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Guest Paladin

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

The Noghri would be an awesome civ! The old republic wouldn't be very techinically advanced- it's OLD , right? And the Hapans would also be awesome ;)

Actually I'd think the Old Republic would be just as good as the rest. Technology degraded during the Emporers reign :)

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Originally posted by crazy_dog

Isn't the Naboo really part of the Old Republic. You could use the Naboo instead. I mean both civs will suck.


I don't recall anyone at Corascant using the Panaka suit or any of the guards. Also the Old Rep. would have better Jedis (maybe even a 1 in ranking:D ) plus they would have better mechs, troops and fighters (maybe) Mechs and troops because the Naboo was a little bit on the pacifist side.:D

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Guest Paladin

If they ever include the Old Republic, their Jedi would be their only strengh. But will still be a very tough opponant but i will lead that up 2 the developers.:p

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In the Tales of Jedi series and in other Pre-Empire notations, the Old Republic actually had pretty powerful troops. They had a Rocket Trooper that was similar to our Paratroopers. They also had the At-Pt at the end of the Old Republic (as was mentioned in the Thrawn trilogy). Though we know very little about their Air Forces, it is most likely safe to assume that they were pretty powerful.

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