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Guest Paladin

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Guest Paladin

I think it would be awesome if they had more civs like the rodians and Trandoshan. Whatever happened to the EWoks and jawas:ewok: :jawa:c3po:

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Guest crazy_dog

I understand Jawas, Ewoks, Tradoshans and possibly Bothans, but those were independent races. The Rodians are already included as Imperial units, while the Mon Cals are probably Rebel units. :eek: . Just because an alien race exists doesn't mean they are independent.

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Guest Admiral Odin

while the Naboo, Trade Federation, Wookies, and Gunguns are limited to only one species the Rebels and Empire can represent many. (the bonthans are good spies in the book, maybe a good undeteceted scouting unit)

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Guest Gamma732

I have a feeling theres only going to be the six civs we know about in the game, but if the game does well enough(Why wouldn't it?? ;) ), more could always be in an xpack.

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Guest Master Yoda

Not if they made right so that the other civs still had counters to its units.I hope they put one in that would make going through the campaigns a whole lot funner.

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Guest Admiral Odin

Create a secrete civ and not tell anyone. Just say easter egg on the box. :D


I personally would be impressed if it happened but I don't think it will. To much work and might delay the game.

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yes, i agree in that a secret civ is not a possibility in this game. there aren't that many rts games with secret civs as a bonus. matter of fact, i don't know an rts game with a secret civ.


the ewoks will be available in the editor, and i agree that if this game does well, which it should, they will add a few civs to an expansion pack. i think a cool civ to add would be the chiss and have their hero as grand admiral thrawn. i was reading star wars gamer last nite and read up on them. they sound far more interesting than i thought.

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Guest crazy_dog


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Guest crazy_dog

Sorry to sound like a whiner :D but do you mean organisations in the sence of nations/civs or like World Wildlife Fund or something :confused: ?

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Originally posted by Lord JayVizIon

yes, i agree in that a secret civ is not a possibility in this game. there aren't that many rts games with secret civs as a bonus. matter of fact, i don't know an rts game with a secret civ.


the ewoks will be available in the editor, and i agree that if this game does well, which it should, they will add a few civs to an expansion pack. i think a cool civ to add would be the chiss and have their hero as grand admiral thrawn. i was reading star wars gamer last nite and read up on them. they sound far more interesting than i thought.

Yes, yes! The Chiss should be in the game! :thrawn2:


About the secret civ:

A secret civ would be really fun, but too much work. Perhaps the could have a secret batch of units in the editor, or a secret in which one unit from each civ is replaced by a different unit. That wouldn't be too hard to add. :D


Although, that secret civ idea is still pretty cool! I wouldn't mind it!

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Guest Paladin

About the Secret Civ:

I think when one player has it unlocked it in multiplayer, it should automatically be availible to everyone. While in single player they can't use the civ agaisnt the cpu,ai.:ewok:

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Paladin

About the Secret Civ:

I think when one player has it unlocked it in multiplayer, it should automatically be availible to everyone. While in single player they can't use the civ agaisnt the cpu,ai. :ewok:


Sorry, bot possible, you can't send that much info across the net fast enough. If you could then you could play MP with only one person having the game, which would rock, but will not be happening. Plus, the developers wouldn't allow that coz some people wouldn't have to buy the game. Looks like we will indedd just have to wait for an x-pac.

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