critical 19-20 range 30 meters weight 3.1 kg forst dc 18 type energy size medium group blaster rifle thrawn has most of his story right, i will post the whole thing today in the pc thread but the main part he had wrong was that the jedi masters that had the vistion only saw his people fighting in the core worlds, they didn't see who they were fighting, they thought it mite be teh rebublic, so they trained he hoping that he would create a link between the jedi and his people. The whole story will be in the pc forum in a little while. now I am making a rule about all jedi (thrawn this includes you) in the class discription it shows extra damage the jedi soes witht he lightsaber the more up in levels s/he gets, i am goign to add to this and say that the extra damage is caused only when the jedi is useing a lightsaber that s/he created themself, this why showing the conection between the jedi and his/her weapon. Alsothe jedi most create a lightsaber before level 7 (this is in the book) i would like to see all jedi create a lightsaber so i am going to say that a jedi can not get a level higher then 6 until s/he as created his or her lightsaber. I think these will make the jedi match more like they are in the books, and movies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Kvan Posted August 26, 2001 Share Posted August 26, 2001 That sounds good. I have a question...If someone is a Force Abept can they start out with a Lightsaber? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wraith 5 Posted August 26, 2001 Author Share Posted August 26, 2001 kvan i will have to say no... the only reason a jedi as a lightsber right away is because his/her master give it to him/her. the force adapt normaly doesn't have a lightsaber or a master. But if it is a question about one of our players, we maybe able to come up with a story that will let one person have a lightsaber, but rember, a force adapt dosn't get the lightsaber prficince feat, they would have to choose it or suffer a -4 penalty all of the time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darthfergie Posted August 26, 2001 Share Posted August 26, 2001 Ion Rifle would do nicely...I'm wondering if someone has the Dark Side source book...I want lightning as a later force feat:emperor: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darthfergie Posted August 26, 2001 Share Posted August 26, 2001 I got the latest issue of SW Gamer (#5) As a bonus it had a galaxie star Chart. Definatly the most detailed one I've seen. If you don't have it Wraith. You had better head out to your nearest magazine shop and get it!!!! It also has alot of cool info on the Dark Side Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wraith 5 Posted August 26, 2001 Author Share Posted August 26, 2001 fergie I have the issues and i have the map andi have the dark side sorce book, Are you going to be a force class??? Because i think they are the only ones that can bet the force lightning One thing i forgot about the ion guns... they really only work or droids or other things made of metal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JEDI_MASTA Posted August 26, 2001 Share Posted August 26, 2001 ok how does this game work if u explain it to me i might be able to join up eithere post here of pm me if u can im interested i just dont know what it is plz help:( :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darthfergie Posted August 26, 2001 Share Posted August 26, 2001 Quote Originally posted by Wraith 5 fergie I have the issues and i have the map andi have the dark side sorce book, Are you going to be a force class??? Because i think they are the only ones that can bet the force lightning One thing i forgot about the ion guns... they really only work or droids or other things made of metal NOOOOOOO!!!!!!...well then I have to find myself a new weapon...anyone know a site I can find one at??? as for my class if you remember I'm a force adapt...I'm almost done creating my character. Kvan's been helping me do that. So when I'm done I'll post it here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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