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Old man of the mountains easter egg.

The Seeker

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On the "Artus_Mine" level, go to the bottom of the watch tower where the lights are searching, then, turn and look toward the pipes an bunkers. On the farthest left cliffside, you will see a very distinctive face. I have no idea who it is, if it's a glitch, or an actual easter egg, but there is definately a face on the mountain side.

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I see it but I am wondering if it was just a work in how the textures were placed, not sure. I would post the SS but all I have is geocities and its 3 oclock in the morning and dont feel like messing with it. Looks like a guy with a beard and mustache, heh.

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Yeah, a guy with a beard and mustache. I'd post a screenie, but 1 I don't know how to take one, 2 I don't know how to retrieve it, and 3 I have no webspace to load it to. But, it's plainly an easter egg. The textures couldn't be messed up that precisely

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An easter egg is just something hidden in the game. It is not just a JK thing lots a games have them. Most of the time they are just pictures or some sort of image (man in the mountain) but sometimes they are hidden rooms and such. One of my favorite EE is when you are zoomed in on one of the girly posters in Metal Gear Solid 2 and you use your radio. Best Easter Egg Ever! :D

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Originally posted by Assault3000

That would be, HEY, YOU THERE!



Despite what you think, this isn't funny anymore. It's stepped down from "haha funny for a few minutes" to "Annoying to the point that I will mercilessly torture anybody that says it".


If somebody told you the same exact joke every time they saw you, would you think it was funny after the 100th time you heard it?


Good comedians know when a joke isn't funny anymore, and they stop telling it.

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Originally posted by JediKnight_114

I'd post a screenie, but 1 I don't know how to take one, 2 I don't know how to retrieve it, and 3 I have no webspace to load it to.


If you can tell me how to do the first two things, I can handle the last one. ;)

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Hey! You there! This is how you take a screenshot!


Go to the console (hold shift, tilde):


bind <key> screenshot


Where <key> is the key you want to use to take the screenshots with.




bind f12 screenshot


Makes every press of the F12 key take a screenshot!


The shots you take are located in your base/screenshots/


Folder in your JK2 game directory. Now let's see it!


(And yes, you can alt+printscreen and paste into a new file in Photoshop, but this is a lot quicker and easier, unless you're taking shots of the menus or something)

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Yeah, that's the picture. But, I see your problem, which is your brightness isn't turned up enough to see it, so it's mostly hidden in shadow. I'll take a screen and post it so you can see it as I did.


And thanks kurgan for the directions.


So, anyone interested in hosting the pic for me. Give me an email address from any takers and I'll send you the pic, then tell me the address so I can post it here. Thanks

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Okay, this is set up through geocities, so no telling if this will work, but here goes: screenshot.bmp


If you cant see the pic, here's the link to the page http://us.share.geocities.com/jediknight_114/screenshot.bmp If the link, doesn't work, just copy and paste this: http://us.share.geocities.com/jediknight_114/screenshot.bmp in your browser and it should go through.


So, what think you guys. Easter egg, or texture glitch. If easter egg, any idea who or what it is?

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