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Keeping R5 Alive on Bespin


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Apologies if it's been posted before, but I kept the droid alive down the mined hallway by force pulling him back to the lift, then standing in the doorway so it couldn't get past.


This leaves you with time to shoot a few mines, inch forward and deal with the annoying snipers, and chuck the odd detonator at the mines down the hallway.


Also seems like they're not built as well as the R2 units because they explode if you force push them off the lift :)

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I just let the R5 do it's thing. If you put on force speed and run ahead with the Flechette Canon you can remove the mines pretty easily. The snipers ignore the R5. Once you've taken out the mines move on quickly to the next room and clean that out as soon as you can.


The R5 will go around the room with the TIEs to a smaller room on the far side, and stick itself back into a wall socket. You're then done with the 'droid, and you can move on freely.


At that point, just 'cause they peeved me, I went back and took out the snipers with the Disruptor.

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Originally posted by scoobydoo

Apologies if it's been posted before, but I kept the droid alive down the mined hallway by force pulling him back to the lift, then standing in the doorway so it couldn't get past.


This leaves you with time to shoot a few mines, inch forward and deal with the annoying snipers, and chuck the odd detonator at the mines down the hallway.


Also seems like they're not built as well as the R2 units because they explode if you force push them off the lift :)



Odd, I never pushed him off the lift though, just around the corner, then I kept it on and kept pushing him back as I displaced the mines, then just used alt fire on an imperial blaster to finnish the men, I should note the imperial blaster is an annoyingly innacurrate weapon, but its ammo is ridiculously abundant, so its virtually the only weapon other than a sabe I use, until the admiral that is. I can lay down 50 shots per target and still come out of a level on full, and at 50 shots per target, enough hit to kill them, so. Then again, if they are at close range, I simply use the force and a saber, so.


Other idea I have not yet tried pushing the droid through the mines, perhaps if you shove him far enough, fast enough he will not take explosion damage? This also lets you focus on the men intead of mine placement, but I doubt it will work.

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The first time through , I did it the hard way and got my butt kicked. This time, I tried Force Pull/Push on the droid to keep him back and it worked like a charm. I did accidentally push him off the lift, so you do need to be a little careful where you push him. I pushed him into that little corner by the control room and stood in front of him. This kept him effectively trapped and allowed me to deal with some of the snipers/ mines before stuff got too hairy.

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I never used the force pull but here's what i did.


Once the R5 droid opens the door, step slightly in front of him and it won't proceed forward. You can then shoot most of the mines out of the way (I used the tenloss disrupter rifle). With the R5 droid still behind you, you can gradually move up while shooting out the baddies (i shot the wookie bowcaster repeatedly to take them all out). With the snipers out of the way, you have time to run up and shot out the remaining mines before the R5 unit get's to them.


I didn't get shot one time doing it this way.



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Wow, sounds like alot of stuff I didn't try. I didn't use any force push/pull and never shot any of the snipers. I put on force speed, ran thru the first 3 trip mines (away from the mine itself) to detonate them, took out the two low mines facing each other. I then jumped over the remaining mines - even the higher last set. I then turned around and picked off the remaining mines.

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Heh, I was replaying this level the other day and got bored waiting for the R5 to move along, so I started pushing it along to speed it up. Worked great until the lift, where I decided to jump up and force pull the little guy up. Well it seems that messed up his pathfinding, as he immediately turned around and walked off the lift. Poor dead R5.

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