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Yeah...Droma, get more ram. at least 256 more. You will be amazed at what it will do for you. and Maxx, I'm getting one either right before it's release or when I graduate next year. I'm trying to decide if I can wait until my graduation to get a new one though, even if it will be better.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

I've got JKII.

Alltough it wasn't designed to support 3dfx hardware, it playes fine on my computer. The only problem I've got are minor flaws that does not affect gameplay.

They are:

  • Movies don't play, sound stutters(might be something with my setup, cause the intro works fine, except for no text after STAR WARS)
  • Problem with loading saved games sometimes. Solution: Quit and restart the game.


Other than that it blows my mind away. The lightsaber moves are just amazing. :D:D:D


i have those same 2 problems

i have the voodoo 3 too...

I also cannot join servers, i can create a server and play vs. the computer, but that gets old fast ;) i did just download patch 1.03, maybe that will help.

did you have that problem too?

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nope, do you have to regisister somewhere for the servers?

i click join server and the computer freezes...pisses me off

also, on multiplayer(when i make a server<offline, just drones> sometimes the words mesh illegibly <---bad spelling) that happen to you either?

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No, no need to register anywhere.

Try going into JKII in safe mode, see if that helps.


That has never happened to me.


Also, is your setting turned to full grafics? If so, maybe that's the problem. I don't think it is, but you never know. :)

Try turning everything to medium. Still looks great. :p

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