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*EP2 SPOILERS* Would a Sith REALLY bow?


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Okay, it's a bowing thread, but I don't think anyone has mentioned this point yet.


Think of Vader, Maul, Sidius and their ilk. They're evil. (No ****, you say.) The point being, someone who happily destroys an entire planet of people who can't defend themselves, or stands over their oponent as he dangles from a pit ready to just hack him down, or foregoes the fighting altogether and just fries with lightning, is not honorable.


So, whilst I condone the whole bowing thing, and do it myself (but don't expect it.. look, I'm just not starting that argument here, okay?), it seems entirely out of place for all the Sithsters out there to do the same.


This is not something I have a serious issue with, just a thought.


If anyone replies 'who cares, bowing is gay' to this, I will kill them. In real life if possible.

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Guest HertogJan

No... It's just that *somehow*, honor is directly connected with Star Wars and duelling...


What did ben kenobi say again? Something like:

"The lightsaber, the elegant weapon of mire civilized times" (eh dont know exactly!)... Duelling is something like... classic, there's no honor in using guns...


Hard to explain, but I don't think it is ridiculous and it fits in well with SW and Sabers...

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i dont bow. if my opponent bows i dont attack them either i just taunt. i play as reborn so when they bow he sort of sticks his hand out doing the "come get some" motion and laughs maliciously. i think its the sith equivalent of bowing. kind of "i mock you for your morals...now come get some you primitive screwhead"


or not


whatever dude

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Guest HertogJan

I don't bow crouched anymore (well sometimes), I just bow while standing... Is that the same nodding as you mean? And I also taunt at the beginning of the match, Hahahahahaa!

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no you're not.


If you use the light side of the force, you are a Jedi


if you use the dark side of the force, you are a DARK JEDI.


there are only two Sith Lords at any time, there are plenty of Dark Jedi though. I'm not quite sure the difference, probably Sith are the baddest of the bad, while Dark jedi are more like 'Fallen Jedi' or ones who started their training with the lightside and moved to the dark side.



As far as bowing, it doesn't go with Star Wars in my opinion. but it does go with DUELLING. In the movies, there aren't any duels, there are Saber fights, but they aren't out and out duels. Had someone else shown up, and not been completely dazzled by seeing two jedi go at it with lightsabers, then they could very easily shoot in and hit Luke or Vader in the middle of their fight (you'll note that Vader/Emperor has everyone leave aside from them and Luke).


Anyhow though, a Duel is a one on one fight, usually to defend ones...honor *gasp*. They start as a result of $h$* talking, or insulting someones wife or whatever, but a duel is almost always a matter of honor. In matters of honor, it is polite to be respectable.


I am not saying "j00 5h0uld 4ll b0w, g4y l4m3rS", but I am saying that at the least, let the person get ready for the fight. In a real duel, you would actually be seen as the loser(of the dispute, dead is dead stll) if you attacked while the person was bowing and not armed/ready.

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*ffffffttttt* I'll tell you what's goddamn 'G A Y' waiting 30 seconds for someone to type in 'ggood lick' [then] 'I meant goog luck' [then] 'sry - meant good luck'


Or EVEN BLOODY WORSE - some patronizing b'strd typing in 'Are you ready, sonny?' (or words to that effect)



Bowing takes 2 seconds - and to me it means - "I have my force config ok; I don't need to take a p*ss; I've lit my ciggy; ready; willing; able; good luck; all the best; lets cut the bloody typing and get the hell on with the fun stuff..."


You dozy machos who think that it is to do with 'honour and respect'!!??? And as for this goddamn sith "don't mess with me - I'm in character, darling"....why don't you go the whole hog and play with a black motorbike helmet on?? (Sorry that was a joke!)


BUT!! I hate to break it to you - but about the c**p that bowing is to do with 'honour' - 1 word - WRONG!!!


jeez -- go and be a goddamn Klingon in some Star Trek game...

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Jedi Knight II does need more role playing to be honest. I see nothing amazing about going out there and just slaughtering everyone. Personally I would like a role playing mod to come out. That is what was good about Jedi Knight, people liked Role Playing. Don't get me wrong people still do in Jedi Knight II, the ones that bow but it could be a lot better with a mod.

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Im not even CONSIDERING buying Star Wars Galaxies. I find P2P games boring and aimless running around killing things. To be honest to me its not worth $10 or more a month to play some online game with no plot just killing for exp and seeing what items you can get. You guys can play SWG all you want but dont expect to see me on it.

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Last warning.











Anyway, in the duel with Yoda, Darth Tyranus (yes, a Sith lord) salutes him with his saber, which is analgous to bowing.


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Originally posted by Kreuzader








Don't read if you want to remain unspoiled for Ep 2.






Last warning.










Anyway, in the duel with Yoda, Darth Tyranus (yes, a Sith lord) salutes him with his saber, which is analgous to bowing.



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I wouldnt exatly say that a Sith would bow, but a short pause before a fight to show either respect or contemp.. yes. Look at the duel of the Fates. Door opens, Maul standing there, everyone is like... uh... lets go this way. Obi and Qui are like, we will take care of this, they take off their robes then everyone pulls out their sabers to signify OK, lets do this. Darth Vader and Obi Wan in Star Wars, circle each other and talk for a second then they start. Luke and Darth in Bespin, talk to each other before starting. Just some examples but you get the idea.

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