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Cutting off heads


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hmm point.


I said 3 is more fun... 1 may be better from a gameplay standpoint.


donno something about standing in a pile of stormtrooper parts... :evil1::D


oh yeah i remember what else now.


dont you think that a saber wich will cut thru a 4ft. thick metal door without a lot of problems, shoundnt(sp?) slice a stormie(or kyle) in one bang?


just picking nits here dont mind me :D

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I re-played the single player today ( or started today ) with g_SaberRealisticCombat 3


DUDE its cool but boring in the end, cutting them up is way super !



but then there is the one hit they go facedown, now thats abit bored ..


Havnt tried g_SRC 2 yet, how is it with only 2 , still one hit death ?


( im off to bed ).

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I would love it to be one hit kills... But also one him kills to Kyle too (to make it fair).


But I don't really like all the dismemberments. Sure an arm or a leg or a torso or a head is good... But when the body just comes to peices in every joint - a little too much "gore" for Starwars I think. I know gore normally means bloody, but its a little too Vald-the-impaleresque for Starwars really.

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1

dont you think that a saber wich will cut thru a 4ft. thick metal door without a lot of problems, shoundnt(sp?) slice a stormie(or kyle) in one bang?




Originally posted by Pol Favre

the lightsabre is far too weak. i mean really, getting sliced across the chest would kill ANYTHING.




Also, you own.

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i play with g_saberrealisticcombat at 100 and g_dismemberment at 100 also. Sure, one hit kills, but with the slowmo thing set on excessive, god mode on, on the round thing on the ffa_bespin level and spawning reborn bosses 3 or 4 at a time, you can't help but be in awe. You can pull some really cool stuff like this, eg.


After finishing off 3 of the 4 reborn,I made my way to the last one. We dueled for a moment, I pulled back, saber threw, but he blocked it. I jumped towards him, and pulled a spinning move, cutting off his saber hand. Suddenly now in slowmo, the camera whirls around me as I completed my spin, taking off his head as he goes down and batting away his falling saber.


Also, its always fun to bind npc spawn stormtrooper to a button and stand there with the saber out holding the button down. *stormtrooper body part waterfall* heh.

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The best saber mode to play this game is to bring up the console and typ g_dismemberment 3 then press enter then type g_dismemberProbabilities 0 and press enter. This will allow you to cut off any body part, but with a good swing and contact not just walking into them. It gets a little boring when you slice them in three parts every time you walk into them. If you try this give it some time it may not happen on the first several kills it takes a good placed hit for it to happen. And you have a better chance of it happening with a yellow or red stance. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

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hiyachakiya, magic come to me. go get my father, set his spirit free. (w00t)



saberrealisticcombat and dismemberment works both ways. i've ran up to a reborn and his saber touch my head and it fall off. it makes it all very realistic, and more difficult.

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