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Top 100 Taunts

Jah Warrior

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Here's some quotes I like in AOTC:


"Much to learn you still have" - Yoda


"I've become more powerful than any Jedi" - Count Dooku


"We won't be seeing him again" - Jango Fett


"Uh Oh" "Roger Roger" - Battle droids


"Surrender, and your lifes will be spared" - Count Dooku


"Powerful you have become, Dooku" - Yoda


"This is just the beginning" - Count Dooku

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"...you'll have to answer to the Coca Cola company." - solider in Dr. Strangelove


"Eat my shorts!" - Bart Simpson


"Now that's a pretty picture!" - Rebel pilot in XvT


"...let us rain some DOOM down upon the filthy heads of our DOOMED enemies!" - Zim from Invader Zim


"I'm gonna sing the doom song now." - Gir from Invader Zim


"That nice hoochies @$$ in those tight leather pants. The kind you just wanna smack and go "PIE-YOW B*TCH!"" - Yoda drunk on the set


"Fire helps us play." - my friend


"You've got the personality of a dial tone" - ????


"When you kill one, it is a tragedy;

when you kill ten million, it is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin

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Clint- " You got to ask yourself this question - do you feel lucky ....PUNK!! "



" Live by the Saber... Die by the Saber !! " my Fave :)


"what goes up must come down " Using Force PULL on jumping guy :)


Good one for the new patch !


" Stop trying to Hit me and HIT ME !! " :) arf arf

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