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*AHEM* *Taps microphone* After 2 1/2 years.....

Cmdr. Cracken

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Well the truth is (*ashamed*) they looked a little froody to me and I thought you were just being facesious... it was the whole (9/5) / (5/9) thing that threw me! I didn't see those fractions as having any place in those formulas! And I still don't!! I'm sorry O_O

Except now I see that that probably means "divided by" and so I feel even more dork-assier. Ah well.

me not smrt to nokw the convershuns.


But now I know for next time.


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*SNIFF* Well, okay...


But they are for real. It does make sense because there should be a scaling factor (the fraction) and an offset (the 32).


Try it with what you know - boiling and freezing. Boiling point in F is 212 and in C is 100.


Remember the formulas:


To convert Celcius to Fahrenheit: F = C * (9/5) + 32


To convert Fahrenheit to Celcius: C = (F - 32) * (5/9)


So, let's do boiling, C to F.

F=100*(9/5)+32 = 100*1.8+32 = 180+32 = 212

OK, it works.


Now backwards just for good measure.

C=(212-32)*(5/9) = 180*(5/9) = 180/1.8 = 100

OK, that works too.


For freezing (32 F and 0 C), C to F.

F = 0*(9/5)+32 = 0+32 = 32



For F to C

C = (32-32)*(5/9) = 0*(5/9) = 0



So, there's some intuition that it works from checking those examples.


Now for your specific tempuratre, 27 C.

F = 27*(9/5)+32 = 27*1.8+32 = 48.6+32 = 80.6

So, that's what it is.


See, I wouldn't lie to you! Now keep those formulas handy!

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